Monthly Archives: April 2023

Ghouls no rules

Ghouls are gnoshing seldom washing Blood and guts and the vilest scenes Brains and and bollocks Kidneys livers Snot and bogey pie Jiggly jiggly Always ugly Wrinkle winkle Soon to die

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, Adrenochrome junkies, Experimentation | Leave a comment

Monkey business

Baby monkeys Caged and left Eyes sewn up Clearly bereftOf sight or sound Or light or dark Frightened to death And clearly stark Baked really Never sold Shivering in the bitter cold

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, Experimentation, Lemurs and Madagascar, Medical, Monkeys and Primates | Leave a comment

Apple blossom time

Apple blossom time The reason for my rhyme Those delicious apples full of sweet In October will be complete Crisp and rosy juicy too Every morning all the dew And sunshine and the July rain Sees perfection once again.

Posted in The Sabbats and the old craft, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever, Tree's that I am close to, Trees, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment

Freeing the vulture

Massive great wingspan Watch as it gets More and more confident That’s when it sets Off then for freedom The mountains on high Waving those great wings And up in the sky

Posted in Abandonment, activism, birds and the environment | Leave a comment

Free range organic and whatever else

Free range eggs from free range chickens are murdered altogether throats slit make no mention who they are and whether They are what they are Everyone is murdered anyway In the bloody slaughterhouse How ever much we pay

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment

Australian latest advertising campaign

Walking through blood snot and spital we feel The stench of dead pigs yes karmically Why eat dead bodies like maggots of flies Meat free is better where nobody dies

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Australia and the epic journeys | Leave a comment

Calf induction

Calf induction is gruesome it’s evil it’s wrong Farmers want shooting They do not belong In this world of true fairness Not anymore Birthing young calves born dead And what’s more The dairy is awful the philosophy sick What they … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Live exports of live animals

Live exports is evil It’s totally wrong Treated like cargo They do not belong On a ship in a truck On their feet without care Without love or affection Just being there Tortured unfed unwatered In pain

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Bison, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, live exports | Leave a comment

Living food v dead foods

Living foods of dead parts Of animals with broken hearts Blooded chopped murdered they In polythene trays now every day Seasonable fruits and vegetables stacked Full of minerals that’s a fact Crisp and full of water they Pack the body … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, Vegan cheese, VEGAN LIFE STYLE, Vegan Lifestyle, veganism and me | Leave a comment

Whole foods in season not just plant based crap

Copycats crap plant based evil no thanks Who needs to eat like this really it ranks Low down nutritionally I have to say Go whole foods for goodness sake That’s the best way Copy cat refined crap Processors glee Eat … Continue reading

Posted in Vegan cheese, VEGAN LIFE STYLE, Vegan Lifestyle, veganism and me | Leave a comment

Elephants power over a lousy trainer

Made to stand on his head With a whip in his hand A minuscule trainer Who can’t understand An elephants power An elephants pride To stand on his head Deep down inside The trainer an arse ole The trainer a … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, circus, Elephants | Leave a comment

Born in a cage

A bird in a cage With wings to fly Realises straight away Now why The frustration Of his lack of space Of flapping wings It’s a disgrace .injuries everyday And obviously no where to play

Posted in birds and the environment, wild birds | Leave a comment

Good grief

Why only occasionally It should be every bloody day Killing animals just for food Fills me with dismay It’s evil and it’s ugly Grotesque beyond belief Karma is for ever The same of course for grief

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Corporate Giants, Corporate manslaughter | Leave a comment

Camouflage in wildness

Camouflage The goddess created Forests bark boughs So stated Feathers wild garb What we see Is disappearing on a tree No trees left No where to hide A kind of wild bird Suicide.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Five G and LED street lighting and tree felling, Forests and wild places, Fracking and its consequences, Leaves, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend, Wolverines a true phantom | Leave a comment

Hunting scum

Screwball sycophants Dressed in tight pants Hunting personnel Many boozers Definately losers On their way to Hell Hunting foxes hunting hares Hunting deers shame it’s not bears Who could hunt them It would be fair Honest folks fair and square.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Pathology labs in hospitals contain exhibits there All sorts of jars and bottles with animals parts Aware Doctors, nurses, patients the murdering that goes on All the experimentation each life sadly is gone Stolen by the technicians with nothing better … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animal diseases, Animal sacrifice, Animals I have met in the veterinary, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Captivity, cats, Chickens, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, energy(developing new ideas), Experimentation | Leave a comment


Hertfordshires bluebells beautiful blue That have risen to form a misting to woo Hearts and minds everywhere a brimstone sea Risen in April let us all be Excited to fathom out the real desire The woods are alive with a … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Art work and the animals, Ashridge, Badgers, Bats, Bees, birds and the environment, Breathing in colour, Flowers, Forests and wild places, foxes | Leave a comment

Fox cubs and Spring

Bluebells that peal out Beautiful sounds Sweet baby fox cubs Doing the rounds Loved by each vixen Whose dedication Is heartfelt and honest In every location

Posted in Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Spring Flowers | Leave a comment

Lobsters and tV chefs

Lobsters have feelings and emotions beyond These miserable chefs who really are fond Of submerging live lobsters in boiling broth For freshness and taste a load of pink froth Agony and unbelievable pain They are screaming like mad Again and … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened | Leave a comment

Too many victims waiting their turn

He knows in his soul That his heart soon will be Ruptured and broken Because knowing he Is next in line To be murdered, and Chopped up for others to dine Upon

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Captivity, Lambs and Sheep | Leave a comment

Fish eaters

Dead eyed human person Eating fish scales everywhere Gutted pulled out intestines Eggs a female the despair Fish drawn from the icy ocean Frozen at the waters edge Bloodied features Let’s allege Murdering scumbags Everyone

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Wild and farmed fish | Leave a comment

A sheep with a butchers foot on its bloody neck

A butcher his foot on the neck of a sheep Covered in blood Perpetual sleep Poor mother animal Lost now for sure In a vile abattoir What the hell for A butcher so frightening Ugly as sin In amongst all … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, Lambs and Sheep | Leave a comment

Little boy and a roasted dead pig

A child up close to a dead roasted pig His face rather sad Seemingly big In its mouth a lemon The boy looks forlorn Is he expected to eat pork He feels torn Has he eaten meat By association What … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Pigs | Leave a comment

Saturday 29/4

It’s been a bright day A lovely blue sky Just not much wind Warm but not high Already this evening The sun seemingly Gives way to the cold It feels chill actually.

Posted in Spring Flowers | Leave a comment


It’s all about nose prints That’s what we know Not photo’s or finger prints Nose prints they show Who the gorilla is And what he’s about Diane Fossey she knew And was never in doubt

Posted in Activism in art, Africa, Gorillas in the wild | Leave a comment

Lamb basting end

Watching the family mistreated Hung up their cut up and bled This is what happens to monsters Yes bloody monsters I said A green streak of paint Confirms murder There in the abattoir they Frightened and suffering terribly Who dares … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Lambs and Sheep | Leave a comment

Rhino horns efficacy

Keratin and calcium Not medicine no way The Chinese clearly bonkers Every single day They pay off poaching arseoles To trap and kill the beast Keratin and calcium At the very least Is less than useless

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Rhino, TCM | Leave a comment

Skin not feathers

To keep cold hearted humans warm 40 ducks must die or feel the utmost agony A duvet from on high Cry you bums for all the ducks Who suffer because of you God gave you skin not feathers You must … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Chickens, chickens.ducks., DUCKS, geese | Leave a comment

He wasn’t winning

He wasn’t winning any more Poor sodding horse always at war With the punters the jockeys The owner too Fed on cheap shit honest it’s true Glyphosate dryers on all the hay Weakening bones sinews muscles each day

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Horses, Racing | Leave a comment

Practical animal savers

Signing petitions Facebook Twitter excursions to fight Outside of shops in the city None of this us seen as right But fighting to stop the bad practice Rescue of animals by Warriors safeguarding interests And going on raids to defy … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, Animal Rights, Duty of care was never there, Food Processing, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lambs and Sheep, Pigs | Leave a comment