Monthly Archives: February 2013

Beyonce and her new shoes

Oh dear judgement is it good or bad I think bad we shall see what the public and her fans feel Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, furs and the fur industry | Leave a comment

Astra Zeneca and its missing Beagles

Astra Zeneca puts out its message all the dogs have gone to private homes how true is it though Continue reading

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Wyoming’s wolves

1/3/2013 extension of killing wolves in Wyoming begins Continue reading

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Beaching of Dolphins in NZ

the scenario is frightening the wild folk know this the people some do most will one day wake up when its too late Continue reading

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Experimental Vaccines for the children

To me this is ominous behaviour from a country that stood for freedom
Continue reading

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The Whaling debacle in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary

Whaling is passed its sell by date, America who cares about their Laws,, Australia, at last stands up and we can count on them, Sea Shepherd was the world’s conscience,, a brave man and a brave crew, who faced the wrath, and walked the path.
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sPAIN its all in the name

the child has her own way of helping the Bull Continue reading

Posted in Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Carrying on the fur theme(from a raccoon dog being skinned) his last words to us all

torture and mayhem Continue reading

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To the hags of the world (sorry no punches pulled here)

fur bearers fur wearers fur sharers Continue reading

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How animals have to suffer so and how its passed onto consumers

fear hastens Continue reading

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Science and research Japan lies, research tell me another one!

go home Nissan Maru the ocean is not your place Continue reading

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boiling dogs alive and feeding them on tables on the pavement to avid diners needs stopping and now

live animals cooked on the street expect your outcomes swiftly culinary monsters Continue reading

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Ethereal Moon

a silver moon a big balloon and I’m in tune Continue reading

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A pig enters our world with thoughts of leaving it quickly

to be born a pig in a factory farm run by humans is crazy Continue reading

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My calf I am beside myself

My calf is dead they killed him Continue reading

Posted in Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Let’s save our friends the Dolphins before the Japanese torture and kill them all

our friends the Dolphins are getting slaughtered every day in TAIJI Japan a place with more horror than is imaginable Continue reading

Posted in Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Sea Shepherd in the Icy ocean right now

a battleground in more ways that one Continue reading

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Montana Management Agency its role in the counting of wolves

Wolf Management an arrogance of our time Continue reading

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Princetown University use of primates for experimentation

animals experimentation in Universities should be banned Continue reading

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Final Journey (for most)

Hell on earth for the egg laying chickens Continue reading

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I could have been yours so never do what they did to me will you?

Don’t get rid of us like this Please! Continue reading

Posted in Dogs | Leave a comment

Farm animals what torture’s they go through( and most of us remain ignorant about)

We treat them as commodities soulless unfeeling things many of us call them that imagine what that brings in favours, from our farmers for these animal earthlings, who have souls have minds have feelings and feel pain the way you … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights | Leave a comment

Breast ironing ( an appeal to my mother to realise I need to be a women on my terms))

breast ironing has no place in this world now
its an antiquated philosophy leading to its necessity Continue reading

Posted in womens issues | 2 Comments

Random that’s me

My Goddess C Continue reading

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Leopard burned to death by mob

Indians mobs arse oles karma balances all Continue reading

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A true goddess emerges

a Goddess in the making one of the new breed Continue reading

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Nosey the Elephant (cant pack her trunk and trundle off to anywhere) why because she’s chained to the ground

Nosey the elephant needs our helps and NOW please Continue reading

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Are you drunk?

more hunting bunting Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Think oh wise and wonderful humans

we have to learn fast Continue reading

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Hunter man I am no fan

they lie in the snow for a lifetime Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment