Category Archives: The crafte

With eyes to see

With eyes to see And a heart to feel And a mind to know That outside it’s real My country states The need to fight To back the rogues And smell the shite I have feelings for This world where … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal Rights, April and it’s gloriousness, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Coutryside meanderings, Dreams, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Ethereal Poems, ethical pointers, Explorers and Visionaries, Feelings, Fluoridation of our water supply, Freedom and what's happening to it, Haarp and weather moidification, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Humanity, Internal Environments, Macrobiotics, mountains, People I have observed, Sleep, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, Tree's that I am close to, Trees, Trees our silent friends, Trust, Unborn yet able to see my dead mother, Unrequited Love, war zones, Warriors from the medic circle, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Simon and Ann

Simon and Anne Just what a fan I am of you Druidic friends Staffordshire best Upright and honourable A consideration that’s sends It’s crucial intent To your being All seeing a year it became The two of you Now obligated … Continue reading

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Winter Sostice

Ritual, men and women Work through their sacred rites Close to the great Sarsons Stop and feel the heights Of neolithic stones Sat on top, of the moor Placed there by the gatherers with energy as raw As the biting … Continue reading

Posted in The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Thoughts of samhain

A confirming ritual In darkness we tread Samhain is raging A feast with the dead A believers baptism An auction of grace Solemnists encounter The whitest of face The rusty lock shudders A solitary Photographer comes forth Out of true … Continue reading

Posted in Dreams, Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence, Obituaries, Secrets within us, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever | Leave a comment

Which Witch

Ritual and riches The magic of desire Forestry divided The ability where fire Fills our hearts with wishes With the chill of true desire A certain madness in the air Of which no witch shall tire

Posted in Activism in art, Emotional Poems, Love and respect, magick, Odes of the moment, Secrets within us, The Arts and Culture, The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment


A crescent Moon A clearing in a tongue of land Was where At the extreme North West Of Oxfordshire on Warwickshire’s border share On 8.27 acres Of level paddock land Slightly acidic based rich soil On clay I understand At … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Breathing in colour, energy(developing new ideas), Ethereal Poems, Faery, Flowers, Love and respect, magick, Moon, Rituals, Secrets within us, The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft, Trees, Trees our silent friends, Wildness is our friend, womens issues | Leave a comment

A frightener from the sky

The grim reaper drone If you be alone In a forested area Or wooded vale It comes from the sky If your wondering why I A frightening presence To sail Down through the tree tops Perhaps with a roar Leaving … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Golden chanterelles

They adore the mossy areas And love a squall of rain Followed by three days of sunshine From it they do gain The life force of each moment And under Douglas Fir And sometimes Oak they spring to life Their … Continue reading

Posted in Fungi, magick, The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend, womens issues | Leave a comment

Lammas Time

Falling over at the end Alongside hopefully your best friend The golden liquor does for you What ritual does for all The world is spinning round and round Pulling corn out of the ground Feeling lost and never found Lammas … Continue reading

Posted in Lammas Loaf Mass, Rituals, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

She knows who she is

Tucked up in that lovely bed My curly locks where I lay my head Dreams of wizards and serpent places Lovely raven haired sun drenched faces Sunlight filtering down on me A poem a song and I see thee A … Continue reading

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Profound love

I love those book marks never saw them before you I love the dip reading again it’s beautiful never heard of it before you And so many more things some might think they were little things not worth bothering about … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems, The crafte | Leave a comment

Glades of green

Glades of green Where our Dear Fae Frequent And seemingly do play In the velvet underworld Where we with wildness Find we are hurled Glades of green A kingdom where Memories live And we all share

Posted in Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Ethereal Poems, Faery, Forests and wild places, Green Energy, magick, Melasine and mermaids and, Rituals, Secrets within us, The crafte, The fae, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Unrequited Love, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Hemlock the poisonous one

Hemlock gender feminine Planet Saturn she Element is Water and Her deity Is Hecate believe it or not Empowered swords long ago Beefs up Astral Projection That’s if you didn’t know Other names like Spotted hemlock,spotted corobane and Water Parsley,Musquash … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems, magick, The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment


England still allows the use Of traps and snares to catch So so many animals and of course wild birds Really I am lost for words These contraptions Archaic and cruel Deception yes and sophistry Such artfulness doth fuel The … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, birds and the environment, Captivity, Death and Dying, Environmental Poems, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Minks, Snakes and reptiles, The crafte, Toads, traps and snares, Tree's that I am close to, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment

Hypericum St John’s wort

It’s gender is masculine It’s planet the Sun Element Fire When the day is done Deity Balfour The rest you know Wards off fevers and colds Hung by a window Protects against lightening The evil the wrong Burned to keep … Continue reading

Posted in magick, The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Rollright Fey

The rollright fae Have passed away They stood south of the circle where History saw The kings men ignore The aged crone Her spell alone Given to the soldiers King “Go no farther do not bring” Your entourage into our … Continue reading

Posted in Extinction, Faery, Musical Bric-a-Brac, rollrights, The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

Thankfully dry a burnt orange sky The megalithic pose A circle of magnificence Upon a hill it rose A grove of trees around it Upon this Solstice day Roll Rights place of mystery Frequented by the Fae Behold the Bells … Continue reading

Posted in The crafte, The fae, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

The urn

This urn holds the dust That was once me my darling I never dared tell you How much I loved you My revelation Witch of the wild wood My inspiration The crafte of the good

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Love poems, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, Unrequited Love, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Witch of the woods

Hawthorns have their pals around them Travellers joy & Bryonia cleavers &dog rose Diversity is everywhere it’s Nature after all All sorts of birds &insects The host plants seek their grace & favour, and none braver Than the beauty of … Continue reading

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