Category Archives: cicada’s

Elephant skins and more hellish quackery

Elephant skin for Acne Monkey skulls appear For headaches heads from turtles Help Labour Pains snakes improve our strength That’s really clear Snake Glands Good for eye sight Turtles extend life Lizards for high blood pressure Bulls gall stones Give … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Activism in art, Animal Rights, CHINA food obscenity, cicada's, Elephants, Japanese food obscenity, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Monkeys and Primates, Rhino, TCM, Tigers, TORTOISE, turtles, Wild Deers | Leave a comment

17 years and the trail of the cicada

The earth holds many a miracle The enduring march of time They will be present everywhere Watch the buggers climb Feel the ground exploding As thousands burrow clear Enduring their life’s purpose And generating fear If you happen to be … Continue reading

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Circus India a minute via Peta

Be ashamed India Circus supposedly Brings joy to your children Someone once said But not by creating a show Born from torture Incredible cruelty Don’t get in bed With any of these so called Vile entertainers Dire perpetrators Who care … Continue reading

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Cicada the coming (check out

Cicada’s are the music of the Tropics on warm nights when the armies emerge, they undulate and spread along the surface of our world billions of them showing us the way the earth moves with their scrambling creating pulsating defecating … Continue reading

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