Monthly Archives: May 2012

Shale Gas the saga continue’s

shale gas wastes so much water it must be banned forthwith Continue reading

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The Cheetah and the Tortoise(the tortoise is actually supposed to be me)

animals are great at re-cycling, the wild ones are macrobiotic, they are aware of the environment they live in and safeguard it Continue reading

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Being recalcitrant is most unbecoming of you Chevron

Chevron’s recalcitrant behaviour over what Texaco left behind in Ecuador Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems | 4 Comments

Electric plugs in Australian Hotel Bath and shower rooms

There should be Building Regulations to protect visitors travelling to Australia from electric shocks, the siting of 240 volt plugs appear in some hotels to be seriously dangerous and these are brand new flashy hotels Continue reading

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It is alleged there are many dangerous creatures in the land of OZ

Australia is a safe holiday destination provided you take care and respect the wild life Continue reading

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I saw a black spider in Darwin

It was black and it was a spider Continue reading

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A Quichua gift from Victoria

Thank you Victoria Umiah was great Continue reading

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Good bye from Perth

Leaving Perth and my darling friend Cristina Continue reading

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Serpentine again (more thoughts)

Serpentine Monastery took my breath away Continue reading

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Counterfeit parts and the Pentagon

Some of these parts being fitted to weaponry of war Continue reading

Posted in Topical News Stories II | 1 Comment

Oh dear! I nearly made a terrible blunder at Perth International

The wine story that could have ended in disaster Continue reading

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Leaving Australia by another door

Australia even 100 poems cannot prove my love Continue reading

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A Beach exclusively for the Canine Tribe

an exclusive private beach for dogs Continue reading

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Experiencing the children that were so much part of the family

Being part of a new family helped me a lot to become a better more understanding old man Continue reading

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All the way

Mulling over the history of the Ghan and its journey from Adelaide to Darwin Continue reading

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Souvenirs of the Ghan on sale at Adelaide Station

Adelaide boasts a nice interesting shop supporting the Ghan with well designed gifts and souvenirs Continue reading

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The Trains

whatever the ticket costs what you see and how you feel is priceless Continue reading

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It was in Basel we met on Ryane Air and I have followed her all around the world ever since Continue reading

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Time Travellers

a sort of advertisment for Australia Rail who provide foreigners with unbelievable cost savings on 3 monthly and 6 monthly passes Continue reading

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Angela the youngest member of the family

Angela not to be forgotten the baby of the family in Australia Continue reading

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Leaving Australia

Leaving for Kuala Lumpur Continue reading

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The 6th of April was my Birthday

My birthday celebration came just a bit later than I had envisaged Continue reading

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Govinda’s Hare Krisna Place

The food was really excellent the way its run is great some people take their liberties at an alarming rate Continue reading

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Bunbury a good base to travel for day trips from Continue reading

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Visiting Rockingham near Freemantle WA

Rockingham one of the nearest beaches where you can see the fit and healthy surfing Continue reading

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Onwards and Upwards the Ghan’s final leg of its journey to Darwin

the second part of the Ghan’s journey to Darwin Continue reading

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More on the Ghan

From the Ghan to Alice springs the first half of the journey through to Darwin Continue reading

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Crossing the Nullabor Plain

The vast treeless plain that runs from west to south the Nullabor is more than just a great expanse of land
it is teeming with life and its future is very much in all our hands Continue reading

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The Tilt train from Cairns

The world of travel sometimes brings forth angels sometimes not Continue reading

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Cristina’s mother gave me some advice when travelling

Victoria actually repacked my bag for me and in essence saved me a lot of unnecessary carrying. Continue reading

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