Orcas playing

Their hearts our hearts in unison
Pounding surf and sea
We witness all the drama
In an instancy
Black and white crescendo
Playful to an end
The energy of seeing
And feeling a dear friend

Posted in Freedom and what's happening to it, Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Tradition that’s the wrong word

The insensitive
Those perilous fiends
Joining the hunt
And the vilest scenes
For the vixen who
Hears her mates cries
All down to you

Ignorant evil
Hunter he
As naked and as purposefully
Ride the steed
Whip it’s back
Knee it’s midriff
What you lack

Is hardly tradition
You gruesome fool
Such ugliness deaf to my call
Allowing those hounds
To tear apart
My bestest friend

You broke his heart
and mine
Those hounds they too
Did feel
How wronged they were
Their souls alas
how unreal

Tradition it was never so
Wild spirits in the ebb and flow
Families locked down in the earth
Cubs accepting we were worth
Saving but tragically
The hunter tribes came after me

Shocked to the core
My mate was gone
Torn to shreds
Out there upon
Our sacred countryside where we
Lived and spent hours

Tradition it’s the wrong word, you
Heartless oafs selfishly do
Vile and darkly wanton deeds
Digging out as life recedes
A solemn message I exclaim
You will never be what you claim.

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, Breathing in colour, Criminality, Cub hunting, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Fighting back, Fox Hunting, foxes, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Murdering Hares and Rabbits in the UK

Rabbits have their families Several times a year
From four to seven babies
Naked blind and helpless
The mother it is clear
Empowered with love and kindness
The pressure is on her
She has to prepare a place for them
When it does occur

Godly and creative
The pressure is on we know
Looking after the mother and her ofspring
There’s a glow of light
Down in the burrow
And father has to be
Looking after his family
Hunters outside be
After him be sure of that
They want some rabbit pie
Do they care of broken families
Heartless soulless why
They really do not have a clue
Gorgers of dead flesh

Hares though do not burrow
Fastidious though they be
They love to wash and dress their fur
Above ground, naturally
Hares don’t dig like miners
They prefer the open sky
They love the rolling down land
With great long legs which is why

They can run like the clappers
With their smaller family
They face the wrath of hunters
Their lives perilously
Highly strung but bold as well
And as silly as can be
I love the hares they are magical
Wonderful and free

Their eyes are placed so that they
Can look back when they run
Bold as brass and on the ball
They just enjoy the sun
Hunters with dogs are out there
But must leave the Hare
the wildest creature hereabouts
Certainly those I have known
They can be temperamental in the early Spring
Hence known as completely mad
In March
It’s when they fling
Fear and utter madness
Up into the air
Happy yes as sand boys
Totally aware.

Posted in A country tale, HARES And red grouse, Rabbits, shooting | Leave a comment


Calling hunting legal
Is giving into those
Idiots with nothing better to do
Yes I suppose
Many of them carnivores
Eating the dead they are
And wanting to harm the wild creatures
Wanting to maim and scar
Break up the wild families
Male and females who
Might be mums and dads in factPossibly like you
mothers come in all animals
Giving birth
of course
Providing love and providing food
All part of gods earth

These trumped up so called hunters
Go out to the countryside
Make their horses jump the fences
Run through the muddy side
Make them chase the foxes
Maybe even the Deer
Bringing war to the peaceful
And heightening their fear

These men and women doing this
Eat dead flesh every day
Drinking animals milks
Wear animals skins
It’s animals that pay
And the government turns a blind eye
And the coppers too they be
Friendly with the hunting types
God knows why but we see

Hunters breaking laws
Calling out the saboteurs
Who are the unpaid army
Who face the hunting wrath
Expletive ridden arrogant
Clearly on the path
Of evil and of killing
An innocent mother may
Be chased by the rabid hounds
And torn into that day

Town or country people
Come alongside we
Need to stop these ignorant people
Need to make them see
Killing the wild creature
Rupturing the earth
Needs a damn good kicking

Posted in A country tale, A not my king story, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Humanity, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Rabbits gentle creature whom we take advantage of

Markets out there
Exploit them
People like you and me
The public just lose sight of pain
And animal cruelty
Rabbits known to be gentle
Innocent and mild
And a used for their fur
They are eaten
And experimented on for sure

They cry in unbelievable, agony
But nobody wants to hear
They want to wear their rabbit skin gloves
But forget the rabbits fear
Being bloody well murdered
It’s skin ripped off, and they
Bleed out many of them
Crying all the way
We lock
Them up in cages,
and/experiment every day
Torture them with chemicals
From douches to hair spray
Spraying chemicals in their eyes
Yes that is what they do
Tearful broken baby rabbits
And Some end up in a stew
We eat them strip them torture them
Soft and pretty souls
Human beings sicken me
Selfish bloody trolls
These animals are farmed
In sheds
Thousands of them they
Need some true compassion
What else can I say.
Rabbit skin and rabbit fur
And flesh and and bones please try
And stop this evil practice
Or you karma will shoot sky high

Posted in A not my king story, Animal Rights, Experimentation, Fashion and animals, Feelings, furs and the fur industry, Meat trade, Medical, Rabbits | Leave a comment

The Gellilydan or Welsh Dragon

The Gellilydan a creature of old
Massively powerful
The colour of gold
A true blown dinosaur
With a lumbering gait
The Ffestiniog monster
Who lived in the slate

In the sunlight she glowed
And sparkled, for she
Lived strictly on plants leaves and roots
Watching her climb up the mountains
Where she
Lived and displayed her
true pedigree

She roared like the wind
She ran like the Hare
She climbed like a boa
Just everywhere
So scintillating
The rarest of breeds
That one ever might see

Sat flat on the slate
With a moon high above
Being out and about
A figure of love
A goddess of sorts
A Welsh dragon who
When seen by the locals
Caused a hullabaloo

Once seen ne’r forgotten
Chomping away
On branches and twigs
In her amazing way
A long curly tongue
And huge fangs of fire
It just made souls quiver
And even perspire.

Posted in A likely story, Dragon and Damsel flies | Leave a comment

Crows and their path to truth

Quietly steadfast
The Corvidae
Great and thoughtful
Day on day
Amazing knowledge
And friendship they
And creatively

Posted in Activism in art, Crow boys and girls, Duty of care was always there, wild birds, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

I love Brussel Sprouts

I am in no doubts
I eat Brussels sprouts
Chopped up with coconut
Flash fried and why
Each one has a heart
Which is good from the start
Crunchy and tasty and just up my street
I am in no doubts. I love Brussel Sprouts

Posted in Food, Food Processing | Leave a comment

The dolphins lamenting

For the Japanese to obliterate
The dolphins loyalty
Sacrosanct and beautiful
Angels of the sea
Up against the roguery
The evil now of man
Torturing and selling off
Dolphins i their fan
Freedom loving advanced souls
Up against TAIJI
Whose ignorance and arrogance
Is brutal actually

Posted in Dolphin drive W banging boats, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japan, Japanese food obscenity | Leave a comment

The Dolphins got away

They possess intelligence
Far above
The fisherfolk
Devoid of love
Money based the scrutiny
Around the angels of the sea
Taiji’s threats to man and beast
Is something we adore the least

Posted in Dolphin drive W banging boats, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

TAIJI where Shinto cannot reach

The cove of blood and thunder
A sickly horrid place
TAIJI is a wicked port
In torture terms a dark disgrace
Heartless people cashing in
On the wildlife
Surely the worst of sin

Posted in Abandonment, animals used for food, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

A baby found some respite from slaughterer

He saved a lamb one of the few
Rescued from a pit of stew
And throat slit in the darkness where
All that was left was pure despair
A baby wondering when it might
Taste fresh green grass
All this in spite
Saved one of the millions

Posted in A country tale, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Lambs and Sheep | Leave a comment

TAIJI the infamous

The Japanese emotionless crew
Do not cry like me or you
Stuffed up bogged down
Heartless sods
No Shinto nor respecting gods
Torture and kill that’s all they do
These men should be in a zoo
TAIJI killers constancy
Marauders of the deep blue sea

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Duty of care was never there, Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Pigs and I am One

A terribly lingering torturous time
Being a farmed pig
In all of the slime
Sty’s should be clean
Well aired and dry
Not festooned with excrement
A place where we die
Everyday closer to hell yes we be
For farmers are ignorant
Please believe me.

A . Pig

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Farming, Food, Food Processing, Pigs | Leave a comment

Gwesty Seren Hotel

It’s idyllic
It’s Snowdonia
Where the mountains meet the sky
Where the little sheep
Look for bo peep
And come to reason why
All the lovely ladies
From Wales land, live and play
Where unbelievable beauty reigns
It’s a wonderful place to stay

Just look out of your window
The joys of life are there
Mountains so spectacularly
Just breathe that air
And the ladies at this wondrous place
Are all smiles yes they are
The room is clean and beautiful
I just feel like the star

Seren goodness paradise
It’s here this afternoon
All sorts of trees
And sparkling streams
All of it to please
The Welsh are just remarkable
Affable and wise
I really love my visit here
Just a wonderful surprise

I saw a house this afternoon
It just felt great to me
Historically a treasure
The fae know doubt there be
Really remarkable mountains
Fresh and healthy air
Sitting in my room tonight
To me I wish to share

The experience with any friends who ever read this

Posted in Business Testimonials | Leave a comment


Planetary influence
The night sky and the light
St Michael’s Tower
Every hour
Is viewed
with such delight
By early risers
Rabbits foxes even the odd Deer
It’s sihouette of significance
Which is abundantly clear

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

Hog unwashed

Coming from the shadowy people
Gift grabbing monsters
Blood thirsty fangs
snouts from dark troughs
Liars for certain
Gluttons for punishment
Gone for a burton

Just eighty days
An orgy of stubbornness
Obdurate phantoms
Guilty as hell
Misanthropes surely
Makes us feel poorly
They are the anathema
Yea straight from Hell

Anger is building
All around the country
Rankling and growling
That’s what we hear
Daggers drawn
Sullen as arse oles
Pitiless goings on
Our hearts are torn

Posted in Politics | Leave a comment

The man on his knees

It happened in China
Where billions of people
Live in a country so ancient
Cruelty exists to
Cats seemingly
With the advent of media
And tragically
Punishment seldom
Disciplinary action
People use torture
And the abused then will be
Out on the street to attract
Passers sentiment
Begging for money
So sickeningly

Girls holding placards
“Don’t feed his dark torture”
He steals these animals
Then hurts them so
He plays on your kind heart
He is after your sympathy
He wants your money
How low can he be

Some people give beggars
Measly amounts
Others walk by
Ignoring their plea’s
Many will realise
He was harming animals
Thus Condemning
the actions
Of The man on his knees。

Posted in A likely story, Abandonment, Cat scum bag murderers, cats, CHINA food obscenity | Leave a comment


,Life is weird in many ways
Our health can sometimes be
Getting us down a little bit
Getting tired too easily
A chill, pain in our joints maybe
A fever even, we
Just don’t feel right
Not sleeping well
It might be suddenly

Life can get on top of us
I hear it’s bad for you
You have a problem
It’s difficult
We are on our own, and we do
Realise something has changed
We. Really need to be

Slowing a down a little bit
Going to seE the doc
Having some treatment
Some malady it feels like a shock
To the system an infection maybe we
Just feel a bit peculiar
Some tests really to see

Our feeling towards the dolphin friends
And what goes on in TAIJI
The banging boats the lack of love
It gets to us, we see
A frightening, a pod or two
The seAson underway
We worry of course we worry
About our friends each day

Hearing you have a problem
Its serious of course
The stress in you is weakening
You have this inner force
You fight for the proud dolphins.
Their suffering is yours
Their innocence their peacefulness
So worthy of applause

And you my dear are suffering
Really every day
Fighting off the problem
In your earnest way
Looking in the mirror
Yes you do look pale
Feeling tired and weary
On the daily trail

I know it must be wearisome
It’s a fight with the disease
You are hopeful things will better
Friends around they seize
Every chance to tell you
How shared love can be good
Like climbing up a mountain
You can do this and you should

Lots of friends around the world
Are with you, for they know
Really we are all family
All part of the flow
All your sweet thoughts of animals
The hours you dedicate
The sweet vibrations we all share
In truth, they are great

WE send our love and purpose
We send our thoughts to you
We know how much you love wild souls
And we know what you do
Your precious time you share abroad
You give so graciously
We love you and we care so much
For you my Dear are true

Rest up as best you can

Dear Fernanda x

Posted in People I have observed | Leave a comment

On the railway

Compassion is a gift of beauty
A heart of gold so genuine
The train driver took heed and slowed
It touches us all that loving flowed
Mother and baby might have been
Just run over
But what we witnessed was amazing
Quietly and emphatically

Posted in Duty of care was always there, Wild Deers | Leave a comment

Countryside sounds

Thank Goodness we are adept
With words
And we all so love the farm yard birds
Redwings,Thrushes Finches they
Visit us and then fly away
Their little notes they leave behind
Songs that in our hearts we find
Amongst the weeds and seeds all share
Perhaps an ebullient sweet field Fare
On his own sings a sweet note
Reminding me each ode I wrote
Thank Goodness we are adept
With words
And we don’t forget our farmyard birds

