Category Archives: activism

Dressage and some riders

Winning a medal is so much more Than loving the horse We have to explore Being unkind expecting too much Wanting that medal Unwaveringly such Can lead to abuse A bad idea Dressage etc Creates its own fear

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, Criminality, dressage, Duty of care was never there, Horses, Olympics | Leave a comment

To Labour the point

Nothing for breakfast Nothing for tea Labour’s not worried That children be Suffering surely Families where three Meaning one will potentially Go without food

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Criminality, Duty of care was never there, Feelings, Homelessness | Leave a comment

“Funny Biz”

In Florida it’s happening Horses being killed. Then butchered up for the meat trade So much blood is spilled Ex racehorses Are murdered every bloody day Black market culinary delicacies People who will pay Big bucks to eat racehorse flesh … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Criminality, Horses, Humanity is a shithouse | Leave a comment

Gaza the war continues

She came by truck Bloodied and sore It has to be right For its a war Gaza where wounded Happen all day Where children are fair game With little to say

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Puppy killers

Dog breeders working the streets Of Chang Chun Jilin In a North East province in China We saw Puppies being smashed on the pavement And more and more Little animals beaten and killed Lying in the gutter their precious blood … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, CHINA food obscenity, Dogs | Leave a comment


Labour and the ICJ Labour friends of Israel Seemingly Carrying out a genocide And Starmer frantically Accepted things were very bad Before his vote came in Now it’s Israel gets his vote A country with much sin Slaughtering the many … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, AI, Freedom and what's happening to it, Gaza, Israel, Palestine | Leave a comment

The good Captain

An Angel arrested A saviour of mammals Orcas and all kind of whales Such a man Gives of his time his care and his Spirit This individual has to be a fan All of the whalers the killers the murderers … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Orca's and Dolphins, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment


An iniquitous disservice Stray dogs dispassionately Are being dispatched Murdered shameful obviously Street dogs caught and injected With bleach into their heart Wicked and damnable Troublous from the start It really is distressing A problem clearly they Operate insidiously This … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs | Leave a comment


A peculiar wildness A great confirmation Decidedly beautiful Our true salvation The fox so intelligent Wily and strong Incredibly brave And in short never wrong Inspired by Richard Bowler

Posted in activism, Forests and wild places, foxes, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment


Seemingly bullfighting Is now the thing Alvarez loves it For it does bring So much respect To his 21 years It isn’t just Tennis It now appears Big on his list Who’d think that he Imagined bullfighting Was good honestly

Posted in activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Duty of care was never there, spain, Tennis | Leave a comment

Pilot whales let’s walk among the dead bodies

Take your baby paddling in rich red blood to c Get the baby realising what it’s like to b Trundling in guts&skin &blubber all the way Murdering the Pilot Whales on any given day Whole families killed blood&guts Every bloody … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Art work and the animals, Child exploitation, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment


His little face it says it all Freedom little here Bombs and rockets and tanks and guns And the most tumultuous fear The IDF aware everywhere Shooting everyone Nobody get even a smile Underneath the sun

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, The Middle East, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


The majority are sickened At the cruelty one sees Bulls are treated abominably Whilst the government decrees This violence towards animals This ugly awful scene Pamploma is exploding Yes the Nation is obscene

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Aquaria or watery zoo, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Death and Dying, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Meat trade, Retards of the first order, Sadism, Swamp creatures | Leave a comment

Rhino Horn

18 years for possession Now that’s a grand idea South Africa wakes up at last And invaders are going to fear Murdering the Rhinocerus Chinese TCM Creates a vile anathema And the sentence is a gem Lock them up forever … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Emotional Poems, Rhino, Smuggling, South Africa, TCM | Leave a comment

Saint Fermin Festival of death and torture

They call it a festival that is a lie It’s a grotesque spectacle Where bulls will die Tortured and severely treated alas By ugly degenerates born there en masse Smouldering anger exasperation Stabbing and bloodletting Where’s the salvation Stop this … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Sporting Events | Leave a comment


Infants left in a vacuum where Life no more but we all share The grim and gruesome atmosphere Warring factors yes we hear And see the evil in our soul Played out each day A final toll Of the innocent … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Death and Dying, Desecration, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Freedom and what's happening to it, Genocide, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Infanticide, Israel, Palestine, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger, Settlers and colonisation, Starvation and the Poor, The Middle East, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wars, womens issues, world domination, zionists | Leave a comment

Fox hunting to end

How right how true The fox hunting view A challenge does exist Under the Tories Too many stories Their safety wasn’t true Hunts still happened Foxes died Hounds on fire Killing denied Saboteurs an armies need To fight and win … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal sacrifice, Criminality, Cub hunting, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Drinking animal milks and absorbing as ours

