Monthly Archives: May 2015

Zoo’s are not places for animals

A zoo is no place for wild animals, they Are far better off living far far away Wherever their true habitat is they,ought Be left there to live there we never should have caught The bug which is capture, trapping … Continue reading

Posted in Zoo's | Leave a comment

I know where Hell is Today and probably everyday

The undisputed champions Of vileness to pigs anywhere Has to be Australia A Land of sunshine To beware Lucent shows us that Hell is here It’s of our making With all the fear That any man just anywhere Could conjure … Continue reading

Posted in Pigs | Leave a comment

Autism and the claim made by Katie Hopkins

It be your presumption Your hypothesis That autism stems From a crazy thesis An excuse to claim benefit From the big pot No Katie Hopkins That isn’t the lot Of parents with Children whose instinctive minds Register sadness Under the … Continue reading

Posted in autism | Leave a comment


We are the virus Carnivores serve Up the dead bodies They have the nerve To kidnap and slaughter And offer for sale Another’s life force That’s my sad tale To steal babies from mothers To eat and display Like the … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, Environmental Poems, Poems | Leave a comment

The leopards eats ocean wrasse in his fresh water swimming poo

It’s a sickness Of man unkind An alienation To pure lunacy A cretinism Bound out of a way To finance more profit On any day Nothing is natural It doesn’t exist Just utter confusion From that they enlist A creative … Continue reading

Posted in circus, leopards | 2 Comments

The lion who was the king of the jungle is now the king for the canned hunter

Lions have value as targets The American hunter has paid South African farmers to root up their trees To do away with their cattle For they wanted to please It’s all about money The greatest extent Farm lions for hunters … Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lions | Leave a comment

Corporate water for sale via Nestlé chairman

It’s all about control And nothing else at all Privatise the water That’s Peter Brabeck’s call A complete unconsciousness An unknown quantity Nescient and unknowing An obscurantist actually Senselessness futility In many ways I’d say An air of such buffoonery … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ccorporate America | Leave a comment

They think it’s funny!

Medieval torture Blood shedding everywhere Not appreciating life And everything that’s there Animate existence Vitality and force Hearts blood and reality It’s at our very source Psychopathic monsters Walking in our midst Thinking they are clever It’s as if they … Continue reading

Posted in cats | Leave a comment

Chicken who you calling chicken?

Asda’s really going through the mangle Their chickens seemingly bunged up with stuff Campylobacter seems to want to get amongst them 80per cent of them that’s really tough Cooped up in those massive sheds is something Living in their own … Continue reading

Posted in chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment

Spies are everywhere

A certain P. Igeon was apprehended,he Was found in Pakistan they say Acting suspiciously He now has been arrested Which seems a blooming shame A flighty bit of business With a rather funny name A fickleness apparent Flying here and … Continue reading

Posted in wild birds | Leave a comment

The Taiji Dolphins who commit themselves to suicide

Taiji a little port an awful place For those who go There just passing through in fact Essentially who don’t know Do not perceive the danger The domineering way How coercive the Japanese are And how much you must pay … Continue reading

Posted in Orca's and Dolphins | 3 Comments

Curiosity made it happen

A cat at the window of opportunity A bird in the air just outside Michael the bird says come on up here We both now need to confide But then of course you are a cat mate Not in a … Continue reading

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The double crested Cormorant

The planet doesn’t need the help Of the army of engineers Who clearly think they are helpful Raising a wealth of fears We are wild birds all lost for words As to why you feel the need To shoot us … Continue reading

Posted in wild birds | Leave a comment


We are the indigenous earthling birds And truthfully humans we are lost for words We live in the wilds in the forests and sea And this shit that you drill out of earth Is to me A loss of freedom … Continue reading

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Whoever is responsible for this act of cruelty Needs a bloody long time in a padded cell that’s If you ask me And it’s happened in Charleston In the USA Electric tape around her muzzle And abandoned in that way … Continue reading

