Fleetwood Mac

Her music is masterful
Lyrically she
Has become a composer
And sings beautifully
A star in the spot light
A genuine she
Heads a band where genius
Has memorably
Shot to the top
A songstress supreme
She has everything really
And heads up her teams
So fabulously

The wondrous Stevie Nicks

Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

Dear hen

She knows what it’s like to be hated
Treated unwisely she feels
Sworn at and kicked
Sold down the river
The soreness alas she reveals
Dirty food thrown at her often
She has a heart beating too
Kept in a cage full of many

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world | Leave a comment

If this is goodbye

Twin towers falling down
The heat melting steel
People jumping out
It is for real
Mark Knofler
Writes songs
As the twin towers came down
If this is goodbye
You are wearing that gown

It’s Indian Red
And it clings to you
If this is goodbye
Then my love is true

The government chose
To kill us this way
So many died
On that fateful day
If this is goodbye
A last final act
If this is goodbye
My love is a fact

Sing out aloud
Let the guitars whine
If this is goodbye
The old sun doth shine
I love you I do
More than anyone knows
If this is goodbye
If this is goodbye

Written for my delightful daughter
Who looked after me and who I loved more than anyone else ever
Dear Claudia

New words to Mark Knoflers song about Twin Towers and the love
People gave to friends as they were being killed or about to die.

Posted in Duty of care was always there, Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

Downs Syndrome boy in Gaza

The IDF are cruel beyond all reasoning
A Down syndrome boy they murdered
Using hounds
One bit off his arm
This little boy so calm
Bleeding from all over
This shit should be out of bounds
They get away with every crime
On children yes now every time
Bombing schools and refugees
Sheltering it’s true
The war throws up such evil
Such ugliness and pain
Murdering the innocent
Again and again and again.

Posted in Abandonment, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Indigenous People, Israel, Palestine | Leave a comment


They are going after a Hamas
That’s the motive they
Have to bomb the Palestinians
Kill just more each day
Blow them out of the moment
Children and mother cry
Heads blown off it’s terrible
Raining down from the sky

Pounding tents imagine that’s Netanyahu He
Thinks it’s just a good idea
To set his people free
To cause famine and the slaughter
Women and children there
Blow them out of existence
Leave them in despair

Posted in Abandonment, Genocide, India, Palestine | Leave a comment


Headless legless children
Pulled along by cart
Gaza getting bombed again
By an enemy with no heart
They are told it’s a safe zone
Then that Hamas might
Just be in that safe zone
So it’s not safe
Is that right

Bombs rain down like thunderbolts
Onto tents and they
Blow the innards out of victims
Almost every day
And politicians in the EU
Seemingly don’t care
They still send weapons free of charge
Totally unaware

War crimes is the answer
These arrogant people who
Are great friends with Israel
Letting them do what they do
Despite the people marching
Writing and on TV
So many children dying
No one hears their plea

Israel the murderers
Helped along by those
Countries bought and paid for
Each day the number grows
Women mothers and their children
Disabled people too
Shot and killed or blown to pieces
That’s is what they do.

Posted in Abandonment, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Famine, Genocide, Infanticide, Palestine | Leave a comment

A skeleton of a child lying in the street

It’s horrendously objectionable
Grotesque in every way
What Israel has done in Gaza
Forever she must pay.

Posted in Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Gaza, Genocide, Humanity, Israel, Palestine | Leave a comment


Netanyahu’s goons are blooming everywhere
Bombing families children torn apart
Their little faces staring at the sky above
Reality it does just break my heart
Babies bruised and battered torn asunder
Staring eyes and faces blooded red
Their innocence rewarded by Israel’s
Cut and thrust
Whole families slaughtered lying in their bed

How can a parent see this and not die a death
Our politician monsters keep on
Providing arms to Israel
Knowing they kill these children
Infanticide it’s everywhere
Callousness and barbarity
The devilishness and severity
Gathering clouds of tragedy
So many babies slaughtered
A pungent stench of death collectively.

