Category Archives: birds and the environment

A bird born to fly

Yes wings to fly This cage not where I wait around Perchance to die Holed up it seems In prison I Threatened never to feel the sky Freedom never clean fresh air Swooping upwards Everywhere 🐦‍⬛

Posted in A not my king story, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Caged for life | Leave a comment

Lady in Black

The Corvidae Sullen and soulful A lady in black A curious Raven Would never attack He loves her completely Respects her for sure Just listen a while You might just hear his caw

Posted in Art work and the animals, birds and the environment, Corvidae dark secrets, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

MistleToe and its special bird friends

Turdus Viscivorus A turd on a stick Mistletoe Viscus Album The berry some pick The Mistletoe Thrush Blackbirds and Field Fare Get valuable nutrients They are aware The Druids were familiar With the plant And they did Use it for … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment, Riches by far, Ritual | Leave a comment

Shooting and killing birds

It’s no pastime or sport It’s all done without thought It’s a man thing this killing It’s apparently The thing to do A shot gun or two Seeing birds swirling down Is good on the eye Their death and destruction … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, activism, Agriculture, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment | Leave a comment

Puffins their sadness abroad

Iceland land of snow and ice Of beauty and natural art Living close to the elements They have thrown away their heart Felt love for genuine nature For whales and puffins they Allow hunters to kill them In a very … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, A tale of the sea, Abandonment, Angels, babies, birds and the environment, Blindsided, Criminality, Desecration, Drowning, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Iceland, Lack of understanding | Leave a comment

Down no thank you

Or a duvet just wonder Why nightmares prevail On the warmest of nights Perhaps you were ignorant Chose a soft covering Imagine the smothering Imagine their pain Beautiful birds Again and again

Posted in activism, birds and the environment, Boycotts, Captivity, Down, Duty of care was never there, geese | Leave a comment

The Birds

Who truly confirms their amusement Is shooting Birds out of the sky With lead shot, heartless who Have nothing better to do With their leisure Than create a mayhem Their clueless, its true Relying on flying And dying A bardic … Continue reading

Posted in A burial, A country tale, Abandonment, birds and the environment, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting, wild birds | Leave a comment

Friends or are they? A willingness to appreciate The happiness one feels The bird is clearly Excitable His impatience reveals The cat in his own rapture Welcoming a friend Who has made it to his window

Posted in birds and the environment, cats, Duty of care was always there, Duty of care was never there | Leave a comment

The corvidae

The corvidae The remarkable souls Clad in a black deservedly A sooty pitch Remarkably Sable and ebony Both good friends These feathered gods Their message sends Thoughtful edicts Near and far Their intelligence raises Eyebrows They are brilliantly noble Cleverly … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, birds and the environment, magick, The Sabbats and the old craft, wild birds, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Robin the Robin

Look at me on the fence post A regular gift My tiny warm breast Gives out a real lift On this coldest of mornings My joy is true I am Robin the robin And I love all of you x

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment, wild birds, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Bird and a cup of something

Yea for one Under the sun When the crazy day is done Birds can whistle Some can sing With a cup of something It can bring The best out of the Bird life and Who knows Spread across the land

Posted in A likely story, birds and the environment, Coutryside meanderings | Leave a comment

Yule greetings

It’s Thursday the nineteenth December so soon Not quite as cold I think around noon I might feel a meeting With Two friends I know Gloucestershires welcome Leaves me feeling the glow Mistletoe Holly A December day A winter wonder … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment, Business Management, Business Testimonials, Crow boys and girls, Crystals, Duty of care was always there, Forests and wild places, Front and back gardens, Love and respect | 3 Comments

Lost for words

I am lost for words Over shooting birds Beaters beating Concernedly bleating Simply flying Ne’er denying Sadness seemingly Blasting lead shot Upwards outwards A vast wall of toxicity Red grouse, partridge Feathered beauties Shot down sadly Torn apart Some will … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment, Hedgerows, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

A yellow wagtail mother

Wildness and the lovely birds wagtails to be sure Who nest on arable grass land For them it’s like a war Of attrition for the mission Of their family and their young Of building nests of straw and feathers Living … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment, Farming, wild birds | Leave a comment

Wales and the wonderful mountains

10,000 years ago The mountains formed And seemingly Rose up to be counted The Welsh expectantly Any one who saw These wondrous rocky edifices Would in fact see what we see Look across the valleys How the summits do reach … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginies, Animal Rights, biodiversity, birds and the environment, Breathing in colour, Countryside wisdom, Coutryside meanderings, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Feelings, Forests and wild places, Indigenous People, Rabbits, Ravens and crows, Reptiles and Herpetology, Ritual, Rivers, Secrets within us, Snakes and reptiles, Snow, Sows and Boars, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The Sabbats and the old craft, Trees, Trees our silent friends, Wales, Walking, Weather Patterns, Wild and farmed fish, wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend, Willow, Winter | Leave a comment

Innocents in prison for life

Imprisoned in cages for ages Given wings creatively Man ‘s ugly disposition Causing them stress Of course it’s their need To be free

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, birds and the environment, caged, Caged for life, Captivity, wild birds | Leave a comment

Slow down through the forest

Another problem by foot down And speeding Through a dark forest Or quiet road at night You might hit a baby A pussy a crossing At least stop and check out Don’t leave us to die We also live here … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Animals I have met in the veterinary, babies, Badgers, birds and the environment, Blood, Breathing in colour, cats, children and their plight in a adult world, Coutryside meanderings, Crow boys and girls, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Eating living beings, Emotional Poems, Forests and wild places, foxes, Heartfelt, Hedgehogs, Hedgerows, homelessness and its perils, Internal Environments, Lack of understanding, Nut jobs, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger, Trials and Tribulations of an ongoing illness | Leave a comment

So unkind

feeling unwanted in so many ways Thrown into wheelbarrow Nobody pays Much attention to innocence Bruised torn and sore Babies I’ll treated like never before Where is my mummy What did I do To be treated so badly By someone … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, ANIMALAID unlimited, animals used for food, Appeal, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, babies, birds and the environment, Blood nutrition | Leave a comment


Imagine animals caught up in war Bullets fired And elbows sore Bright explosions Cavity From as far as you see Bloodied, scarring Paws on fire All around unbelievably dire

Posted in A country tale, activism, Animal sacrifice, Appeal, Big pharma, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Carers, Corporate manslaughter, Criminality, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Feelings, Freedom and what's happening to it, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Medical, Nut jobs, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

Be vegan

If the crab was a dog The crab eating fools Elsewhere there are dog eating Cat eating ghouls Cow rape and kidnap And slaughter and pain So many animals Dying in vain For stomachs and leather and feathers And skin … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Alpaca’s, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Appeal, Aquaria or watery zoo, Badgers, Bears, Beauty industry, Beavers, Bedding, birds and the environment, Bison, Bonobo's, breast milk, Broiler, Buffalo, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Carnivores, cats, Chickens, chickens.ducks., CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, cow hides, Coyotes, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Cub hunting, Dogs, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Donkeys and working animals, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, Eggs, Elephants, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Foie gras, forest Monkeys, Fox Hunting, foxes, frogs Legs, furs and the fur industry, Gamekeeping, geese, goats, Gorillas in the wild, HARES And red grouse, Heartfelt, Hedgehogs, honey, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, JELLYFISH, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, LIONs and their meat, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Magpie, Meat trade, Narwhals, Otorongo, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment


Great land of the Quechua souls Volcanic gods with wondrous roles The Amazon jungle primed with life An ocean paradise facing strife Ecuador a country where Life is beautiful it’s people aware Safeguard its naturalness And appreciate its honour

Posted in Aboriginies, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, biodiversity, birds and the environment, Ecuador, Ecuador and it’s almighty splendour | Leave a comment

Hunting on MOD land

Look, who runs the MOD Hunting on their land We don’t wish 2c But the army&the government What do they care Honestly folks what makes them aware They eat all animals Some no doubt, shoot Heartless most of them Unprepared … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Badgers, birds and the environment, Bow hunting, Countryside wisdom, Cub hunting, Death and Dying, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, ethical pointers, Fighting back, Food Processing, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Meat trade, Minks, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Ravens and crows, Red grouse, Red Kite, shooting, Spiders, Stags, Starlings, Stink pits, Toads, Trail hunting, traps and snares, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Countryside sounds

Thank Goodness we are adept With words And we all so love the farm yard birds Redwings,Thrushes Finches they Visit us and then fly away Their little notes they leave behind Songs that in our hearts we find Amongst the … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment | Leave a comment

Heat stress is a killer in chickens

These great big over the top concerns Chicken sheds appear When externally the temperature is raised So is the fear Chickens are real sensitive An indication be When chickens pant There reaching heat levels dangerously Too many in one area … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Broiler, CAFO's and factory farms, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Corporate manslaughter, Lack of understanding | Leave a comment

23rd September

All night the rain torrential falling Stair rods I can say The copper beech is tinged with redness The cherry tinged with gold Rosemary’s spears are very green From its woody rootage scuffed and mean The fuchsia many ballerina’s Pirouetting … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, birds and the environment | Leave a comment

The Seagulls

Birds that have made their home Near to the sea Are called gulls and they Possess a state of wonder I admire them anyway In Brighton on the South coast East Sussex one might see Various types of Sea gull … Continue reading

Posted in birds and the environment, Gulls | Leave a comment


A frightening thought Some call it sport Angels they be winged and fine Do you fancy shooting them Evil for certain Honest it’s not a good sign

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, birds and the environment, Gamekeeping, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Like birds in a land of Winter. Don’t let it be you

Winter is coming We hear about Starmer Who blissfully tells you He the embalmer When the ice and the frost Come What he’s going to do Is sit by the fire And not think of you Not even care that … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Animal Rights, birds and the environment, Death and Dying, Sea Birds and bird stories, wild birds, Winter | Leave a comment

Pheasant Shooting

Sixty million non native pheasants And Partridges each year Into the British Countryside Alive but have little fear They strut about all cocky like Get knocked down in the street Are shot or wounded by arrogant shooters With lead shot … Continue reading

Posted in A likely story, A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, Food, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Pigeons and Rooks

Pigeons and Rooks Are in my good books For some reasons Human’s say they See them as vermin Ignorant sods Nothing better to do Or to say Wild souls of freedom Camped by our home shatting on my car No … Continue reading

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