Posted in Dogs | 2 Comments

Villaneuva de la Vera in Extremadura Spain 24/2

Culture and tradition words that sicken me When they are used to describe something That for me is infamy For me is, wanton cruelty Of animals No regard For the safety of our earthling friends Who really battle hard The … Continue reading

Posted in Donkeys and working animals | 2 Comments

Rebel with a name like that what chance did he have

Rebel died and why was that Because he took the blame A child got through an enclosure in a zoo That’s what they claim The officials of the zoo were where The parents of the child were where Others watching … Continue reading

Posted in Wolves | Leave a comment

The bulls retort having seen Claudia’s reply to a thread)

On behalf of bulls Who got their own back Listen I am one who wants my point of view Before I reach The sky The malevolence that Spain does show Towards us do you know And the cruelty from the … Continue reading

Posted in Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

The Grindadrap the mass slaughter of contaminated pilot whales and small,cetaceans in the Faroe Islands every year)

Peter Baldwins recent expose of slaughter shows A terrible indictment of murdering repose The Faroe Islanders strong lament to people far and wide That their so called cultural offering cannot be denied The song is called Barbarians it’s title to … Continue reading

Posted in Orca's and Dolphins, Whales and Sea Shepherd | 4 Comments

Fox hunting

Fox hunting in Scotland It’s happening Despite the laws that are in place We know Hunters and some local people Do it anyway It’s part of their culture It’s happened since the day The kids were born It’s common knowledge … Continue reading

Posted in Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment


It probably is the Queensland It’s not there’s and not ours It might have been before the fracking Before their enormous powers Were summoned and presented Via the fracking crap Via the grids of pipelines And the delusional clap trap … Continue reading

Posted in Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

Shale gas the Tories one that got away story

Now the Tories have got in The writings on the wall Be prepared for anything But nothing we learned at school The energy is out there All we have to do Is tell ourselves it’s special And then believe that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

The Grand Salon

The Grand Salon A celebration Of An eating place On an aristocratic style New York displayed it’s face Open alcoves with champagnes Where you could do your thing Everywhere such luxury It just had that special ring That was until … Continue reading

Posted in Coyotes | Leave a comment


A Japanese man was arrested Because he chose to flush His wife’s cremated ashes Down a toilet in a rush He had had an unhappy marriage And out of disrespect Went to the supermarket And decided to elect The toilet … Continue reading

Posted in General Poems | Leave a comment

Monkey and circus

The trainer The no brainer A cruel and ugly Bitch Has no compassion Anywhere What she does to this titch It’s about retentive training A monkey on a stick That gets a blooming hiding It’s enough to make me sick … Continue reading

Posted in circus, Monkeys and Primates | Leave a comment

Radar slip rode

New Zealand slips under the radar It puts out it’s slogans about Being a place With a much cleaner face But this film leaves me In such doubt The Rodeo Season from Farm Watch Now who in their right mind … Continue reading

Posted in Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Our beloved dolphins

Black Fish and the Cove Took it’s pots shots at those Corporate crap heaps Whose cruelty grows The vilest philosophy Under the sun Rising, a red ball of Life on the run Behold the great pods Of silver and grey … Continue reading

Posted in Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment


Try to imagine The solace we feel The pain and the heartbreak Of knowing it’s real Being alone In a hall where the smell Is of blood Is of sinew So much like Hell The noises the squeals The frightening … Continue reading

Posted in CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

No middle way

Despite the Tory puffers The queen will not be saying Fox hunting has been repealed The hounds will not be baying Possibly at Christmas though A snippet could be heard About the proposed middle way lord Donoughie a bird Whispered … Continue reading

Posted in Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Deep water dolphins

These colossal giants when they err They do Create an infernal hell on earth Where evil washes through Take BP in the Caspian Sea The oil blowout that came Killing all the wild life Whose hearts they did inflame But … Continue reading

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