Posted in A not my king story, Israel, Pakistan | Leave a comment

Three a network of caring souls

Thoughtful and caring
And wonderfully sharing
Full on integrity
Their impartiality
A point of honour
When problems exist
They honestly feel
The need to be business like
Their knowledge they feed

I bought an iPad
And something went wrong
I hold them in high standing
They do belong
To a true bunch of people
To appreciate
Doing their utmost
So as not to conflate
Three really are
An affable bunch
In our big world each star

They sorted the problem
And I now have an iPad

For which I thank them all

Posted in Business Testimonials, People I have observed | Leave a comment

Pristinity Jewelry IOWA

Scott Bricker
He’s a genius
So sensitive He be
With dexterity and finery
Makes beautiful jewellery
Creativeness so genuine
Inventive through and through
The nose ring that I bought from him
One of a tiny few

For my friend Claudia Ferri
It’s excellence for sure
Unrivalled in its beauty
More than anything before
Scott a certain wholeness
And truest harmony
His capacity for beauty
Everyone can see

Thank you Scott

Posted in Business Testimonials, Duty of care was always there, People I have observed | Leave a comment


The anguish of his passing
Gabrielle, We
Were unaware that it happened
What was a tragedy
Having to imagine
That sorrow and the pain
The over whelming sadness
Such a heart sapping refrain
Empathy apparent
An endearing quality
Courage and conviction
Of us all, our family
Suffering together
Adversity and Woe
Remembering the joy he brought
In all of us, his flow
His blessedness imparted
His promise was our all
Collectively we miss him so
His eminence
His call
On all of our affections
A paragon was he
Gifted and creative
He was exemplary
In All his undertakings
A gifted man of soul
We shall miss him forever
He so resolute and whole.

Posted in Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Obituaries | Leave a comment

Or once the Royal Guards Horse at Horse Guards

He loves tourists
Chinese, any style
If they want a photograph
They stand there for a while
and Ormonde gets a bit of them
he also likes an arm
Rocks his great head up and down
With his aggressive charm

Posted in Horses | Leave a comment

Pilot whales let’s walk among the dead bodies

Take your baby paddling in rich red blood to c
Get the baby realising what it’s like to b
Trundling in guts&skin &blubber all the way
Murdering the Pilot Whales on any given day
Whole families killed blood&guts
Every bloody where
Take your baby for a walk
&begin2breathe the air

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Art work and the animals, Child exploitation, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

Elephant Skin

A pachyderm
Of monstrous size
The skin of which
We realise
The Chinese
traditional Medicine souls
Use it
In a lot of roles
Acne being one
I hear
Skin complaints
That many fear

Insects pulverised where we
Enjoy the dust successfully
Cockroaches. Weave

Posted in Elephants, TCM | Leave a comment

How can he be real?

He is a creepy weird one
Reading his sickly prose
Does he think that we believe it
Those words that he chose
Do appear just bloody daft
Enough to make one feel
He is no ambassador
How can he be real

Posted in Genocide, Israel, zionists | Leave a comment

If you saw what lobsters eat you would never partake

Lobsters eat so badly
Stinking rancidity
Crabs stay well away from it
Down deep in the sea
Lobsters get their Snow White flesh
From what is absolute
Inedible incredible
And it should never suit

Any human who witnessed it

Posted in Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened | Leave a comment


His little face it says it all
Freedom little here
Bombs and rockets and tanks and guns
And the most tumultuous fear
The IDF aware everywhere
Shooting everyone
Nobody get even a smile
Underneath the sun

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, The Middle East, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

Mothers and their calves

We steal their babies we process and
Rape and kidnap understand
The wrong we do to Mother Cows
Who lament so graphically,
The Dairies abuse their life force
Treat their slaves badly every day
Murder their calves
Break their soul
Torture and abuse them

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal rape, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Carbon emissions, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate manslaughter, Countryside wisdom, cow hides, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Fighting back, Glyphosate, Halal, LEATHER, Meat trade | Leave a comment

A daily dose

A daily dose of genocide
Of children blown to bits
Everyday they pass away
Where the hell it sits
In spirit and in loving
A glorious atmosphere
A vast tragic rubble heap
A people so sincere
Their Indigenous persuasion
Lost souls in a way
Their homes ransacked and stolen
Kingdom come today
Children playing in the street
Targeted and killed
Innocence laid out before us
Their precious blood is spilled

Bombs rain down on Gaza
So many lies are told
Israeli gunships firing
So many people sold
Famine strikes the youth the old
A culture of dismay
Ordinary people
Beautiful souls
Just are blown away

