Monthly Archives: November 2021

Camp Beagle

What evil lies inside the so called farms of ill repute torturing tiny Beagle babes hurt but always resolute each an inner warrior charming and friendly, they despite the jackboot treatment still wag their tails and say     Hope … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Child exploitation, Dogs, Experimentation | Leave a comment

Corporate cops

The corporate Cops stand guard Whilst baby Beagles face true wrath warriors living outside they know the evil path the vivisectionist  medics take Cops eyes wide open see absolutely nothing nor hear the screams that be Emanating from the yard … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Dogs, Experimentation | Leave a comment

Poor Seals

it is indeed  the Western Cape a graveyard for our once resplendent Seals sick and injured many corpses emaciated and it feels entirely wrong just skin and bone no blubber left at all Such devastation and die off they,   … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Seals | Leave a comment


The wild ducks swans and Plovers come face to face with those Covid masks tossed everywhere they covered our mouth and nose all the mucus membranes just tossed into the air left around for the wild life because we do … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Lockdown anomalies | Leave a comment


barricades everwhere frighteningly people packed in like sardines so tightly arms above your head you couldnt put them down where was the  safety in bodies you drown tightly packed together there was no safe way out ten souls were killed … Continue reading

Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life | Leave a comment

Rollrights and beyond

The creaking gate a portal to a Neolithic place shrouded in a weave of trees seclusion and such grace in essence where quiescence and a stillness and tranquillity opens minds to a gaping fold of meadows sweet and symphony   … Continue reading

Posted in rollrights, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment


At the Rollrights Always listen to the coming of the dawn to the muses  heard at twilight far away towards the corn listen to the grove of trees that silently proclaim stand beside the glorious Elder of Long Compton fame … Continue reading

Posted in Sengi the elephant shrew, The Sabbats and the old craft, Trees, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment


artificiality armies of Beef we see in feedlots in Nebrasca JBS it feels to me each creating energy under a blazing sky panting drooling suffering heat and letting the methane fly these are sensitive animals imprisoned closely they do not … Continue reading

Posted in CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity | Leave a comment

Spotlight suddenly took interest

what we saw was a terrible issue that was covered up for years and years the Catholic Church at the heart of it all creation conversion and tears taking advantage of children many a priest seemingly got them to offer … Continue reading

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Austria oh dear!

Austrians fight back As the governments spoken with their hardness of heart and the contract lies broken freedom for those vaccinated  sops as most today knows there is no humanity not any more the puppets are caught in their strings … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Lockdown anomalies, Politics | Leave a comment

Badgers lament

At hunts the police are bystanders seldom  engaging and so when the so called hunters are out baiting Badgers They do so without being schooled wild life created in tune with where they are put on the earth to live … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Badgers, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Its me the sperm whale

A big tail a grand ocean A big body thats me they call me sperm a whale that is me10,000 feet down no sun for me only luminesce too cold to drown no gardens to speak of just strange souls … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Extinction, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Where friends live | Leave a comment

Festive Safari’s

Festive Safari’s for Brits just believe a Russian Company Wants to  achieve dosh in the bank with a big guarantee That you can kill Reindeers yes any you see. £6000 quid pull the trigger and see A beautiful Reindeer screaming … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Antler farming and libido elixers, Bears, Emotional Poems, Forests and wild places, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lynx of Sweden, MOOSE OR ELK, Red grouse, Winter, Wolves | Leave a comment

Disown this bitch

Look at her grotesquely shovelling Real living tentacles she is aware they feel pain but she is insane providing details to me no humane or compassionate person no  female with nurturing ways She cannot  see  innocence or the unfallen all … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Duty of care was never there, Food, Food Processing, Japanese food obscenity, Octopus | Leave a comment


They demand the fur off your back,  they do and your skin as well in foreign parts those without hearts send the souls through Hell hanging cats and dogs on hooks and ripping the skin whilst they suffer, they suffer … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, furs and the fur industry | Leave a comment

