Category Archives: ANIMALAID unlimited

Lakota thought from 1914

Virginia Tom renowned for her weaving Cedar bark clothing Clam digging Collecting the seaweed On cool beaches All done by women The north east coast people To Where the tide reaches

Posted in ANIMALAID unlimited, Explorers and Visionaries, Indigenous People, Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Bessie was a fighter a street dog  who must be wide awake and ready But  what happened  tragically she had a little barney with a vehicle and she Sustained a compound fracture of her backleg and we see a frigteningly … Continue reading

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There he sat so doleful Shuddering and shaking Covered in blood His little eyes It seemed his heart was breaking Nobody to love him Nobody to care There he sat on a dusty street And nobody Aware We picked him … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs, India | Leave a comment


Poor lad Nobody to care And few apparently aware Out in the street Behind a gate And there he lay In quite a state We were called And found him there. Clearly suffering And in despair Wrapped him Carried him … Continue reading

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By a busy roadside We found an injured dog He was old and suffering His life was one big slog Suffering an ear injury There were Maggots everywhere We took Him off to hospital He was a true old soul … Continue reading

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We found him Little “Sparkle” Looking rather sad Very weak and emaciated We thought in fact he had Been a victim of a car strike But found out actually That he had just stopped eating Anorexic tragically We examined him … Continue reading

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“Little Whisper”

She was laying in the rubble Rubbish all around One of her front legs Completely crushed By a bike That’s what we found Out With multiple fractures And infection ride alas When getting her back to hospital Really there was … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment

Feeding the hungry

Animal aid unlimited A place of angelic souls Who search the streets For the hungry ones By the sides of roads in holes During the virus lockdown Eating places closed Few around to help the starving And of course that … Continue reading

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By Madar Lake She was grazing And seemingly we heard A crocodile leapt towards her And sadly what occurred Was it took a huge chunk Out of her Before she pulled away Suffering a massive wound On that tragic day … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

A mothers love

A mothers love sometimes requires  a little bit of  care and  one such baby  clearly wounded had been standing there being licked and comforted But the heat and dirt and pain was getting the better of the child zo we … Continue reading

Posted in ANIMALAID unlimited, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity | Leave a comment


A little boy discovered  Him  Crying all alone  Clearly  he was  suffering deep pain from the bone we took him to the hospital his leg was swollen badly the string tied tight around his leg producing somewhat sadly a lot … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


When we found him he looked  so the worst for wear smothered  in mange feeling the despair of life  on the streets  Where nobody cared just the bugs and the maggots and the flies tbey all shared   their violent … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


He was lying sighing Crying deep inside His owner seemingly had tied His leg up And denied, to himself That it was cruelty Around and around it went And, around his neck as well And over time it sent Him … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment


We found him on a construction site Looking the worst for wear Clearly he was hungry and in his own despair Scalding at his rear end And a big wound at his side His tail was full, of maggots And … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Donkeys and working animals | Leave a comment


He was laying paralysed Clearly in pain Exhausted and dusty In the hot sun again and again DY by day just lying there With his own thoughts Creating despair We found him and Took the sacking a Away His skin … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal rescue dogs, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment

The tar babies

Street dogs Just imagine Their life out in the sun A mother and her litter When the day is done In amongst the corrugated iron And cans of tar Leaking out where babies Lie Where little bodies are Three of … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


A wound behind his head Where he was unable to lick clean And in that neglectful period It began to look obscene As the blow fly maggots Gobbled up the festering flesh And blood In a couple days it’s was … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


A meaningless existence Uncertainty and pain Out there on the streets Fighting ones corner yet again Up against the traffic The noise and people who Really hAve no care atvall For anyone like you Rejected by society Spurned by everyone … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


A beautiful heart Barely beating Just left on waste ground In a heap Unconscious a soul Who switched off the fight Who was prostrate And had quietly switched off The light So much trepidation For one soul so small With … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment

“Tinker” the little calf

Absolute and enduring A frantic mother cries Heart breaking Her calf in danger Underneath the skies In a swamp hole Mud and slush thorns and Dark despair She had Fallen and was dying Very few aware The mother clearly beside … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment


A street dog with a problem Scorching in the sun Mange had taken over It clearly was no fun With So much irritation Inflamed with lots of sores street life did exacerbate The condition in the wars We were called … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


The tiniest of puppies just lying by a box Whimpering and crying Just so many shocks Going through her little body The unjustifiability The world at large ignoring Nobody did see Going about their own business A mortal in distress … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


An accident and Archie was the victim Sadly he Really came off the worse for wear As anyone could see His right eye very damaged As was his mouth and jaw And his front legs He was in great shock … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


Standing by the roadside A victim, Passers by Hardly realising That this donkey he did cry Suffering the agony Of his legs wired Up and he Left to face the music As some were soon to see Taken back to … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Donkeys and working animals | Leave a comment


Hardship and continual suffering Traits of the dogs that are Out there in the streets all day Running near and far One such hound was in collision That damaged her hind legs Which made her crawl into a drain Which … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


At the end of October Somebody called A dog had been hit By a car Which appalled us all At the eentre And so we came fast And there in the road was MIghty was cast A very injury Bleeding … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


In a derelict building Against an old wall He laid as forlorn Didn’t move at our call His eyes staring upwards Empty and alone A little lost soul No joy had he known His back legs collapsing A weariness we … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


There in the road The little dog lay Where he had been hit Had been made to pay For just being there Not moved out of the way Or loved or caressed What can one say Clearly a collision A … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Dogs | Leave a comment


She was tentatively rocking By the side of a busy street having escaped from a merchant Racked up with deceit Who beat her and who worked her And tied her legs together So she just couldn’t get away She was … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, Donkeys and working animals | Leave a comment


Fear and dread was evident On this puppy that we found Mange had really destroyed her skin And she just ran around Fearful now of everybody Her phobias were many When we tried to approach her There just wasn’t any … Continue reading

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