Category Archives: ALE of the craft variety

Ugly machinations

Miserably Molested by the mooted might of mime An impassioned pig where mayhem reigns From Machinations And the Dawn of time Alliteration augers well Behold the tragic rhyme

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, ALE of the craft variety, Pigs | Leave a comment

A Redness in all that green

In the sunlight Myriad mighty Floral tributes too Hail and hearty A welcome party And all massively true Somewhere to hide In our countryside The eyes perceives so much Bridge and chalk stream The Infinite redeem And want to stay … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, ALE of the craft variety, Breathing in colour, BRIDGES | Leave a comment

Snow white out of sight light

Physical energy zestfulness We feel the exitementment white out there be an intensification a mettlesome light trenchant and forceful and incredibly bright    

Posted in ALE of the craft variety, Tree's that I am close to, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment

Hook Norton Shop

Turn to the left go through a door A wondrous shop equipped with more A curly haired boy with a massive smile A shop to muse over every aisle Masses of foods and gorgeous ale Its well stocked brilliance all … Continue reading

Posted in ALE of the craft variety | Leave a comment

Where hobgoblins partake of oxfordshire ale

Hook Norton c the brewery A magical place it’s sandy face It’s glass we c remarkably Architecture a 1 off site Uniquely constructed An appetite 4 ale hobgoblins & more besides The great Shire horses Nobody rides Mighty majestic muscled … Continue reading

Posted in ALE of the craft variety, Business Testimonials | Leave a comment

Greece and its present tyranny

In Greece if you refuse the jab If over 60 you Will get a monthly fine Each month thats until you do Dystopian so Ugly Tyranny the awe Who ever thought this good idea Is breaking every law

Posted in Abandonment, ALE of the craft variety, Lockdown anomalies | Leave a comment

Racoon dog massace

Racoon dogs scalped aliveLeft to bleed outFew survive Shipped these daysAnd labelled fauxBut tragically its good you knowMarket traders and others doAbuse the systemIts sadly trueHung upon a nail and killedAs their blood is being spilled — rex tyler DTM … Continue reading

Posted in ALE of the craft variety, Dogs, furs and the fur industry | Leave a comment

Nut jobs and head shots

Licensed to kill only takes a few hours Training to murder to gain special powers   of aiming at big males and those without child its for pet food, so wasteful and steak from the wild   theres  Cow Beef … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ALE of the craft variety, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Australia and the epic journeys, Drugs and how they are being used on our children, Environmental Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Kangaroos | Leave a comment

The Kalahari Bushmen

For 20,000 years They have held precedence Thats a long enough time To realise The Kalahari and all that is within it Its where the Bushmen live And I surmise By now they are a people Wise and wonderful So … Continue reading

Posted in ALE of the craft variety, HEMP and the perfect mindset, Indigenous People, Insect Humour, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

So few realise chicken hell is here in ENGLAND

The brute fact is that Chickens Have a hell now here on earth And so many large suppliers Are really not worth The greenwash that they publish The unreality Created in these mammoth sheds Of what is depravity Great oceans … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ALE of the craft variety, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Chickens, Food Processing | Leave a comment

“The Porter”

ANSPACH & HOBDAY David Streets best They call it “The Porter“ and whatever the test It is their flagship ale That much I can say With its wonderful malts And the hops that just play With your tastebuds First sweetness … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ALE of the craft variety, Business Testimonials | 2 Comments