Hunting cranes

Reckless abandon evil intent Ron Spooner by name says he’s just so content with killing a wild bird a migratory soul a sandhill crane in cold blood  he stole With a  crack and a thud the great wingspan pulled back to … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), wild birds | Leave a comment


All the sleezeFrom No 10MP’s earning doshIn the British Virgin IslandsDoes the story washOn his MP salaryAnd expenses and now heIs earning almost a million quidIt just doesn’t feel right to me — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 12, 2021

Posted in Politics | Leave a comment

Horses for courses

Horses for coursesMany are breakingTheir legs in the raceThe agony takingDesiccants sed on theirVarious feedGlyphosate weakensTheir bones yes indeedLads of them being shotThats what we seeLacking the glycineSpectaculaly. — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 12, 2021

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Horses | Leave a comment


They called me Winter A dolphin lass Trapped on a crab line it felt so crass So frustrating truthfully in so much pain hauled off to captivity which felt insane   a prosthetic tail they said I was fine But … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Orca's and Dolphins | 2 Comments


Stealing feathers from the birdsI am truly lost for wordsPillows for the human headAnd so many wild birds Dead 🕊🐓🐊🦆🦅🐧🐦🐤🦩🦢 — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 10, 2021

Posted in birds and the environment | Leave a comment


Blaming Badgers for TBThat cows get due to bad husbandryNot on grass on soya mealImagine how those poor cows feelBadgers murdered one by oneFamilies broken in the sunWild and free in sets they beAnd shot and killed incessantly — rex … Continue reading

Posted in ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Badgers | Leave a comment


A badger motherIs such a sportFor centuries she has been taughtTo love and care for her little onesBut the govt with their evil gunsShoot to maim and proffer blameProtecting farmers yes by name 🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝🐄🐂🐄 — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November … Continue reading

Posted in Badgers | Leave a comment


Vaccine passports pure deceitSophistry on every sheetForcing carers to undergoBodily torture as we knowFear and fright is everywhereIn honesty it isn’t fairWhere is our democracyCancelled out by tyranny — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 10, 2021

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Lockdown anomalies | Leave a comment


Pangolins such pretty soulsInnocent soft calming rolesTermite eaters their menuBut what the Chinese doctors doIs tell the populace that the scalesWhen dried and ground upAssist malesA curative its quackeryBordering on impiety. — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 10, 2021

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Pangolin trade in exotic species | Leave a comment


Rhino horn is keratinLike our toe nailsSo a sinTo make out its a cure all andAttracts poachers who think its grandTo murder Rhino’s everydayBy cutting their precious horns away — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 10, 2021

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Rhino | Leave a comment

Foie gras

Foie gras is an obscenityA disease of tortured constancyForce feeding geeseWith lumps of fatWatch their livers growFrom they were atTen times biggerThats what they doAnd its called foie grasIts no a dream come true That guormands eat — rex tyler … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Foie gras, geese | Leave a comment


Ejiao a perversionA vile threat a weird incursionScalp the donkeysOf their hairShow them truthfullyhow muchYou careIts sick of soulAnd demented tooBut its what the Chinese like to do — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 10, 2021

Posted in Animal Rights, Donkeys and working animals | Leave a comment

Sharks fins

Sharks have finsGodly designedSharks fin soupIs not alignedTo decency or moralityIts evil and unlawfullyPoachers search the seasAnd theyRemove the finsAnd toss awayThe dying bodiesImagine thatSharks fin soupAnd chicken fat — rex tyler DTM (@rextyler2) November 10, 2021

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Caviar another starThe sturgeons eggsFit in a jarThe poor fish perishesSo that weCan carry out our larcenyI can truthfully sayI have never triedNo wonder the sturgeonsAll try to hideThey tv chefs they are everywhereDealing in this dark despair — rex … Continue reading

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Beagles such a lovely breedStrong and healthyAnd their needTo be friendly soulsWhich is what they areBut in laboratories these angels starExperimentation evil stuffOf our sinfulness they have had enoughTorture and mayhem every dayWith the public looking the other way — … Continue reading

Posted in Dogs, Experimentation | Leave a comment