Monthly Archives: December 2013

Just an old biddy or so I thought

On a bench in the city she sat all forlorn an old shabby coat and it looked torn sat with her basket seen by passers by just an old biddy wondering why Its Julia Middleton thats who it was the … Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy Theories | Leave a comment

Bio Science experimentation on living pigs

It is a  reproductive science technique this  the warped senses that I now critique China used, the jelly fish DNA so they glow in the dark what is there to say     there is no excuse for the tampering … Continue reading

Posted in Genetics, Pigs | Leave a comment

Crates of dogs packed tightly together awaiting slaughter in Philippines

I’m surprised about this picture for the Philippines per se has laws protecting dogs for food apparently ,that say The Metro Manila Commission 82 05 prohibits the killing of dogs for food thus most should now survive the1998 Animal Welfare … Continue reading

Posted in Dogs | Leave a comment

Whose having a whale of a time? (Clearly not Sea Shepherd)

Australia the let down merchants, they promised the Sea Shepherd an escort a ship to light their way down to the Southern Ocean Where the Nissan Maru would be but did they heck they let them sail on the salty … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

Wolf big medicine

The indigenous flute the indigenous breath the wolf is our medicine the environment’s death it can happen it will happen if we fail to see the wolf is the medicine that keeps us all free equilibrium follows his journey his … Continue reading

Posted in Wolves | Leave a comment

The Gulf oil spill is not over by a long chalk

Its not news anymore now is it The BP oil spill is no more they cleaned it up and buggered off they fought off the anger using the law   threatened the victims and left them dying the pieces of … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems | Leave a comment

Corporate ignorance rules the seas and violates everything we know in the process (Inspired by my truest friend Claudia who sent me the story who gave me the spirit to reply )

corporate negligence surfaces all over the oceans who  cry aloud long lines ,drift nets, seine nets violate and  who is proud no one they are so unfeeling its what determines man today there was a time when even those true … Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

A hired killer

They are out there in the dark woods ready to ambush ready to cut us all down and they do it at a push park up their great big 4 by 4’s and hide up on some tree with all … Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

A dog wouldn’t leave his friend no matter what

It matters not what happened it just matters that a dog saw his friend killed and so by her sat this was in China a busy main street he just laid against her licking her feet I say this was … Continue reading

Posted in Dogs | Leave a comment

Root Canals and the like

Digestion you know is a process a bit like the kenwood chef we are all now digesting the food that we eat in so many ways we all can see   its a war going on in an instant and … Continue reading

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Wolf song

A motionless trophy her little son lost to the hunter lost to the gun how brave was the hunter relentlessly he shot the wolf and made off with the little baby the song of the wolves the call of the … Continue reading

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Rebecca the Hunting women

A god given right in a sense what we see is one hell of a sight and a nut who can be   as naive and as mindless and lost in her world unsound and manic for what she has … Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Arrogant Seaworld have hurled themselves through the mire of base ignorance now out into the limelight the forefront and those of us who know Orca’s and Dolphins much better than you can open the discourse and let people hear the … Continue reading

Posted in Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

a maiden flight

A crowning potential a silvery sphere a point of exhaustion for one who does fear the loss of such wisdom such immortal praise Breton can wonder for all of its days   but may never realise what she gave me … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems | Leave a comment

The Queen of Breton

        Bewitched by the starlight ,in your eyes by the moon beams that just captivate and make me realise the heavenly nature that resides in the beauty of your soul I love each moment spent along side … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems | Leave a comment


Imagine some people smoke fags and have chinese drink cold coca cola and wonder why they are anxious and nevous have migraines and cramps are sick to their stomach with pain’s day on day if only they gave up the … Continue reading

Posted in Food | Leave a comment

A mother

A mother so practical loving so loving she’s got what it takes and it takes all she’s got her fire making culinary skills by the bushel full artistic temperament wise, such a lot     of qualities really a dress … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems | Leave a comment

Poem to Kathy Wadsworth of UCLA

Making monkeys into junkies and using public funds to my mind is appalling the programme surely stuns anything soulful individual thats around it sickens me completely to go over this ground   for what what is the reason animals testing … Continue reading

Posted in Monkeys and Primates | Leave a comment

Surabaya Zoo Indonesia

When animals are taken from their natural habitats and transferred to cages in zoo’s far away they need then to be looked after completely and that means 100 per cent every day ensure they are clean ensure they are well … Continue reading

Posted in Zoo's | 2 Comments

At least we now know who our friends are

The writing is clearly up on the wall the GMO secrets oh Goddess appal any real thinking soul for when they see where the big corporations are trying to be they want to stop us knowing all the facts they … Continue reading

Posted in Genetics | Leave a comment

The Corporations are destroying the shared environment

The rib eye, the T bone the fillet ,the rump these are the corporates that now do pump millions into the red meat brigade and the hunting of wolves with the dogs cavalcade in livestock and trophy the management seem … Continue reading

Posted in CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Wolves | Leave a comment

The carousel

How long have we danced on the carousel a round and a round we have run the music once it moved us but the same old tune it deafened us thats what it has done we love the children on … Continue reading

Posted in Horses | Leave a comment

Owls of the modern age

Owls of the modern age have to account for so much more armed with perspicacity already they are a law unto themselves for certain but with family and with friends who may lapse into mundanity it  really kind of sends … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems | Leave a comment

A baby pig lamenting the loss of its mother

Here, I stand a piglet lamenting  my fate Mother said its Christmas is that some special date   some little kid was born then and all of us must die mother just gave birth to me you have to tell … Continue reading

Posted in Pigs | Leave a comment

Being alone at Christmas

A Christmas hat a park bench hunched over with the cold the frost plays havoc with one’s feet no matter now how old the clothes when wet are uncomfortable they get frozen on you quick and with no one around … Continue reading

Posted in Christmas Stories | Leave a comment


There can be no one no one like you you test my resolve but strengthen me too your  beauty rock steady as is your sweet soul your artistic temperament and your control   your  are like a poppy a petalled … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems | Leave a comment

What make people act so badly

Its Christmas a time of goodwill and someone in Spokane is breaking glass shards into meat clearly he’s insane but apart from his insanity lobbing it into yards hopeful a pet soul might eat it what is on the cards … Continue reading

Posted in cats, Dogs | Leave a comment

Wolves we need them so badly

Hang a wolf along a fence you hater without thought not sense evil sick and rotten souls who lack the rich sweet heartfelt goals that those of us who truly care for all creatures that were put out there each … Continue reading

Posted in Wolves | 3 Comments

we who die so you can grow fatter

all the above mentioned were families they believed they had time to live out their lives and were mighty aggrieved to realise that man unkind was after them and they would have to die and pretty soon to be cooked … Continue reading

Posted in animals used for food | Leave a comment

Common purpose and the Badgers

Clearly the common purpose was to set the `Badgers tasks get them out of harms way  and all armed with hot flasks of hedge hog wine and field mice ears and in that drunken state they would be deep in … Continue reading

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