Category Archives: Ebola


Its deep seated in the culture In the tradition of a place In Africa it is illegal And these days a disgrace Wild and feral animals The sick ones too can be Victims in the killing Which is why now … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, animal diseases, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Bats, Ebola, Environmental Poems, Gorillas in the wild, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Mice and rodents, Pangolin trade in exotic species, slaughterhouses and operatives, Starvation and the Poor | Leave a comment

Ebola and all that jazz

It smacks of eugenics Of bilderberg crazies Frighten the sheeple And watch them all run Ebola Ebola remember Swine fever HIV CJD It’s all been done But this brand of needle Has RFID chips It’s about something else That’s martial … Continue reading

Posted in ccorporate America, Conspiracy Theories, Ebola | Leave a comment


Ebola takes the world by storm This invisible,force cloud It’s out there running havoc Through WEst Africa a crowd Of people flock to hopefully Escape it’s violent hand The bush meat eating soldiers They failed to understand Ebola it is … Continue reading

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