Category Archives: Desecration


The majority are sickened At the cruelty one sees Bulls are treated abominably Whilst the government decrees This violence towards animals This ugly awful scene Pamploma is exploding Yes the Nation is obscene

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Aquaria or watery zoo, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Death and Dying, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Meat trade, Retards of the first order, Sadism, Swamp creatures | Leave a comment


Infants left in a vacuum where Life no more but we all share The grim and gruesome atmosphere Warring factors yes we hear And see the evil in our soul Played out each day A final toll Of the innocent … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Death and Dying, Desecration, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Freedom and what's happening to it, Genocide, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Infanticide, Israel, Palestine, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger, Settlers and colonisation, Starvation and the Poor, The Middle East, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wars, womens issues, world domination, zionists | Leave a comment

JApan and it’s lousy fisherfolk

Japanese fishermen Really are rotten Murdering dolphins Nothings forgotten Whales slaughtered Painfully Fish tortured too They even eat live fish That’s what they do

Posted in Abandonment, Desecration, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Drowning, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Japanese food obscenity | Leave a comment

We must save our trees

A tragedy of true vile dark proportions For sensitives who value right from wrong It’s blisteringly obvious that certain powers to be Sacrifice our noble trees so strong Councils full of the intractable amounting To ignorance beyond the fifth degree … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Countryside wisdom, Coutryside meanderings, Criminality, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Forests and wild places, Logging, Politics, Tree's that I am close to, Trees, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment


China what is happening A country such as yours Ancients wisdom in bucket fulls Should be much applause But tragically some citizens Let’s your nation down Murdering cats and dogs I see All around the town Cruelly crushing animals Treading … Continue reading

Posted in Animal sacrifice, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Criminality, Crush videos, Desecration, Drowning, Duty of care was never there | Leave a comment


For them it’s a an effort A slam ditch last effort Sustainable palm oil For me it’s a con The rainforest energy There’s nothing like it Created by god An abundance for sure Medicinal trees A wealth of medicaments Sustaining … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Animal Rights, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, birds and the environment, Corporate manslaughter, Death and Dying, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Farming, Food Processing, Forests and wild places, Gelada baboons, Genocide, Glyphosate, Green Energy, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, LEAKEYS BABES three angels, leopards, Logging, Malaysia and its People, Organic Food Trade News, palm oil, Pangolin trade in exotic species, SINGAPORE, Snakes and reptiles, Spiders, Swamps, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, Topical News Stories II, Trees, Trees our silent friends, Weather modification, wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend, Wolves, Workers rights in way off lands, world domination, Yang growing forces | Leave a comment


For year outside of Harvey Nicols Our little team of fighters stood Giving out leaflets shocking the public With vile extremism where we could Racoon dogs electrocuted up their bottoms Cried in painIt was done many times in China To … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Beauty industry, Beavers, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, Clothing in the magical style, Desecration, Donkeys and working animals, Duty of care was never there, Fashion and animals, foxes, furs and the fur industry, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Rabbits, Raccoons, Racoon and racoon dogs, Red squirrels, Wolves | Leave a comment

Shooters and the joeys

Those so called respected shooters In the outback over night Who ambush wondrous female In the bright moonlight Supposed kill of red males But killing females too Bashing the heads of joeys This I say of you Murderous scumbags

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Australia and the epic journeys, Criminality, cristina and steve, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Kangaroos | Leave a comment


What our eyes see in Gaza What our ears hear Israel What our hearts feel it’s Palestine Rubble everywhere Kneeling in the dust of war Children’s dead eyes open wide Countries abroad most have denied The Arab nations too Hell … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Desecration, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Palestine, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

Abusers so called

These Chinese toe rags We call them abusers Murdering scumbags From hell they were Born in a shit storm really of their own making They go bananas when they hear cats purr Evil born in the sludge of a sewer … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Crush videos, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there | Leave a comment


Pounded over snd over Violently two souls Beaten with a plastic spoon By several Chinese trolls Bloodied up and clearly Threatened mercilessly Hardly allowed any respite From the pounding all could see Friends together beaten Clutching one another Vehemently nasty … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, cats, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, CHINA food obscenity, Crush videos, Death and Dying, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Experimentation, Feelings, Humanity is a shithouse, Torture, traps and snares | Leave a comment


The Royal Courts of Justice What are they going to do Take an Angel from the troth The sins of men are true Blame belongs to others Witnesses who saw Other angels gunned down In a private war And soothsayers … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Captivity, Criminality, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


The ultimate The most violent Using scoffing mockery Electric shocks Impalement Burning on a stove These are magical beings Stalwart glorification A beautiful divineness Out there on location Trodden on and hearing Screeching screaming hurt Suffering such punishment Struggling in … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Art work and the animals, Captivity, cats, Child exploitation, CHINA food obscenity, Criminality, Death and Dying, Desecration, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Experimentation, Extinction, Feelings, furs and the fur industry, Humanity is a shithouse, Infanticide, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger, pointlessness, Things about Cats, Topical News Stories II, war zones, whistleblowers, womens issues | Leave a comment


So many of your citizens Are out there on the web Like predatory spiders Cats and kittens ebb And fall bled out by gangsters Groups of weirdo’s who Buy animals from pet shops And do what they want to do … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Desecration, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Feelings, Humanity is a shithouse | Leave a comment

Cats in some parts of China

Private messaging Now on line Attract the brutes The sick who dine On cruelty on torture games On prolonging death In lesser flames Every conceivable torture technique Applied to the innocent angels each week Very sick minds as weird as … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Infanticide | Leave a comment

China’s Cats

Why is it China Apparently hates cats Or prefers to see Cats just being tortured Done explicably Creatures of the feline race Sensitive and wild Beautiful and complex Inducing them defiled By horror and by cruelty The suffering we see … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Captivity, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Criminality, Death and Dying, Desecration, Duty of care was never there, Pain | Leave a comment

Cat abuse in China

Why is it that the Chinese feel The need to torture and reveal An evil side where culture may Reside leading to a decay Of any empathy abroad The tortured state who dare afford Dismemberment and worse on air By … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Criminality, Desecration, Fashion and animals | Leave a comment


Israeli forces desecrate graves and steal bodies from Khan Younis cemete…… via @YouTube This is sick Whoever’s doing it Those souls buried Need to be Respected for those who dug them up Will suffer for an eternity. Poem by … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Desecration | Leave a comment