Snipers snipe
Bombers bomb
Savage deeds
From Jack and Tom
American weapons
British too
The Europeans
Yes all through
Daily played out on our screens
The political the pain
The sinful violence decked with blood
The thoroughly insane
Skeleton shapes are everywhere
Broken and twisted forms
Evictions coming everyday
Hearts broken evil storms
Raging through humanity
Each of us we feel
The tempestuous true evil
The ugliness the real
Sadness every soul found lying
Murdered in their bed
Shot to bits
We are sharing
Their agony it sits
Squarely with our soul urge
Politicians they
Tell us Isreal has the right
To defend itself and play
It’s tune above all others
It’s propaganda we
Here it playing in our soul
Their vile depravity
The tories and the Labour leaders
Pronouncing all the way
Denying that the horrid war
Is how the world must pay
Zionism all conquering
Thousands in their graves
Covered in dust and glory
So many innocent slaves
Broken and torn their purelives lost
Women and children all
We hear their collective screaming
As the shrapnel hits the wall
Hospitals are falling
Mosques are crumbling too
Universities blown apart
All of this is true
The Lancet tells us the numbers
Denied by Israel
So many loving mothers
And their children
Lost in Hell
Thank goodness for South Africa
Who stood up who were brave
They had gone through uprisings
And felt that they could save
Us all from what was genocide
Played out every day
Eloquently put to bed
It was the only way.

“I woke up in the middle of the night
These words dredged up from my soul
From the river to the sea
Hearts deliver painfully”

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Boycotts, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Feelings, Genocide, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Politics, Radiation, Syria, The Middle East, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Warring factions sickens me

How can we live through all of this
Macabre and awful time
Israel perpetrates an enormous harm
From the pits of death we climb
Our children broken and innocent
Lost for evermore
In the rubble, in what is a blood bath
And a war.

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate manslaughter, Criminality, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Indigenous People, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Think again MR Urban

Keith Urban
What were you thinking
The evil rodeo
The suffering that goes on there
Think again and you’ll know
Busted legs and broken hearts
And you support these crimes
By participating

Posted in Animal Rights, Humanity, Rodeo gangsters | Leave a comment

Eating fish think for goodness sake

Look at the bloody industry
Commercial fishing wise
Evil ugly thoughtless action
The fish and their demise
Awful suffocation
The produce described as free
Fish buyers are the pits
Of a vile humanity

Posted in Abandonment, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Humanity, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Industrial management, Infanticide, long line fishing for tuna, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment


The majority are sickened
At the cruelty one sees
Bulls are treated abominably
Whilst the government decrees
This violence towards animals
This ugly awful scene
Pamploma is exploding
Yes the Nation is obscene

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Aquaria or watery zoo, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Death and Dying, Desecration, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Meat trade, Retards of the first order, Sadism, Swamp creatures | Leave a comment

Rhino Horn

18 years for possession
Now that’s a grand idea
South Africa wakes up at last
And invaders are going to fear
Murdering the Rhinocerus
Chinese TCM
Creates a vile anathema
And the sentence is a gem

Lock them up forever i say

Posted in activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Emotional Poems, Rhino, Smuggling, South Africa, TCM | Leave a comment

To love the life you were given

every day something happens
Imagine being Palestinian, who
Loves their family loves existence
But shit happens to all of you
The Zionists are on your case
Wanting to murder and to maim
Bomb you really out of existence
That’s their bloody claim to fame

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Genocide, Indigenous People, Israel, Palestine, Trials and Tribulations of an ongoing illness, veganism and me, Where friends live, wild birds, zionists | Leave a comment

Let’s save the badgers NEW Labour

Keir Starmers pants are too near the fire
Our badgers our bruins our Brocks. Times are dire
Shot in the forest or gassed who can tell
Now Labour takes over the governments hell
The tories allowed this
What of Steve Reed
Let’s badger Keir Starmer
Let’s try to succeed

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment


The Jewish people are up in arms
Really in a state
Everybody sees
The Palestinians of late
So many on their knees
Hospitals are full
Than they ever were before
so many children murdered
In the internal war

The suffering it is immense
The soldiers too get hit
Hamas is making. Bombs and rockets
Out of depleted shit
Picked up off the stony ground
And turned into fire power
Palestinians won’t give up
They are worthy of each hour
Fighting the common enemy
Right up,until now

Posted in Israel | Leave a comment


Lobsters eat vile rotten putrid smelly
Death and they
Are eaten by the ruling classes
In grand hotels they pay
Charge a blooming fortune
Scavengers of the deep
For tasty flesh that even crabs
Would avoid those crabs that creep
And hide in sparkling rock pools
Where no lobsters be
Ammoniacal awful yes rancidity.

Posted in Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened | Leave a comment

Under the Moon

Bloodied and broken
A precious life
Stolen by Israel
A land where strife
Is seemingly commonplace
A lost lagoon
Death and destruction
Under the moon

Posted in Indigenous People, Israel, Palestine, zionists | Leave a comment

Wild life memory

A giraffe survives
In a misty world
A cat below
Appears hurled
Out of reality
Into a dream
A wild life memory
It doth seem

Posted in Animal Rights, cats, Giraffes, leopards, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment