Category Archives: Malaysia more especially Melaka

Malaysia tells Israel

Shredding the UN charter Malaysia made it clear Genocide being denied But there is so much fear Rafah getting hammered Children sadly they Eating pet foods if they are lucky Whilst Israel gets away With all these rotten bombings. upset … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Malaysia and its People, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Palestine, Starvation and the Poor, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


Orangutan likes to climb They actually do it All the time Arborial Apes They ,are number one The highest trees Under the sun Makes no difference what we say They crunch the numbers Night and day Needful of the tall … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Death and Dying, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Extinction, Forests and wild places, Freedom and what's happening to it, Indigenous People, Malaysia and its People, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Orangutan(Person of the forest), Pangolin trade in exotic species, Rats wild and fearless, Swamps, Terribly dangerous ways to become famous, Trees our silent friends, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Elephant skins and more hellish quackery

Elephant skin for Acne Monkey skulls appear For headaches heads from turtles Help Labour Pains snakes improve our strength That’s really clear Snake Glands Good for eye sight Turtles extend life Lizards for high blood pressure Bulls gall stones Give … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Activism in art, Animal Rights, CHINA food obscenity, cicada's, Elephants, Japanese food obscenity, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Monkeys and Primates, Rhino, TCM, Tigers, TORTOISE, turtles, Wild Deers | Leave a comment


A beautiful elegant soul Lives and breathes All over Asia and Africa known As a Pangolin an Ant Eater Toothless with scales Walks with an attractive gait But Sadly fails In the protective region All it can do Is roll … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Food Processing, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), India, Indigenous People, Laos, Malaysia and its People, Malaysia more especially Melaka, nigeria, Pangolin trade in exotic species, Taiwan catching rare sharks, The dkin trade, The skin trade, Wet markets Live markets | Leave a comment

Student Nurses

Three years in Two student nurses Prim and proper Gentle souls One from Kochi One from Freetown Sierra Leone their respective roles Choosing caring loving sharing A lifetime’s journey Is their ploy Taking on the sickly British Bringing them some … Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka, Medical | Leave a comment

Our friends the Orangutans

Sensitive and motherly the great apes I adore the person of the forest Orangutan  whats more   loving to the point of no return their quivering soul arborial their rigour completely in control slow movers in the canopy their great … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Malaysia more especially Melaka, Orangutan(Person of the forest) | Leave a comment

Bram Stoker and the Durian

It’s curious How fiction can change people’s perception The bat the durian fruit What’s all that about Bats have got a unrepresentative Focus it appears to me The Irish Author’s Gothic novel Dracula was key Vampire bats would congregate And … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Bats, EAGLES and their world, Malaysia more especially Melaka | Leave a comment

Criminality and the killings

The use of words like conservation When killing is the sin Hunters out to murder To butcher and to skin To ship their trophies Home to where they put them on display Criminals that’s all they are In the bright … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Cheetahs and their subjugation, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Giraffes, HIPPOPOTAMUS, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), leopards, Lions, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Monkeys and Primates | Leave a comment

Anger and the lack of true understanding

A lack of cerebration And the concept of the damned Pods of streamline dolphins Very often crammed Into so called training pools And manhandled every day And shipped to theme parks Some of them hundreds of miles away A lack … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Malaysia more especially Melaka, Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

It looks to be alive so lets eat it syndrome

Its their lewdness An aversion For a life form That should be Not in somebody’s Rice bowl But living in the sea To have realised that shoyu With its sodium content would Excite the nerves of the octopi And that … Continue reading

Posted in Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Malaysia more especially Melaka | Leave a comment


Production is up and growing For so many victims, we Are being turned out now every day So called humanity Upside down in trucks in hospitals We can see them lie Eyes just about open Peering to the sky Their … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal Rights, commercial palm oil, Elephants, Environmental Poems, Food Processing, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Malaysia and its People, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Orangutan(Person of the forest), Saving the earth together Karen lee | Leave a comment

Asafa The Holiday Inn Melaka’s guitarist

Asafa the most under rated guitarist I have had the pleasure to meet up with Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 2 Comments

Leave the sea alone Malaysia

Leave the sea alone man can never put back what he destroyed Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 5 Comments

The Limit for me (Aida at the Holiday Inn tonight)

I leave the Hotel feeling very sad this time a long stay brought me into understanding just how wrong some things are within the hotel and the way the singer is treated for me I hated, I am afraid no respect at all for someone as kind and as talented as she Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 2 Comments

Clouds in the sky on the way to Veggie Planet Melaka Raya

the skies not the limit the sky is just the beginning Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 4 Comments

Aida at the Holiday Inn Melaka

Aida a singer on a mission singing at the Holiday Inn everynight except Sundays in Melaka West Malaysia if you are in the area pop in and sit in the Sirocco lounge and support her and tell the management to stop her having to compete with a screen of sports activity its just not fair Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 3 Comments

Melaka River and its shortcomings

Man’s miss judgement might spell disaster in the long run for everyone even the tourists
When you sacrifice peoples living conditions you hurt yourself in the end Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 4 Comments

Sunday Night in Jonker Walk

The music of Melaka rang out in my ears Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 5 Comments

From outside the Holiday Inn looking towards the sea 17/11/2012

The crows seem excited apparently so voicing objections wherever they go the sun’s setting down for what is the whole night in its great golden halo thats burning so bright there’s a little soft breeze but in essence its clear … Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 2 Comments


There is only one Aida Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 1 Comment

We need a safer way to cross the road from the Holiday Inn to the Mall

A crossing is needed urgently Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 1 Comment

Rangoli has now Ran gone

A Rangoli is now gone but I was pleased to have witnessed its birth and its passing Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 4 Comments

Melaka Post office centre

Melaka you let yourself down here Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 3 Comments

Rice and Pulse Rangoli for Divali at the Holiday Inn Melaka

Divali and the Festival of Lights at the Holiday Inn in Melaka Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 2 Comments


This is one exceptional lady who needs a bit more help from the Holiday Inn and with very little help everyone will get rewards so this is my wake up call to you Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 3 Comments

The Pianist (play it again Sam) at the Holiday Inn Melaka

Play it again Sam Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | Leave a comment

Slaves in art

We must respect our performers they create and re-create our moods Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | Leave a comment

I don’t like this macho influence

lost are we all lost maybe we are Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 2 Comments

Sirocco Lounge

the infinate was tamed Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | 2 Comments

Holiday Inn and its wonderful singers

Respect the singers they give their all and don’t want competion with football Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia more especially Melaka | Leave a comment