Category Archives: biodiversity

Wales and the wonderful mountains

10,000 years ago The mountains formed And seemingly Rose up to be counted The Welsh expectantly Any one who saw These wondrous rocky edifices Would in fact see what we see Look across the valleys How the summits do reach … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginies, Animal Rights, biodiversity, birds and the environment, Breathing in colour, Countryside wisdom, Coutryside meanderings, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Feelings, Forests and wild places, Indigenous People, Rabbits, Ravens and crows, Reptiles and Herpetology, Ritual, Rivers, Secrets within us, Snakes and reptiles, Snow, Sows and Boars, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The Sabbats and the old craft, Trees, Trees our silent friends, Wales, Walking, Weather Patterns, Wild and farmed fish, wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend, Willow, Winter | Leave a comment


Great land of the Quechua souls Volcanic gods with wondrous roles The Amazon jungle primed with life An ocean paradise facing strife Ecuador a country where Life is beautiful it’s people aware Safeguard its naturalness And appreciate its honour

Posted in Aboriginies, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, biodiversity, birds and the environment, Ecuador, Ecuador and it’s almighty splendour | Leave a comment

Mushrooms sold commercially

Lots of us love mushrooms The supermarkets they Sell all sorts even organic Every single day How are they grown Did you ever check What sort of medium do They grow them in Make a guess at least Come on … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, fungus | Leave a comment