Category Archives: Pesticides


So you all like streaky bacon Fatty greasy pork Swimming in cholesterol Get some on your fork Salty crunchy pig ribs Once she was a wild Piglet in a super barn With a tiny child A runt from a litter … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Pesticides, Piglets suckling, Pigs, Pork | Leave a comment


The use of plant milks is everywhere For years and years those more aware Of the dairy horror And baby cows Through health and whole food Increased the powers Of retail and of vegans gradually Who Used such products actually … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Animal Rights, Farming, Food, Food Processing, Glyphosate, Medical, Organic Food Trade News, Organic harvesting, Personal Hygiene and its consequences, Pesticides, Radiation, Supermarkets, Tree's that I am close to, VEGAN LIFE STYLE, Vegan Lifestyle, veganism and me, Water and chemicalisation of it, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend, womens issues | Leave a comment

How hypothetical is it really?

Tis said it’s hypothetical Low doses don’t amount To much, that’s what it’s often said Low doses do not count But this mis-information Is tragically now floored So needs investigation For facts can’t be ignored Skolnick said in 95 And … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, genetically modified children, Glyphosate, haemophilia, Heavy metals, Pesticides, Radiation | Leave a comment

The names right to oils not

Rape seed oil is not for me Erucic Acid tragically The cabbage family Yes maybe the golden fields All growing free It’s heavily processed And inflammatory Refined with hexane So not for me In Canada it’s canola oil It cancelled … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems, Genetics, Pesticides, Rape | Leave a comment

Weird behaviour on the face of it

Birds get awfully uncomfortable Sometimes in the wild Itchy and scratchy And acting like a child They may settle on an ants nest And let the ants climb Up over their bodies It’s called Anting And with time Ants give … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ANTS The aliens of our time, birds and the environment, Comedic, Environmental Poems, Magpie, Pesticides, Rituals, Sea Birds and bird stories, Where friends live, wild birds, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment


Tobacco in Argentina Growers in a war Glyphosate the Herbicide So many did ignore The false hopes and predictions As vile as they could be Misinterpretations and denials tragically The children have been damaged Genetically replete The chemical was awful … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Argentina, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Breathing and pollution, ccorporate America, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Death and Dying, Drugs and how they are being used on our children, Environmental Poems, Experimentation, Farming, Freedom and what's happening to it, genetically modified children, Indigenous People, Pesticides, Starvation and the Poor, tobacco, womens issues, Workers rights in way off lands | Leave a comment

What is a fish farm

Fish farms are like prisons Overcrowded cast Violence filthy conditions Pesticides that blast All manner of vile creatures It’s an obnoxious stew Of innocent and Awful A confounded awful brew

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, commercial fishing, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Net zero

The corporations mantra It’s blasted everywhere They have taken out the Amazon Rainforest laid bare Malaysia and Indonesia’s forest Much lost too The great red apes left dangling And stuck in many a zoo Arborials frustrated everywhere we go The … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Australia and the epic journeys, autism, Brazil, Breathing and pollution, Captivity, CHINA food obscenity, Conspiracy Theories, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Experimentation, Extinction, Fluoridation of our water supply, Food Processing, Forests and wild places, Freedom and what's happening to it, Glyphosate, Haarp and weather moidification, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Mining and destruction of habitat, Mining and its consequences, Orangutan(Person of the forest), Pesticides, Science, slaughterhouses and operatives, Starvation and the Poor, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, Towerblocks, Tree's that I am close to, Trees, Trees our silent friends, vaccinations, Water and chemicalisation of it, whistleblowers, womens issues, world domination | Leave a comment

Immunotoxic chemicals used in outdoor gear

Outdoor clothing Seems to be Including forever chemicals Waterproofing seemingly Hindering our bodies ability PFAS affect the way our bodies Protect apparently Our antibodies that fight infection And it seems to be That manufacturers carry on using them Alas No … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Breathing and pollution, Environmental Poems, Pesticides, Peter Sanders and his Photography, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment

Babies half starved

Look at my ribs a poking Through my very sore skin From a baby given crap Some shit from a tin Mothers milk not a look in Malnutrition us We don’t get good udder milk Thickened up with pus That’s … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Milk and its associated problems, Nanotechnolgy, Nutrition, Pesticides | Leave a comment


Synthetic insecticides That’s what we c Golf courses flea products Lawns oh they be greener & lovelier But dearie me Neonics r needed & they kill the Bee Golfing is taking down trees everywhere Wild bees r dying And people … Continue reading

Posted in Bees, Pesticides, Photography and general audits | Leave a comment

Almond Milk

Almond milk forget the stuff Pesticides galore If it’s not organic What are you buy it for It has a lot of additives Its not milk anyway Its very mucus forming And it costs a lot

Posted in Environmental Poems, Food, Food Processing, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Herbicides in our environment

A broad spectrum herbicide used to annhilate plants that the corporations feel really are in no state unwanted plants They have no chance its death for them today this is a crazy substance A really dreadful  spray vast amounts are … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Pesticides | Leave a comment

As long as your arm

there are lists as long as Miles of arms terribly toxic sprayed into the air belching out of crop spreaders from farms who are aware pilots leave the workers picking peppers down below In  Florida in all that heat Most … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Bad Säckingen and its people, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Ten thousand tons

Ten thousand tons of the  nastiest  stuff shipping from Britain cruel not enough they want to poison the world  far away kill off the people in the vilest of spray   how we sleep  in our beds knowing the   … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Pesticides | Leave a comment

I watched it three times the dark waters I mean

Despite the dark waters Of Parkersburg, we Despite all that sadness The deaths that we see C8 is so evil And Dear Rob Bilott Industrial Processes Yes so Many we’ve got More every moment Dead in the ground Scampering maggots … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, Environmental Poems, Lockdown anomalies, Nanotechnolgy, Pesticides | Leave a comment


1080 sodium fluoacetate A devilish nasty source Of pesticide so inhumane With a terrible force Against the godly creatures Vertebrates and all Mammals even cats and dogs And humans too The call Goes out from me and others Why Australia … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Unfair trade thats chocolate

Growing cocoa isn’t easy Its hard work and the prices paid By our Multi National Buyers Seemingly Make unfair trade The reality accordingly Margins seemingly Are weighted against the growers Which is why slavery And why growers are Disrespected seen … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate Giants, Pesticides, SLAVERY | Leave a comment

A silver spoon in the mouth of those

A silver spoon in the mouth of those Lobbyists Who do propose The reintroduction of neonicoinoids Bee killing pesticides That Good sense avoids Why on earth are we prepared To sacrifice and not be scared Of murdering the precious Bee … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Bees, Corporate Giants, Environmental Poems, Pesticides, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment

It’s over

Without knowing the meaning Of joy we experience Life with our mothers Idyllic it was But So many changes And Humiliation Come to the family And it is because Humans continue To search in our homelands Our vulnerability Seemingly sets … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Elephants, Pesticides | Leave a comment

36 Beagles saved

Unconquerable and unflagging A stalwart rugged breed Strapping and up for anything Thats why they could succeed A certain agri science corporation’s Big idea Was to feed these dogs with their fungicide Adavelt that Clear Ofcourse it could have harmed … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Dogs, Experimentation, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Pine weevils

The use of insecticides to protect And industry Can create more problems To the environment and be Really problematical In a woodland setting where Birds and pollenators The trees ofcourse they share Cypermethrin has been used in Scotland But due … Continue reading

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New Zealand is at war With invasive species Especially those who frequent The wilder climes Use is made of 1080 Or sodium fluoroacetate A metabolic poison And a sign of the times Its delivered by drops From a single aircraft … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Human’s detestablity

To loathe those cretins who set out On a mission to cause death By poisoning the wild life Denying them of breath Leaving baited carcasses For unsuspecting souls Who may be very hungry And forget that certain trolls Amongst the … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal Rights, Environmental Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pesticides, wild birds | Leave a comment

The EU commission why I ask?

Glyphosate a chemical herbicide to boot A substance that could have been banned But apparently it didn’t suit The unelected commission In the great EU Who decided we should have some more And made Monsanto’s dreams come true Another 18 … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Environmental Poems, Pesticides | Leave a comment

The roundup is coming sooner than we thought

Lethal injection The needles of sin To be tried out on babies Lives for the bin Thats what is happening Thats what we know The American Corporate Sinners will grow Monsanto and Merck Are doing their stuff Glyphosate being included … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Pesticides | Leave a comment


I sit here this morning Wondering why Concealment of facts On that they rely Its about their suppression Of truth that we see Its all in plain sight Where it should be But few people see it The great EPA … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems, Pesticides | Leave a comment

Not all Farmers are our friends

They spray with such impunity they apparently have no care for people living around their fields and the environment all share and some curtailed by margins with supermarkets they have to watch their prices or of course they have to … Continue reading

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Agriculture knows little about culture a lot about toxicity in fact 35 different residues of pesticide on tomato’s how the hell does anyone react this is a salad product a love apple some say what has love to do with … Continue reading

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Its a broad specific systemic herbicide it kills weeds dead and us too there has been many studies so these facts are never new its just the world has overlooked and whilst it was asleep Big Pharma has been working … Continue reading

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