Posted in A country tale, birds and the environment | Leave a comment

Poor bears

Boxing bears
The spectacle shares
It’s image with the crowd
Clearly it’s amusing
Not brutally endowed
Causing fright and fearfulness
Agony and pain
Solidly both broken
And tragically insane

Posted in A not my king story, Animal Rights, Bears, Boredom, Captivity, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, ethical pointers, Freedom and what's happening to it, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Man unkind's graphic torturing of various souls, Pain, Retards of the first order, Torture, Wild life tourism | Leave a comment

Saboteurs how we respect your hard work

Thank goodness for sabs
Who give so much time
And real earnest love
Out of darkness they climb
Assisting our fox friends
Who are tortured and chased
By ugly phantoms
So badly misplaced

Posted in A not my king story, Duty of care was always there, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

An old man loves his dog

Rain on the old bones
Makes them creak
Makes them painful
in old man speak
Covers his dog
Loving and caring
A wonderful spirit
That He is sharing

Posted in A country tale, Dogs, Duty of care was always there | Leave a comment

One dead elephant

Rifles across their shoulders
Big men after all
An elephant lies it’s eyes closed
Just where the soul did fall
They paid to bag this creature
Trophy hunters they
Part of an exciting package
Which became their holiday

Look at the elephant motionless
Peacefully it lies
Shot down by the two of them
Two just ordinary guys
Looking for excitement
The avid need to kill
To stalk and hope a tusker comes
Over the next hill

Paying a fee to murder
A living creature who
Was put upon this earth
And gunned down by the two of you
Opportunistically speaking
Rascality abroad
This elephant had done no wrong
But it’s death was your reward

Personally I am thinking
A wild soul in its realm
Living where it Indeed was placed
It does overwhelm
My heartfelt association
With wild souls that abound
What gives us the where for all
That inside itself it drowned

Out the bullet exploding
It’s body killed at source
It’s eyes closed and it just shut down
All this done with force
Earlier it was walking quietly
And then on encountering you
The bullets sank into its flesh
And it fell that much was true

Posted in Elephants, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Bear killers and coffee

They came for a bear
Who was wild as the wind
Who was where his god put him
The two of them sinned
They had the guns
And fat bellies too
They are the type who do what they do knock back the coffee
And think each a saint
Reality.Surely knows both of them a’int

Posted in A not my king story, Bears, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Medan Zoo and all Zoo’s really

Medan Zoo
Animal prison
In certain hearts
Contempt has risen
Zoo’s are cell blocks
And cruelty
Removal of freedom
It lets those see
Who have eyes
but no hearts at all
Exchanging freedom
For a WALL

Posted in Tigers, Zoo's | Leave a comment

The Cheetah clan

Amazingly attractive
Motherly and caring
Independent fleet of foot
A photograph expertly put
They know love For them profound
But hunting men ought to be drowned
In their corruption and their spite
I pray for Cheetahs day and night.

Posted in A not my king story, Africa, Cheetahs and their subjugation, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


A crimson accord
Before the sunrise
St Michael’s Tower
A picturesque prize
At the top of the Tor
A successful view
Across the levels
Where the Somerset dew
Sees A vast open canvas
Glastonbury’s claim to a
Fire burning brightly and
A painters acclaim

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

Commercial fishing and the Denials

By catch
A lot don’t know what that be
It’s fishing for one fish
And killing thirty three
Or four even fifty
Caught in the net
And just left to perish
Yes ringing wet

In Australian waters
Dugongs do swim
Turtles and sawfish
And dolphins
It’s grim
If you happen to be
One of them
You might be
By catch alas
Denials you see

Commercial fishermen
Just throw the nets
Into the ocean
Taking no bets
They want the Herring
The edible clan

Nobody puts dugongs in the pan

And only the fisherfolk
Out in the sea
Know what they catch
And so we must be
Installing cameras
Let’s see just what
Fisherman catch
To put in their pot.

Commercial fishing
Is wasteful in fact
So many creature the nets do attract
And those are thrown back
Dead as dodo’s you see
Yes By catch is wasting
So much of the sea

Posted in A likely story, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, By catch, commercial fishing, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Fishing angling course fishing | Leave a comment