A bird born to fly

Yes wings to fly
This cage not where
I wait around
Perchance to die
Holed up it seems
In prison I
Threatened never to feel the sky
Freedom never clean fresh air
Swooping upwards
Everywhere 🐦‍⬛

Posted in A not my king story, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Caged for life | Leave a comment

A delightful Rose

Raindrops kiss a lovely rose
Dampen the love in sweet repose
Rocking gently in the breeze
Attracting butterflies and Bee’s
Imagine the perfume
Such subtlety
A heady scent
Spreading such Positivity


sent to a friend in Finland

Posted in A tearful Rose | Leave a comment

My favourite Fox

Wonderfully wily
Handsome he be
Red the true fox he is honestly
A true forest spirit
A magical soul
Who should be respected
For each famous role
A parent so special
Just let him be
As for the hunters
Such purgatory

They create

Posted in A country tale, Fox Hunting, foxes, Respect | Leave a comment

Lady in Black

The Corvidae

Sullen and soulful
A lady in black
A curious Raven
Would never attack
He loves her completely
Respects her for sure
Just listen a while
You might just hear his caw

Posted in Art work and the animals, birds and the environment, Corvidae dark secrets, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The elderly and venerable

Wisdom of character

sadly these days

is losing respect


its the great the new age

written off


by systems today

go back to sleep old man

that is the way


driving a car

or moving around

you are seen as  the crippled

your judgement unsound

a remarkable life

full of judgement and pain

is ignored by the systems

again and again


the youth on the other hand


with keys to unlock

the systems  that be

technically charged

it’s all done on line

sorry old man

walking the straight line

It’s over  for you

being able to drive

and write in the countryside

yes to survive

yes independently

your time has come

you are old





Posted in Venerable and respected | Leave a comment


A picture of solace
St Michael’s Tower
Heads up the great Tor
Hour after hour
Seen from all over
The levels away
A resolute aura
Day after day
Those of us entering
Glastonbury we
Are cheered by its stature
Remarkably free
In the home of the brave
And the magical

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

The last trophy

Africa was always his home
Respected by the many
A beautiful beast
In high regard under the sky
Soul that walked around and saw
The great tall ranging soul
The great giraffe a vegetarian eating
In control
Of life high up consuming the leaves
Juicy and sweet
Taken out by a bit of a boy
Who considered himself the elite
A trophy hunting imbecile
Consumed by ugly ways
Ended the life of the great Giraffe
And sadly all it’s days
Will be gathering dust in a theme room

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Emotional Poems, Giraffes, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), shooting | Leave a comment


Spacial clouds
Wintery shrouds
An enormous sky
With star numbers high
The wonderful tower
A picturesque shower
Of planets and stars
The Tor stands to show
It is THE place to go.

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

It wasn’t the lurches fault

Scotland sees its first man

convicted of a felonyHis did was loose

a chasing hares

and attacked a wild Feer


am unleashed dog is like a loaded gun

if you ask me
chasing and killing hares

then killing a lovely wild hound Deer

that had to be cut down

so injured was it

wild and free

till this bill so called hunter

was penalised  we see

dined 759 pounds

and will have a dog for five years

convicted in Scotland

First  man to

set his dog

As hunters do




Posted in A not my king story, HARES And red grouse, Wild Deers | Leave a comment

What of the muse

I hadn’t heard of the programme
But I the beloved Muse
Rhyming it’s the timing
Words now how to choose
Just 140 letters
Minds eyes work continuously
Doing the work of tweets Dear friend
And doing it honestly and beautifully

Posted in A country tale, The muse | Leave a comment

Crypto madness

Twelve years of crypto madness

came to me via AI

the face of Richard Branson

the twinkle  in his eye

as real as ever seen before

in a quiet cottage somewhere

lay down 250 quid

and his success I will share


a scam of such a  proportion

that didn’t pay at all

he left me  so susceptible

to the scammers who do call

even today the jumpers on

who won’t leave me alone


in the jungles of Ecuador

or in my Darjeeling home

travelling through to Darwin

or in Berkhamsted town

connivers of the world unite

and try to bring me down


the FCA and every single body near and far

contacting the traders who ever the hell you are

from London through to Belize

japan Denmark every where

Bank  accounts are being cleared

By the Any  desk nightmare






Posted in Abandonment, activism | Leave a comment


So perfectly beautiful
Historically too
A perfect hill a wondrous tower
A beacon that is true
To every single sighting
A landscape by desire
Wondrous wintry colours
Of which I never tire

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

Violin and piano

You can feel the energy
Of genius beyond
The talent and it’s explosive worth
What an amazing bond
A violinist and the piano
Such movement from far
It stirred such emotion
Both proving who they are

Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment


A beacon in its shadow representing soul
It lifts the heart of all who see it
It clearly plays a role
For all the eyes of glastonbury
The levels and beyond
A natural hill where on it stands
A wonderful wizards wand
St Michael’s Tower

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

Poor pigs

Pig butchering scams are everywhere
The arse oles  of the world
Their noses longer than Pinocchio
Heartless harries hurled
Into people’s psyche’s
After stealing their dough
Each a crappy bit coin millionaires
Lying through their back teeth
Enough to make the hairs
Stand up on a gold ball
Scum bags 1 2 3
If they ring you with ways and means
Tell them to piss off from me

Posted in Scammers | Leave a comment

Sir Ulez himself

The blade runners r intelligent
Courageous & consumed
With sorting out the ulez crap
I mean London is doomed
Putting up with nonsense
Costing all of us
Really so much money
I mean it’s such a fuss
Working souls r penalised
By khan &his duff ideas
A money grabbing mayoral

ploy to heighten people’s tears





Posted in London | Leave a comment

At last the authority are taking the hunts into perspective

At last it appears
They are waking up
To those more privileged who
Are about breaking our laws
As if they are entitled to
Thank goodness for the saboteurs
Who but for them this might not be

For arresting and seizing equipment
And thank you to the constabulary

Posted in activism, Cub hunting, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Poor Horse.

Unequal weights
We can see this
The horse can feel it too
The man who in fact loaded her up
Is a brain dead arse with no clue
His karmic debt is overdrawn
That poor horse lives with pain
Who ever he is the end is near

Posted in ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Horses, Torture | Leave a comment

Pink Floyd

  • There will never be another band
    Like Pink Floyd
    That’s for sure
    The creative sparks and massive fires
    That embedded in us
    with talent, with so very much
    Magic I can say
    All of you were spectacular
    And forever and a day
    Will reside in hearts around the worlds
    So thank you  David
Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

Cows and badgers the human is the foe

Late last year I Happened by
A cow shed
Ten cows stood
A sigh
Covered in shit from top to toe
Tell me they are not suffering so
Blaming badgers wild and clean
In setts they inhabit and have always been

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Agriculture, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Badgers, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Dairy farmers criminals, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Freedom and what's happening to it, Lack of understanding, Meat trade, Milk and its associated problems, shooting, slaughterhouses and operatives, TB | Leave a comment

Fox hunting disturbances

Apologies for breaking the law
A hunt proclaims
Frightening the children
And others with their games
Rabid beasts advancing
In the hope to kill
A wild fox just is dreadful
They should pick up the bill
For such a disturbance

Posted in Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

The hounds upset the Rhea

A shy docile bird
Who would likely be
Frightened by hounds
Hunting fox
This flightless bird
Named RHEA for she
Would be spooked by the rabble



sheer arrogance on behalf of huntsman who think nothing of other creatures  living close by to where their marauding hounds  might be

Posted in A not my king story, Dogs, Fox Hunting, foxes, Rhea or Nandus. Ratites | Leave a comment

Fox hunting evil

For their so called sport
Participants suffer
Torturing wild life
And their hounds too
Life’s tougher
All suffer
The vehement violence
Law breaking
Heart stopping
All true

Posted in A country tale, Animal sacrifice, Dogs, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Karma | Leave a comment

Hunting foxes is evil personified

It’s hard to describe them
Part of the humane tribe
Though it seems to me
Godly and gifted the wild fox
That be
Frequenting the wild woods
For an eternity
Chasing them killing them

Posted in A not my king story, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment


At 158 metres above Avalon
It be
Overlooking the marshes A long history
Imagine if you will my Dears
For many years before
It was raised above a wooden church
And has stood the test for sure
Once an earthquake shattered
Now a stormy night
Seen across the county

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

Winter and the wild badgers

Imagine being a badger

a bruin or  a  Brock

Historic  names  for these wild souls

these days it’s a shock

to be going about your business

in setts in forests where

badgers like to make their homes

and family life they share

Btb  Bovine TB

the badgers get the blame

for destroying the dairies Profits

that’s what farmers claim


wildness doesn’t do this

they have no voice you see

created by the angels

way back in history


living in the deep earth

in tunnels underground
each raising a family

thats what we have found


they have been around for centuries

wild as the day is long

insect eating animals

they are never wrong

they are abused for their hairy coats

made into  brushes, they

are now being killed by government

because of a BTB


country gifted animals

should respect the gift and care

its ignorant and arrogant

to create in them despair

they have their place

godly given

wild souls of the earth

we should respect their energy

for honestly it’s worth


a priceless sum I tell you

as families they are good

bringing up their children

exactly as they should

They have nothing to do with dairy farms

dairies actually

are kept poorly by the farmers

too much iniquity








Posted in A country tale, Animal Rights, Badgers, shooting, StarvatIon, TB, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment

Who’d be a cat in China 🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛

It’s happening in the streets, poor  🐱🐱

they have no shame at all

cats are being beaten up

and thrown against the wall

put in sacks tied up with string

and then thrown on  a fire

listening to the squealing choking

Murderous acts so dire


photographed and videoed

and then all sold on line

How many lives do kittens have             🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

in China they don’t have nine

these repulsive jokers

imagine they are clever from

the start

injuring and torturing

it just breaks my heart


bouts of vivisection

acid burns  to hear

the screaming  some Are beaming

big smiles  do appear

somehow they believe the ladies

Are going  to think that they

Will probably be attracted

they have got it wrong per se


cats are gentle creatures

soft and independent

accused of killing  🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛

some bring 🐭 into the house

and leave us lost for words

those web sites selling torture

cats their legs torn off

tongues cut out blinded eyes

Some of  you may scoff


But in  China it is  happening

grown up idiots too

making money by selling this porn

because that’s what they do

but China the world is looking at you

seeing the filth you send

the sadistic ugly  molestations

it drives  us around the bend

seeing what you get up to

Gangs  of Chinese  who

think nothing of the murdering scum

that are getting worse than you.

and where’s the bloody government

they must know ,it’s on line

China ancient China

how can this be fine

how can this be possible

whats wrong with you



innocent little cats and kittens

why is that they have to die

listening to the chuckling

whilst the cats blue murder sounds

every conceivable awfulness

it’s making the rounds

on you tube and on tic tock

and x just everywhere

stop this bloody weirdness China

Don’t  you bloody well care



gangs big arrogant cowardly oafs

putting cats to death

Tossing them into  vegetable choppers

I can  hardly hold my breath

your mugs spread over  the internet

seen by hundreds we

just cant abide your malevolence

your sadistic  insanity.













Posted in Abandonment, activism, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Criminality, Crush videos, Duty of care was never there | Leave a comment

Phajaan. Breaking in baby elephants

Phajaan a form of torture
Of the most vile degree
Basically breaking their spirit
4 an eternity
Making them permanently fearful
Teaching them that man
Is their benefactor
& the glorious plan
Is they must always do what they r told
A dagger in their thigh
Seeing it. They cry 🐘

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, babies, Baby talk, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Criminality, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Elephants, Emotional Poems, Humanity is a shithouse, India, Lack of understanding, Pain, phaajaan, TCM, Thailand | Leave a comment

Chinese cat torturers selling their grotesque torture on line

China an ancient country
With an ancient language they
Are recently emerging
Into vile and dark decay
Warped and twisted violence
Towards the feline breed
Ignorance personified
Wicked based on greed
Of selling torture on line
Debasement so extreme
Wounding causing trauma
Making the kittens scream

Imagine cutting ears off
A penchant for destruction
Pushing needles in their eyes
It’s all about abduction
Frightful shocking grotesque pain
Graceless tawdry gits
Encouraging more monsters
Purposeful little shits
All out in their cruelty
To a shuddering degree
Men and women at it
To the ugliest degree

Chopping pieces off of
Such hostility
Seemingly no laws protecting
Animals who be
Stolen from the streets
Or bought somewhere dark on line
And treated to such horror
Obscenities a sign
Of wanton promiscuity
Vulgar coarse and vile
Ravished raped and murdered
This shit is off the dial

Outlawry is commonplace
Apparently no laws
Everyone looks the other way
Everyone ignores
The horror all the screaming
Wrenching soulless infamy
Blood and snot and karmic debt
So common apparently

Where’s the condemnation
Perdition and the law
Come down hard on these bastards
Sentence them and more
Cut their rotten digits off
Let them feel the pain
Tattoo “scum bag” on their forehead
So the world knows the disdain

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Criminality, Crush videos, Death and Dying, Desecration, Disrespect of female animals, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Experimentation, furs and the fur industry, Humanity is a shithouse, Kidnap, Lack of understanding, Man unkind's graphic torturing of various souls, Rape, Sadism, Self mutilation and arrogance, slaughterhouses and operatives, StarvatIon, Starvation and the Poor, Stoning, Tattoo, Topical News Stories II, Torture | Leave a comment

Circus bear walks free to play in the winter snow

Freedom from the circus
From the daily torturing trainers
Chained up in a basement somewhere
Actually no brainersThe bear was given freedom
Go live in the wild
See him playing in the snow
Just like a little child.

Posted in Bears, circus, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment