Monthly Archives: December 2022

Tenth century China

Tenth Century China Cruel and oppressive Women expected to accept Torture and Have their feet bound up with Blood and long bandages Breaking their bones And torturous pain How they endured it Supposedly beautiful Disabled by vanity And misogyny Girls … Continue reading

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I can’t abide the Winters Picture postcards, yes And it’s all that freezing weather It leaves me feeling less It really is uncomfortable Draught that weaken they Get into my marrow Every single day Fingers cold and lifeless Back and … Continue reading

Posted in Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment

The Pattison Family

Like a subterranean cavity The Pattison canyon where A family of true reptiles live A paradise all share With Rosie the dog A feline crew Tina and Jonathan And A DAf truck keen eyed driver Who Loved the glorious family … Continue reading

Posted in Reptiles and Herpetology | 2 Comments

Ever sure

The cloak of night descends upon All wild life they apparently gone To the wildest place where the shadows build In coloured markets there they yield Animation by the score Starlight heroes ever sure

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, magick | Leave a comment

Witch meanderings

A witch that I know is a forest away Where the Holly runs rife Where a wondrous array Of berries and thorns and leaves Gorgeous green Soak up the energy Of the machine.

Posted in Activism in art, Badgers, birds and the environment, Forests and wild places | Leave a comment

Foxy yuletide

Tonight the foxes in the earth Snuggle up for all their worth The kits around why wouldn’t they be It is a happy family Dreaming dreams of wild young vole Caught by dad a beautiful soul Tomorrow we must all … Continue reading

Posted in activism, foxes, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Wild life scenario

Tonight the foxes in the earth Snuggle up for all their worth The kits around why wouldn’t they be It is a happy family Dreaming dreams of wild young vole Caught by dad a beautiful soul Tomorrow we must all … Continue reading

Posted in Forests and wild places, foxes, Freedom and what's happening to it, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

A fox lives and dies in the countryside where His god put him the goodies to share In an earth sacrosanct peaceful and there Showed him comfort and love And to be so aware Of vixen his family the berries … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Activism in art | Leave a comment


The crow and the pigeon decided they’d go Down to the eating house and do you know That sat on the window ledge both on the gaze At a Turkey all plucked in a sort of a daze Sat in … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Turkeys | Leave a comment

Boxing Day potential hunt

If you live in the countryside Tomorrow you may See a hunt all those twats Yea on Boxing Day Their clobber, the hounds Johdpurs real tight Exposing their arse cheeks Which never looks right Tally ho joe ring the men … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Fox Hunting | Leave a comment

Life at yule

Sailing across the sky he be Santa and his sleigh Missing out on my house It seems he has lost my key Too old for Christmas presents Too old and so alone I sleep upon my sad old life The … Continue reading

Posted in Christmas Stories | Leave a comment

Hunting fox

When I observe a hunter All I ever see Is a coward who wants to ambush The wild souls instantly Tally ho and off they go As arrogant as hell Tactless such indignity With a peculiar smell. Of the trail … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Crimbo shopping

The day before Christmas Pissing with rain Strikes every which way Britain’s insane Went into waitrose some chicken to buy For my little cat Who loves it and it’s why I parked at blue badge The queue stretched so far … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism | Leave a comment

Boiled away

Non vegans are a nasty lot Silk for instance what we have got Murdering worms and moths like crazy Boiling alive we don’t care a lot For miraculous weavers god created And or child Labour so they say Silk pyjamas … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism | Leave a comment

Silk Road to HELL

16 days the transformation From worm into a moth supreme And all this done on mulberry leaves Sericulture just how mean The human spirit murdering scum bags Silk the finest anywhere For the godly finest fashion Malediction and despair

Posted in Abandonment, activism, VEGAN LIFE STYLE, Vegan Lifestyle, veganism and me | Leave a comment

Silk worms murdered by human beings

Silk worms genius weavers Spinning silk so fine But murdered after the miracle Something to opine A miracle of artistry Reward boiled alive

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, SLAVERY | Leave a comment

Angry man

Expletives rendered A heart of cold A frosty resentment All this rolled In yuletide splendour Discordantly Unmelodious harmony

Posted in activism, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Hedgerows, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Animals do have voices And we have choices But we choose to ignore Those seemingly poor Those who might snore Or knock at our door Those we don’t know We are then so unsure

Posted in Abandonment, activism | Leave a comment

Down is never up in bedding

Indifference Uncaring Nothing to wonder at Censure Not sharing Indecent obscene Vulgar and mean Ignoble unworthy Degrade condescend Never heard The word friend

Posted in Activism in art | Leave a comment

Genocide could be. Who knows

Stitched up lips Apparently Able to think And Regress You see What appears Is often seen As something else Apparently

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art | Leave a comment

What we see is who we are

Eyes wide open Heart of fire Love is love Purest desire What we see Is who we are Every blemish Every scar

Posted in Activism in art | Leave a comment

Gift wrap

A tricycle gifted And wrapped to show What it is and we all know Dexterity created here A work of art too Which is clear

Posted in Activism in art | Leave a comment

Pensioned off

So many pubs out there agree To feed the huntsman one two three Resigned for bloods on hands and feet Abdicating the discreet Surrendering the caring fox The soulful Deer the Hare it rocks Law breakers and the arrogant scum … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Archive | Leave a comment


Melting ice and melting hearts The warmth of life really it starts To energise the artistry And water down authority Gentleness and. clemency Indulge the artists anarchy Implacable and unforgiving A sculpture copied from the living

Posted in Abandonment, activism | Leave a comment


In Pakistan we see a means to an end using rope to prevent a calf from taking nutrition from its mother in Europe we see similar methods of torture made of plastic with spikes to create  pain to a caring mother … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Milk and its associated problems | Leave a comment


White snow this unbelievable carpet sent from the heavens to track and trace wild forms scattering across The windswept countryside Gleams of golden light create diadems of veracity and we see the world in its true colours

Posted in Where friends live, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment


Anticipation and foresight Providence and prudence Pry into one’s future Sagacious and alert Far sighted and prophetic And very rarely hurt

Posted in Wolves | Leave a comment

A person of the forest. Dr Birute

Expectation and contemplation In confidence we trust A great red ape A person of the forest A wild shape Forwarded forarmed Presuming Climbing to the sky Suspense and wondering why

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Monkeys and Primates, Orangutan(Person of the forest) | Leave a comment

The wintery Fox

Winter is hard on the fox We can say They store food in caches hunting an assortment of prey Mice rabbits voles rats vegetables fruit they tend to stay active And strategic and root Earthworms and spiders All manner of … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment

Snow white out of sight light

Physical energy zestfulness We feel the exitementment white out there be an intensification a mettlesome light trenchant and forceful and incredibly bright    

Posted in ALE of the craft variety, Tree's that I am close to, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment