Monthly Archives: November 2016

Keep animals off your plates

Lying in a drain A baby alone Where is its mother Its future thrown To the winds of the time Lords far far Way Its fighting for breath In a most futile way The chickens The worst for wear Bruised … Continue reading

Posted in activism, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, ccorporate America, Chickens, Pigs, Wild and farmed fish | Leave a comment

The hunter man

Outdoorsmanship and hunters Such terminology For the great class of frustrated men Who kill for fun and be Entering the shared world Of the countryside for all To walk our dogs to jog to play And to really call On … Continue reading

Posted in activism, animals used for food, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

TOMI A brown Albanian Bear

I am Tomi a bear An Albanian bear i lived in the mountains I was so aware North of Tirana Immortal was I I could sit I could stand And look up at the sky Nothing to worry me The … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Bears | Leave a comment

GJINA/JETA A female BEAR chained to the floor

To be a bear Both wild and free To subsist out there Is to really be Grounded and reigning Through wilderness parts Out in the world Where life in fact starts So to come under the Subordination What became imperfection … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Bears | Leave a comment

Girl on fire

Girl on fire She will aspire Tempered like a Yule tide fire Affectivity Emotionally A fervour That can never tire Unctuous Soulful Breathless Watchful She’s ablaze With every quality And in her eyes Feelings of jollity For possibly a new … Continue reading

Posted in womens issues | Leave a comment

Katie 2

The ants were swarming last night All around the Theatre Royal Jack Frost was in the roof tops Beginning it felt to toil For he soon brought down The temperature And increased the wind indeed And drove us into the … Continue reading

Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

“To be or not to be that was a question”

To be in tune with Where we live where ever that May be To still be on the level Able to see a Bee The Starlings or the Condors Or the snakes that walk this earth To understand the feral … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems | Leave a comment

The faroes

A film by Anders Brogaard About a diver called INge Soerensen How beautiful the forest of the kelps is All shades of green and red and gold appear The wonder thats on offer for all the fishes eyes In silence … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Environmental Poems, Freedom and what's happening to it, Orca's and Dolphins, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

A wolf and a boy

A wolf A boy The innocence of childhood No preconception there Injustice never entered The narrow minded stare There is no unintelligence Discretion is the tool Appreciativeand measured The discovery of all Persauded by ones destiny To befriend wild souls … Continue reading

Posted in children and their plight in a adult world, Ethereal Poems, magick, The Sabbats and the old craft, Wolves | Leave a comment


NO to the energy fucking partners NO to their crude oil YEs to water which is life DAkota access pipelines we dont want you here When it leaks and it will leak This is what we fear We all have … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Indigenous People | 2 Comments


DOn’t come up the hill they said And we will go away And what did they do They are erecting Razor wire to say The opposite a razor fence And that is bound to cause Really terrible injuries So they … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Indigenous People | Leave a comment


NOrth Dakota Morton County OBAMA and his mob The sheriff and his deputies The percussion grenades They lob The mace the rotten pepper sprays Rubber bullets too Bean bag rounds And the ELRADS And ice water, who? Now inside America … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Corporate Giants, Environmental Poems, Indigenous People, Oil | Leave a comment

Whose chicken?

Manufactured life forms Chicken flavoured they Are just about existing But not grounded in any way Enduring and developing Into beasts of woe Their lives we have turned upside down In just how fast they grow An emptiness of feeling … Continue reading

Posted in activism, animals used for food, Chickens | Leave a comment


The essential one Who in bright sun Was as white as driven snow At two years old plucked from its world From its family show Substantial and objective With potentiality With all its inhertied characteristics Its virtuality Within its kindred … Continue reading

Posted in activism, BEluga | Leave a comment

#standing rock

They stand in the shadows Up on the hill Thoughtlessness sadly Starting to spill A tactical encampment Using strong light To illuminate our camps In the dead of the night They are irrational Issuing threats Where ancestors ashes Were scattered … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Indigenous People, Oil | Leave a comment


WIld killer whales swim many miles And hunt its what they do So Seaworld and the other prisons Who all are clueless to Their actual need For water in its freshest state Which is obtained from living food Which is … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment


Broome clearly ignorant of its decision To let Western down And create a division The japanese bombed them during the war But that didnt phase them They seem to ignore They talk up the pearl fishing And the japanese But … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Australia and the epic journeys, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Pipes of peace

THe corrosive chemicals that they use Really nobody should choose Its all mixed up with the crudest oil And if it leaks into the soil Or into the river imagine that when everyone knows where its at The MISSOURI, potentially … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ccorporate America, Indigenous People | Leave a comment

Venom from the black snake

Tar sands and frack oil a mucosity The vilest of vile crude and gluey To get this flowing through Pipelines of steel Needs all sorts of chemical shit To reveal Toluene benzene hexane and more When the leak does occur … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Indigenous People, Oil | Leave a comment

We are all victims of the corporate state of affairs

Armed to the teeth But with miniscule brain Robots of sin Its all about gain The corporate giants Are ruling this world With their army of arses And their flags all unfurled Who is the enemy Now of the state … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ccorporate America, Corporate Giants, Fracking and its consequences, Indigenous People | Leave a comment


Who she is And what she feels With her art Now she reveals A disorder maybe so But clearly she Goes with the flow Its her virtuality Her potentiality Her heart and soul Her backbone too Her mood her spirit … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Emotional Poems, The Arts and Culture, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life | Leave a comment


Disinformtion distribution That is of course the line The so called mid west alliance So everything is fine Deliberately to issue false And misleading news right here About the water protectors And the tribes keep it unclear Discredit and discourage … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ccorporate America, Indigenous People | Leave a comment

All lies (white mans history)

The lies that they told When you were children Cowboys and Indians Was what you heard the cowboys were good And the indians bad Unless cowboys won You were left feeling sad NOrth Dakota the black snake Its creeps ever … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Indigenous People, Nuclear / Depleted Uranium | Leave a comment

He was stronger

A picture I saw on the internet called the broken mirror These words came to my mind. He punched me He shouted If I had doubted My eye blackened quickly My cheek bone was split He spat at me Thats … Continue reading

Posted in activism, womens issues | Leave a comment

Tears and grime

When they are down and out and lonely No parents around No one wants to know a child Who just Sleeps on the ground Where ever really he is Thats where he beds down Preferably somewhere sheltered In a shop … Continue reading

Posted in children and their plight in a adult world | Leave a comment

TUMBILI Sanctuary

A happy home and enchanting place Where blessedness and bliss Really a seventh heaven And of course the emphasis Is on thoughtfulness and kindness For fulfilment is the key For those irreversibly damaged By human cruelty Instinctively affection Predisposes soul … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Emotional Poems, goats, Monkeys and Primates, OSTRICH and the Western Cape, Pigs | Leave a comment

Men Music and Madness

COarseness and vulgarity Grossness and impropriety Festivals where sadism Is countrified and rude SPain creates a spectacle Altogther lewd Barbarians of the present day Hideousness and grotesque the way They treat their bulls Such improbity With a total lack of … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Standing Rock and the US Government

One has to really come to terms With reality An encampment now at Standing Rock Have found Somebody is pest dusting in the black of night Its raining down upon the tribes Which we all know isnt right Crop dusting … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Indigenous People | Leave a comment

A small Yorshire pig farm we visited

Through open doors we wandered Out of the cold night air Into what was just bedlam We had to fight for air Penetrating roughness Soaked into our lungs The malodorous stench of filth So strong Reeking Which tasted on our … Continue reading

Posted in activism, animals used for food, Pigs | Leave a comment

Colonsay and its recent discovery

Imagine being a polar bear With the glaciars around you there Ice your forte and extreme sea Those massive winds with vital qi Vast blue skies and the coldest air Transcending everything thats there An impermanense appArently As the climate … Continue reading

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