Skin an organ of discharge Animal milks are meant For animals god wished them They were heaven sent Nutrition for the bovine Not the humanity Our larcenous destruction We pay for evidently.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Milk and its associated problems | Leave a comment

Torturing cats in China

Boiling cats alive Imagine that Some blighter does Catch and buy his victims He feels he gets a buzz From the most innocent agony The confronted pain He should be pole axed quietly And flung into a drain.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, CHINA food obscenity | Leave a comment

The insanity of the Dairy

Cow mothers hearts are broken Their babies stolen they Resent the bloody dairy Promising decay A genocide for animals Torture wrath and pain Hearing mothers crying Is a system that’s insane

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Dairy farmers criminals, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Milk and its associated problems | Leave a comment

Hangzhou man

A torturing scum bag Mentally challenged Needs a good hiding A stint in the gaol A spot of hard Labour The cat and nine tails Make sure he feels it Murder most foul

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Cat scum bag murderers, CHINA food obscenity, Emotional Poems, Experimentation, Torture | Leave a comment

Red Tractor in Northern Ireland

Red tractors They are everywhere Welfare is their thing Farmers choose this special sign Hoping it will bring Business to the balance sheet Profit and some more Customers believe they see Love and they are sure The animals are treated … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Piglets suckling, Pigs | Leave a comment

Cat Torturers

The innocence of baby kittens Who only knew their mothers love Ending up in some dark pantry Where iniquity comes from above Satanic spirit depravity Youthful countenance and sin Warped and lustful ignorance Improbity out of a tin China with … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, Child exploitation, CHINA food obscenity, Torture | Leave a comment

Instruments of torture

Conservation their salvation Hunting shooting murdering sods Guns a blazing Heckles raising Snares and stink pits Gods Imagining they are the saintly Wild birds foxes get short shrift Teams of shooters Wildlife looters Sporting murdering Do you get my drift … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Badgers, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, furs and the fur industry, Stink pits | Leave a comment

The Faroes

Call it what it is for Gods sake Driven pilot whales Captured in their place of birth Everything else fails Motor boats and evil men Drive the pods to shore And in the shallows cut them up In fact we … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Child exploitation, Criminality, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, Meat trade, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses | Leave a comment

Live exports

The Australian Senate Woke up at last With blood on their hands The evil was cast As so many sheep suffered Just so much pain Farmers earned money And we went insane

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Australia and the epic journeys, children and their plight in a adult world, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Food Processing, Lambs and Sheep, live exports, Psychologists, The Middle East, Torture | Leave a comment

It’s the Dairies fault

Have you ever heard The ranting screaming awful sounds Cows make Knowing their calves have been taken away Stolen It’s no fake It’s an evil weird degenerative sound Inhuman one can say Almost mechanical even computerised Incidence of decay It … Continue reading

Posted in Abalone “ba0 yu “, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Beastiality (sex with animals), CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Dairy farmers criminals, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Extinction, Farming, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Industrial management, Infanticide, Meat trade, Milk and its associated problems, Nutrition, Rape, slaughterhouses and operatives, TheNational Health | Leave a comment


Glastonbury snorts at the evil that be The degenerate acts bring a soul agony It be a vile aspected dairy of sorts Where hundreds of babies have dark Ragged thoughts They swimmingly wander their mothers desire All Raped by the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Captivity, Dairy farmers criminals, Disrespect of female animals, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Egypt, Emotional Poems, Ethereal Poems, Famine, Farming, Food, Food Processing, Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence, Humanity is a shithouse, Industrial management, Meat trade, Musical Bric-a-Brac, Nutrition, Rape, Simon and Ann, Sisterly love against all the odds, slaughterhouses and operatives, SLAVERY, The dkin trade, The skin trade, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Torture, Unborn yet able to see my dead mother, vaccinations, veganism and me, war zones, womens issues | Leave a comment

Child trafficking

Tragically in the world of war We see evil Genocide organ removal and more Prisoners taken found with extremeties Stolen this is the ugliness that’s is now war Somebody’s son, brother or father Captured and messed with and broken and … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Emotional Poems, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Organic harvesting, Palestine, Rafah, Self mutilation and arrogance, The Middle East, Torture, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Definitely not our KING

For the king to bring his awfulness To the foxes table He Doesn’t like the squirrels either Those souls running free Cruelty to animals, the fox the badgers they Make him a bloody patron Of the RSPCA A sick world … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Ashridge, Avebury, Badgers, Beavers, birds and the environment, Countryside wisdom, Coutryside meanderings, Cub hunting, Disrespect of female animals, Dormouse dreaming, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Fashion and animals, Feelings, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hedgehogs, MOLES, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Racing, Ravens and crows, Red and fallow deers trophies, Red grouse, Red squirrels, rSPCA, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment