
An empath whose resourceful creativity
She’s Insightful in a truly marvellous way
Mentally a giant of persuasion
A visionary born out by every day
She’s beautiful and imaginative, When Expressing
Lucidly extraordinary and I
Am nourished by her wisdom which is solidly
Significantly more important
She is Fae
Manifests a magic so mellifluous
Clad in silky finery she shows
Brightly every whisper of the forest
Affirming every ripple in the clearest stream that flows
Sings in soft meanderings supremely
Natural sounds created from her soul
Her witchery authentic spells of joyousness
For me she’s able to take any role
Timeless perpetuity her being
All seeing with a freedom that endures
Nothing ever phases her she’s wonderful

Posted in magick | Leave a comment

Roger Waters

Courage&commitment that
Takes the fire of Israel & the rest
Here’s an avid Angel of the moment.
Reality proves Roger is the best
His music his creative noble spirit
A soldier in an army of the few
Words that really strengthen every moment
Under his great aura which is true

Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

Dressage and some riders

Winning a medal is so much more
Than loving the horse
We have to explore
Being unkind expecting too much
Wanting that medal
Unwaveringly such
Can lead to abuse
A bad idea
Dressage etc
Creates its own fear

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, Criminality, dressage, Duty of care was never there, Horses, Olympics | Leave a comment

To Labour the point

Nothing for breakfast
Nothing for tea
Labour’s not worried
That children be
Suffering surely
Families where three
Meaning one will potentially
Go without food

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Criminality, Duty of care was never there, Feelings, Homelessness | Leave a comment

If this is beautiful

oodbye (Real Live Roadrunni…… via @YouTube

The dulcet tones
A velvet treat
Two beautiful voices
So complete
Love that’s sweet
Loving care
Mellifluous melody
Ever so rare

Posted in Love and respect, Loyalty, Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment


A whale
It’s so big
A London bus
The size of its heart
There’s something to suss
Out when we look into a whales eye
A great universe
That’s beginning to cry
Heartache and suffering
Anguish and pain
Purgatory coming
Again and again

With so many tons
It swims and it glides
A harpoon hits home
And in essence it rides
Imagine it’s agony
And anxiety
As its sweet life drains fast
In a true misery

Our Captain is holed up
In a prison we hear
Denmark can cry
From the such added fear
You have locked up an Angel
With burden and strain
Accusing him sadly
You you the insane

He has seen with his eyes
What the greatest whale feels
Such a body it holds
So much it conceals
A great whale a great Captain
And a smelly old cell
Murdering whales
Under a bad spell.

Posted in Abandonment, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment


America land of the free
Where nothings free no more
Unless you come from Israel
And are knocking on their door
Then it’s come in give your speech
Whilst bombing Palestine
We will supply the bombs and planes
Sign on the dotted line

The people are protesting
But governments don’t care
They are bought and paid for
It’s pepper sprays so there
Who cares where you come from
So much cash around
Netanyahu’s paid the price
And comes now just to hound

Out the White House and the Congress
Everyone bow down
to the greatest emperor
That has come to town
It’s your money we are wanting
It’s your weaponry
People just do what they are told
In the great land of the FREE.

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wasps, zionists | Leave a comment

“Funny Biz”

In Florida it’s happening
Horses being killed.
Then butchered up for the meat trade
So much blood is spilled
Ex racehorses
Are murdered every bloody day
Black market culinary delicacies
People who will pay
Big bucks to eat racehorse flesh
Imagine it will you
A inglorious trade in murder
Oh yes all this is true
15000 horses every blooming year
Cut down in their prime they are
And no hives a tear

There is a a good horse slaughter Act
Those felons when they are caught
Get at least one year in prison
And a fine you would have thought
3500 dollars it a nothing though for they
Are making quite a killing
Doing it this way

Thanks you ARM for protesting
For getting on their case
The evil that abounds these days
In what is the human race
Beautiful graceful horses
Stabbed and shot and killed
In dirty backyard stables

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Criminality, Horses, Humanity is a shithouse | Leave a comment

Save the Captain

In a cell alone
A man we have known
For a lifetime to be sure
He loves the whales
And seemingly pails
Into significance and more
Every hour his protection
Is purposeful and true
He needs his constant freedom
So that he can do

Beautiful things for all ocean creatures

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, commercial fishing, DEnmark, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Duty of care was always there, Wet markets Live markets, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

Free range codswallop

Cocks are rampant and aggressive
They basically tell the sweet hens they
Best just stay put not go wandering off
Free ranging is no way
They all live in a shit house of darkness
Some farmers make out
It’s best by far
The open fields
But It isn’t where they are

