Category Archives: Fracking and its consequences

That fish is still alive

Eaten alive imagine that pain Watching them eating you That vile disdain Pulling strips off of you Seeing your eyes Bleeding so woefully There in belies Their bloody arrogance

Posted in A not my king story, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

Shale gas the saga continues

Shale gas is a waste of time and water Both precious resources at this time The public can’t use hose pipes But they can and pollute it And are licensed which is terrible And honestly there really is no rhyme … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

Degradation and mindlessness

This fracking lark is gaining some momentum Obama and his people seem to feel If energy is actually on their doorstep Then there’s qudos and home producing is for real Hydraulic fracturing is apparently An earner it’s suggested by a … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Fracking and its consequences, Humanity is a shithouse, Insurance Premiums, Lead contaminates, Mining and destruction of habitat | Leave a comment


They have no care 4people living there 4 their water or 4their health It’s money they r after & there’s nobody dafter Than corps plying 4wealth Frackers should frack On their home land Ruin their monetary wealth Not harm the … Continue reading

Posted in Australia and the epic journeys, Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

Camouflage in wildness

Camouflage The goddess created Forests bark boughs So stated Feathers wild garb What we see Is disappearing on a tree No trees left No where to hide A kind of wild bird Suicide.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Five G and LED street lighting and tree felling, Forests and wild places, Fracking and its consequences, Leaves, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend, Wolverines a true phantom | Leave a comment

Hunting and the party

Hunting a party who truly dare To chase and kill wild souls who share An interlude a forest green An earth a sett the hunting scene Torment and chase A vile disgrace A fox is torn To pieces where He … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Fracking and its consequences, Politics | Leave a comment

Covid and beyond

We have seen it We have felt it The suffering Corporate madness is here Their printing money Like crazy Creating in us so much fear Vaccines and I’ll advised nonsense Sold to the masses as cures Really sadly they are … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Breathing and pollution, ccorporate America, Corporate Giants, Corporate manslaughter, Drugs and how they are being used on our children, Five G and LED street lighting and tree felling, Fracking and its consequences, Freedom and what's happening to it | Leave a comment

Fossil fuels

Barclays lets itself down By propping up those who Send contaminants into the atmosphere Funders sadly who Support the Coal and Tar Sands And the Frackers too And millions of gallons Of potable water What a biased view It gives … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Coal, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Fracking and its consequences | Leave a comment

Gilet jaunes

Twenty third week of the gilet jaunes Fires lit everywhere Smoke bombs The gendamerie So much smoke filled air The traffic lights forgotten Crowds just everywhere Macron is a monster Who from the start was not aware Protestors being manhandled … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Fracking and its consequences, Paris in November, police making catastrophic errors, Politics, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment

Attacking fracking

Filter feeding mussels It’s what you might expect Oil and gas waste It has to be faced Science ofcourse will detect Strontium that lack of calcium And Clearly it now has been found Fracking is lacking And ofcourse attacking Our … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Environmental Poems, Fracking and its consequences, Freedom and what's happening to it | Leave a comment

Hunting on Islay

By her own admission She’s hardcore Whatever thant means But for me Anyone ambushing wild life Abandons good judgement We see beautiful stags Roaming freely And wild handsome goats And to feel That so called hardcore Hunting humans Are out … Continue reading

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A thousand people Have joined the protectors The movement is showing its face Cuadrilla the corporate cancer Created confusion all over the place Egan just one of the frackers Whose humility just isnt there Its all common purpose And banksters … Continue reading

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Seismic alarms

Three tiny tremors Picked up so we hear The monitors buzzing Too small though its clear Clustered close by to the A583 Peel Road they say And fracking might be The reason, nobody Up top could feel Only the monitors … Continue reading

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Unearthing doom

A university professor In Tennessee has said Fracking can open A can of worms And put our need to bed Thats my interpretation Written in my words Dragging ancient bacteria With fluids Little birds Will not be outside tweeting For … Continue reading

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Perry beri

Visiting a fracking site Whats all that about CLaire Perry needs no cozying She is in no doubt Fracking is the answer And it must go ahead And all these grannies And circus clowns Should stay put in their bed … Continue reading

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A blue sky The three boys here At PNR You bet its clear Greatvto see them Spuds on heat Great to be free Cheers all round PNR We are all bound Cameras clicking Hugs and all The three are free … Continue reading

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Fracking breakthrough

An appeal court have said That the sentences were Frightfully unfair and if you Refer To some other sentences This judge has passed Lorry surfing for freedom It leaves me aghast Banged up in Preston jail Three men who dared … Continue reading

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Fracking three

Conditional discharges And they still have their beards At ten minutes past four They were free Over to the grass Away from the gates All of them under a tree BBC, channel 4 soak up the news Roses all around … Continue reading

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Fracking release

This is the place Where three angels Were taken Incarcerated And made to feel bad Forfeited freedom For the community Lets not forget Its Cuadrilla who had The nerve to start fracking When we all said NO Polluting our water … Continue reading

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The lorry surfers

The three men of courage Cuadrillas karma The three fracking heroes Came through the brown doors Freedom of action And the reaction Great satisfaction And fantastic applause BBC Channel 4 Lots of live streaming Banged up for no reason Surfers … Continue reading

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Preston New Road

Van surfing at tHe Cuadrilla site Stop the start campaign The first Uk Frack of shale gas Is to happen once again Despite all the protests And the council saying NO The tories saw ro overide And thats why three … Continue reading

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James Hansen and his comments

James Hansen is the father Of Climate Science and he Knows much more about it all And so seemingly Is far from being happy about The tory stance On fracking in the country Which is no song nor dance Ignoring … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Fracking and its consequences, Freedom and what's happening to it | Leave a comment

Australia and all nations of the world

You don’t need a PHD In Science to Understand the principles We see All this geo engineering Everywhere in every sky The arrogance The desperation It does more than mystify People looking up Seeing curling swathes of smoke Coming out … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Antartica, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Australia and the epic journeys, ccorporate America, Corporate manslaughter, Extinction, Fluoridation of our water supply, Fracking and its consequences, Freedom and what's happening to it | Leave a comment


Tomorrow is the day They start the fracking Minimal risk is all its seen To be Thats according to Justice Supperstone Francis Egan’s clearly happily Ready to get moving on the shale gas BOb Dennett is disappointed as we know … Continue reading

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A Commisioner

“If extracted safely” Her words And despite The risks My words The giant footprint Around the world that we Have seen and know The pollution that has happened Frequently A Commissioner a person Endowed with certain powers To work closely … Continue reading

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The Perry Magic

Here we have a pygmy fracking expert Common purpose raining in her will A sad day for the people Earthquakes must be seen As anger from the earth itself The policy obscene Promised relaxation Of the seismic rules This is … Continue reading

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A drilling rig Has been erected Without planning Thats the way! Who needs planning Now the tories Gory stories are in play A 4 metre Fracking rig Right outside the door Of the BCIS Dep’t In Westmonster And whats more … Continue reading

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Long term

Rachel Bailey made a statement On the Sunday Politics “Shale gas extraction in the long term Is environmentally friendly” That was a curious remark to make For clearly as we know Unless friendly means something else This women ought to … Continue reading

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Frack free 4

The frack free 4 Now languishing In Preston prison But we say The same judge Who sentenced them Has sent paedophiles Away for lesser times How is this justified Our peaceful protectors They only climbed on lorries At the end … Continue reading

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Planning laws

Massive changes coming To planning rules I hear Giving fracking the greenlight And increasing the fear All of us us are now having And its happening right away and its clearly so upsetting As we witness the decay To a … Continue reading

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