Category Archives: Love poems

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The slaughter truck The view we see It stick its head Out tragically It can’t get back All it knows Is it’s life of love As the wild wind blows Successive souls Realise their roles

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Food Processing, Horses, Illusions, Love and respect, Love poems, Nutrition | Leave a comment

Love in the real sense

Lovers of life Lovers of living Can’t live without someone That is true giving Elephants have that Perfect heart rapture Yes I can feel it Ecstatic life force

Posted in Animal Rights, Elephants, Emotional Poems, Love poems, magick, Obituaries, Unrequited Love | Leave a comment

The knackers yard for me

Mindful of his sweetheart Who he will never see again He left her in the meadow His heart in so much pain He was destined rapidly For the great hole in the sky A bullet through his aching head Still … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Horses, Love poems | Leave a comment

The escape which led to sanctuary

Clearly Lady Luck was present in this story that we hear A pregnant mum jumped some eight feet the spirit in her and the fear Building she was frightened on the way she felt To the bloody death camp that … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, ccorporate America, General Poems, Love poems, Milk and its associated problems, slaughterhouses and operatives, Spiders | Leave a comment

Sara’s straw boater girl

In starlit repose Such emotion flows Like the dappling ocean This beautiful rose Of a lass her straw boater Her myriad plea To the moons fading light-force Beyond the cool sea

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Love poems, Ocean | Leave a comment

Ashes to ashes

A hand crafted pot That I love a lot For Elvis’s ashes Forget him not He’s always with me Where he loves to be Resting and protecting Eternally

Posted in Death and Dying, Dogs, Emotional Poems, Love poems, People I have observed | Leave a comment

Dream Weaver

Damask delightful Myriad blues Magical memories Wonderful hue’s Soft to emotions Wild and a fire To the soul To resolve Like an impressionable Lyre Bird of the forest It’s feathers in awe Ringing true every glimpse Every sound wanting more … Continue reading

Posted in Channeled Works, Corporate manslaughter, Dreams, Ethereal Poems, Goddesses, India and the visionary, Love poems, magick, Medical, Poems written before the year 2000 | Leave a comment

Witchery it feels to me 14/2

A sunny day A bright blue sky A positive thought Inspired am I To think of you And what you wrote Of the racialist comment Someone did float Years before Their eyes as dull As dish water From somewhere in … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Love poems | Leave a comment


The second day of the latest year A silver ball of sunlight smiles A restlessness of energy Dynamism and expectancy Eight Decades and no child of mine Wil be left to remember the guileless line The finality of death most … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Love poems | Leave a comment

The urn

This urn holds the dust That was once me my darling I never dared tell you How much I loved you My revelation Witch of the wild wood My inspiration The crafte of the good

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Love poems, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, Unrequited Love, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Love for each other

Love it is shared With all who have hearts Friendship and charity Is where it starts Closeness and sentiment Fondness and liking Devotion and loyalty All this so striking

Posted in Love poems, magick | Leave a comment

Soul Mates

soul mates The searching is over That knowing was growing inside both on the very same pathway 2 b in the forest,to glide On besoms beyond all horizons The magic of being seeing The glowing the knowing the care Breaking … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Explorers and Visionaries, Love poems, relationships and breakdown, Rex's Little Bits of Philosophy, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Unrequited Love | Leave a comment


A kiss on the arm Might have saved me today Delivered with sweetness In the purest of way My descent had been fast Rock bottom close by There was just so much fear, And tears in each eye  

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Ethereal Poems, Love poems | Leave a comment

What we need is mutual love and CARE

The world today is hard and fast And we people we all feel the blast Of the virus and the governments way Of keeping us all locked down all day We are sensitive souls And we really care We want … Continue reading

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Out of my heart Comes a token of care Of light and of love For those hours that we share Whether walking the dog Or drinking our wine Or eating our cakes For me its divine My Persian Queen We … Continue reading

Posted in Love poems | 2 Comments


I was five and so was she JULIA My wife to be Golden hair with ringlets too Clearly she my dream come true She lived, a few doors away And she said she liked to play With my metal watering … Continue reading

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Love knows no bounds

A bleak and frosty Railway track A bitch and a dog in pain The bitch is clearly injured And can’t move And its insane By anybody’s standard But her friend he stays there too To comfort her And to love … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, Dogs, Emotional Poems, Love poems | 2 Comments

My latest girl friend Miss Pain

beaten blue but our love is true Continue reading

Posted in Love poems | 5 Comments

Besotted with Fay

The flat in North London Her bike on the stairs Sharing the spiders webs and some cats hairs

Posted in Love poems, Poems | 3 Comments

Molly Fae

A pair of broken glasses A symphony or two A glass eye in a jam jar And a picture painted blue

Posted in Love poems, Poems | 1 Comment