Posted in A likely story, Abandonment, animals used for food, Chickens, Child exploitation, Duty of care was never there, Eggs | Leave a comment

Set the good Captain FREE. DEnmark

Look into the eye of a whale
An oasis of soul extra deep
A vast brain intelligence
An endearing peep
Bringing its history forward
So much compassion abroad
Killing these majestic angels
An indulgence no one dare afford

Posted in DEnmark, Duty of care was always there, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

Gaza the war continues

She came by truck
Bloodied and sore
It has to be right
For its a war
Gaza where wounded
Happen all day
Where children are fair game
With little to say

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Puppy killers

Dog breeders working the streets
Of Chang Chun Jilin
In a North East province in China
We saw
Puppies being smashed on the pavement
And more and more
Little animals beaten and killed
Lying in the gutter their precious blood spilled.
They are very cruel and do get away
The government says nothing
Now any day
If they have not sold
These buggers say
The puppies are worthless
And every day

Imagine the evil what these folks do
Kill little babies
Yes in full view
The police do not care
The government they
Don’t even bother
They go on their way

China is frightful
Carried out daily
No where to hide
Sweet little babies
Shaking they be
Dying in what is just real agony.

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, CHINA food obscenity, Dogs | Leave a comment

The Moldovan Lady

Ina a magical Moldovan lady
A real carer
Civil and true
A fine-mannered respected
Lady benevolent
Unruffled that is my view

With sparkling eyes
A healthy attire
Beautiful yellow nails
One doth admire
Her smiling countenance
Her kindly ways
Remarkably helpful
And worthy of praise

A bringer of light
Really well spoken
A bountiful might
So very helpful
Mindful is she
Honestly worthy
So worthy and right

Willing to help
In this day and age
Brings Moldova’s magic
And friendship for we
On meeting her realise
A principled state
A model of virtue
Inexplicably great

I met her this morning
A good person she
The salt of the earth
Wanting to help me
An Unassuming air
Kindly and welcoming
Just wanting to care

Where Dragons and Giants
Once walked on the plain
Following History’s
Wondrous refrain
To meet with this lady
Ones set fine and feels
Mutual goodwill
It’s what she reveals.

Posted in Mola | Leave a comment


Labour and the ICJ
Labour friends of Israel
Carrying out a genocide
And Starmer frantically
Accepted things were very bad
Before his vote came in
Now it’s Israel gets his vote
A country with much sin
Slaughtering the many
Blowing their world apart
Zionists their makeup
Where on earth is their heart

Organising settlers
To steal our land away
To murder women and children
And look the other way
Labour friend of Israel
Gifts they get all round
Palestine is being murdered
In blood and guts they are drowned.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, AI, Freedom and what's happening to it, Gaza, Israel, Palestine | Leave a comment

TODD MCCLAY Minister if Hunting and Fishing

Imagine the title
Hunting and fishing
Blood sports
On innocent wild Birds
Here’s wishing

All those old a holes
Murdering who
Miss lethal shots
That’s what they do
Loads of dying birds
Such agony
Their past lives relived
In the wild symphony

Of New Zealand
The countryside
Imagine they
Lie in their blood
Broken wings so to say
And you are the Minister
You over see
These idiot shooters
Who like to be

Giving their death notes
Into the air
Each has a heart and a soul
And does share
A life with all of us
That’s what they do
Til these a holes
Come shooting
And so very few

Are actually killed outright
Imagine their pain
Missing their families
Getting wet in the rain
In what you call SPORT
Which takes little thought
Cordite and gunfire
Noise and yea fear

Cut down these wild ducks
Dear Hearts
Yea just thinking
Beautiful souls
Up against these old farts
Cross eyed and stupid
Heartless as hell
Pumping out cartridges
A peculiar smell

Death all around
Thousands we know
And you a paid minister
Part of the show
Wounded and bleeding
Dying a slow
Death gasping breath
Yes you ought to know

Gifted to your country
And fired off to Hell
So many thoughtless
Under the spell
Of blood lust and killing
For no reason they
Fly on their wings
And are shot anyway

Fished out of cool lakes
And rivers some too
Minister of fishing
Of course it is true
Dealing with death with torture
With pain
These innocent creatures
Feel the disdain
And you are the Minister
You ought to see
How creation feels
To the millionth degree

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Aboriginies, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, chickens.ducks., DUCKS, Gamekeeping, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), New Zealand, shooting | Leave a comment


Thunder and fire
My god it’s so dire
Israel perpetuates evil and gloom
Women and children suffering so
Bombed out of existence
With no where to go

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Death and Dying, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Palestine, Rafah, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

The good Captain

An Angel arrested
A saviour of mammals
Orcas and all kind of whales
Such a man
Gives of his time his care and his
This individual has to be a fan
All of the whalers the killers the murderers
The get scot free to just carry on
The angels arrested nothing invested
In the realisation of why he’s upon
This earth


Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Orca's and Dolphins, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment


Keep the Scientists out of
The Badger Hunting mob
Dairy Farmers the cow Harmers
Of bovine life they rob
Us all of beautiful animals
Fed on crap all day
Blaming it on the Badgers
And really there is no way

Badgers are implicated
In the TB bovine war
Farmers they know nothing
They really are a bore
Getting the government scientists
To give the big OK
To shoot and gas our wild souls
And make poor Bruin Pay

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Badgers, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Farming | Leave a comment


Two and a half years of sanctuary life
Creates a pure heart and a soul
Abused at a circus in France
Travelling in rusty carts
Ugly monotony
Made to do tricks
Alien pastimes the killjoy fix
Born in captivity
Fed unnaturally
A ponderous life style
Defeated despair
A great Lion’s eye close
For the very last time
Softened and happier
And more aware.

Posted in circus, Lions | Leave a comment


An iniquitous disservice
Stray dogs dispassionately
Are being dispatched
Murdered shameful obviously
Street dogs caught and injected
With bleach into their heart
Wicked and damnable
Troublous from the start

It really is distressing
A problem clearly they
Operate insidiously
This surely is no way
To deal with living animals
It is injuriously
Happening in Turkey
And it just should never be

Humanity must realise
And governments must too
Animal rights necessitate
This contagion through
A kind of plague mentality
Misunderstanding , they
Are being ultra beastly
In what is a violent way

Sterilise is possible
But what we see and hear
Is intolerable behaviour
From the State which does appear
To be entirely evil
Towards street dogs and they
Need to have some love and care
Not this unrelenting fear

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs | Leave a comment


One a day
Keeper the ticker
Even keel
I dropped a few
The other dayShe picked them up
It’s what some do
Stuck them on a bottle, She
Really cared and accordingly
That was something that was great
She cared yes she cared at such a rate.

I might run out across the board
Two tablets saved
Who dared afford
When times are rough
Just not enough
To save me she
Was aware. Importantly.

Posted in Activism in art | Leave a comment


A peculiar wildness
A great confirmation
Decidedly beautiful
Our true salvation
The fox so intelligent
Wily and strong
Incredibly brave
And in short never wrong

Inspired by Richard Bowler

Posted in activism, Forests and wild places, foxes, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment


Seemingly bullfighting
Is now the thing
Alvarez loves it
For it does bring
So much respect
To his 21 years
It isn’t just Tennis
It now appears
Big on his list
Who’d think that he
Imagined bullfighting
Was good honestly

Posted in activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Duty of care was never there, spain, Tennis | Leave a comment

So called family farms

People think family farms
Are places where
Animals are respected and cared for
That share
Thoughtfulness little do they know
For sure
Carnivore farmers can be cruel
I abhor
Places that sell meat and eggs and the rest

Posted in A likely story, A not my king story, Dairy farmers criminals, Farming, Feelings, furs and the fur industry, Gestation crates, Glyphosate, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Infanticide | Leave a comment

A mother dribbles

A mother dribbles
Her eyes full of tears
She has not seen her baby
For so many yearsWe drank her milk
And she now must die
So we can eat her too
No word of a lie

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Dairy farmers criminals, Farming, Fashion and animals, LEATHER | Leave a comment

Animals give so much

Animals give up so much
As we know
Their lives and their loves
And their children
They know
They have to die so that humans can
Their bodies as meat
They have to fuck off

Eternal sadness

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, Animals I have met in the veterinary, animals used for food, Duty of care was never there, Love and respect, Loyalty | Leave a comment

Wild fox in the window

A fox in the window
Wild as a bright day
Curious friendship
What can we say
Something about her
Is wonderfully beautiful
Wilder than any soul
Around today

Posted in A likely story, Fox Hunting, foxes, Freedom and what's happening to it, Wildness is our friend, Window | Leave a comment


Badgers in cages
Stuck there for ages
These beautiful wild souls
In setts they do stay
Leave them alone
Let them survive this evil
Our government shooters
And the farmers should pay

Posted in Genocide, Israel, Palestine, Torture, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


Holding one’s child
Broken and torn
Loved every moment
Since she had been born
An Israeli bomb crashed down from the sky
And murdered my child
With the question mark why
The most evil scumbags
That there ever has been
My child at my breast
the colonialists dream.

Posted in A not my king story, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment