Category Archives: Coal

“Fire” Mountain or Wingen

It was thought to be volcanic A mountain burning long The Aborigines called it Wingen Fire still going strong They thought a tribesman caused it Who lit a fire and he Was carried off by the evil one Back in … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Australia and the epic journeys, Breathing and pollution, Carbon emissions, Coal, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note, Forests and wild places | Leave a comment

The smoking hills of Cape Bathurst in Canada

On the East coast of Cape Bathurst Close to the Arctic Ocean Oil hydrocarbons have been burning Actually oil shales John Franklin first discovered them In 1826 Lit by auto ignition One of those old tales the lignite underground The … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Coal, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note | Leave a comment

Fossil fuels

Barclays lets itself down By propping up those who Send contaminants into the atmosphere Funders sadly who Support the Coal and Tar Sands And the Frackers too And millions of gallons Of potable water What a biased view It gives … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Coal, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

Respect indigenous people

How easy it appears To kick a blind mans cane away To steel a pittance from a poor man On a foggy day The rich man’s jiggery pokery With phantom stocks and shares Can grab a pensioners savings As he … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Coal, Indigenous People | 2 Comments

BANGLADESH and the open cast coal disaster

Phulbari in Northern Bangladesh The rice bowl of their soul Wonderful agricultural land Where the Santal take their role An indigenous tribe of people Ancestral their belief Worshipping their idols And the natural world True grief To hear the British … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Bangladesh and its coal, Coal, Corporate Giants, Indigenous People | 2 Comments

Petcoke America’s vomit sold to India and elsewhere

The legitimacy of tar sands crude And filthy dirty fuel The bottom of the barrel The dregs that become the jewel In the crowns of the energy corporates Who see an opening there To export to Indian factories And cause … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, ccorporate America, Coal | Leave a comment

The Carmichael Mine STOP ADANI in their tracks

I just see inexpediency And inadvisability It just feels so unseemly Inopportune And untimely In Mundra thats in India A coal power plant was built Adani were the company Who have denied all guilt They overstepped their mark we hear … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Australia and the epic journeys, Coal, Corporate Giants, Environmental Poems | Leave a comment

Only 12 billion litres

12 billion litres of potable water Thats all thats needed for a years worth of coal In a place where the water is scarce And the farmers appreciate water For it is their soul Adani the Indian conglommerate business From … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Australia and the epic journeys, Coal, Environmental Poems | Leave a comment