Category Archives: War crimes


America land of the free Where nothings free no more Unless you come from Israel And are knocking on their door Then it’s come in give your speech Whilst bombing Palestine We will supply the bombs and planes Sign on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wasps, zionists | Leave a comment

Gaza the war continues

She came by truck Bloodied and sore It has to be right For its a war Gaza where wounded Happen all day Where children are fair game With little to say

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment


Thunder and fire My god it’s so dire Israel perpetuates evil and gloom Women and children suffering so Bombed out of existence With no where to go

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Death and Dying, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Palestine, Rafah, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment


Badgers in cages Stuck there for ages These beautiful wild souls In setts they do stay Leave them alone Let them survive this evil Our government shooters And the farmers should pay

Posted in Genocide, Israel, Palestine, Torture, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


Holding one’s child Broken and torn Loved every moment Since she had been born An Israeli bomb crashed down from the sky And murdered my child With the question mark why The most evil scumbags That there ever has been … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment


His little face it says it all Freedom little here Bombs and rockets and tanks and guns And the most tumultuous fear The IDF aware everywhere Shooting everyone Nobody get even a smile Underneath the sun

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, The Middle East, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

A daily dose

A daily dose of genocide Of children blown to bits Everyday they pass away Where the hell it sits In spirit and in loving A glorious atmosphere A vast tragic rubble heap A people so sincere Their Indigenous persuasion Lost … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Boycotts, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Feelings, Genocide, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Politics, Radiation, Syria, The Middle East, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Warring factions sickens me

How can we live through all of this Macabre and awful time Israel perpetrates an enormous harm From the pits of death we climb Our children broken and innocent Lost for evermore In the rubble, in what is a blood … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate manslaughter, Criminality, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Indigenous People, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Death note

Pulled from the rubble Death notes did sound A father peers into the hole Where they found Children life drained from them Israel ‘s war Aimed at the women and children For sure.

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes | Leave a comment

Spy flights

Spy flights over Gaza Britains feel ashamed One thousand hours surveillance We are being blamed Six hour flights they tell us Looking for hostages they Put up 12 whole hours of flight For the two or so they say Have … Continue reading

Posted in War crimes, war zones, Wars, Weather modification | Leave a comment


Infants left in a vacuum where Life no more but we all share The grim and gruesome atmosphere Warring factors yes we hear And see the evil in our soul Played out each day A final toll Of the innocent … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Aboriginies, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Death and Dying, Desecration, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Freedom and what's happening to it, Genocide, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Infanticide, Israel, Palestine, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger, Settlers and colonisation, Starvation and the Poor, The Middle East, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wars, womens issues, world domination, zionists | Leave a comment

Seventh of October

So so much planning But not under wraps To break through the wall To attack those saps They were the under dogs All had the heart Up against arrogance Right from the start They are just training Thats what they … Continue reading

Posted in Famine, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones, Wars, zionists | Leave a comment

Child trafficking

Tragically in the world of war We see evil Genocide organ removal and more Prisoners taken found with extremeties Stolen this is the ugliness that’s is now war Somebody’s son, brother or father Captured and messed with and broken and … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Emotional Poems, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Organic harvesting, Palestine, Rafah, Self mutilation and arrogance, The Middle East, Torture, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

An innocent victim

Child orphaned in Israel’s attack on Gaza… via @YouTube Not long since birth A tiny child As innocent as each day is long Israel bombed her home we hear Of course it’s bloody wrong The bomber walks the child … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, children and their plight in a adult world, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Bought. You were bought

Our politicians most of them Are bought they sold their souls They thought that they were someone And evil now controls Their thinking and their seeing Their destination, they Sold their souls and cannot look Into our eyes today. Yes … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, War crimes | Leave a comment

War zone children

Children living in this war Bombs and shock and so much more Constant fear and upset they Suffer adrenaline every day Heart attacks and so much stress Are dangerous Everybody wants for less This is serious goings on Children many … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment


I wasn’t around so I do not know but Balfour fucked up What we have to show For their futile meddling Somebody’s land Given away Who can understand How could it have been so But now We see Colonialism and … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Cease fire stop these murdering scumbags

Get shot of all the backers Of the Israel campaign The awful occupation and the killings It’s insane The women and the children slaughtered every day Innocents blown to kingdom come It must stop right away

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, Pangolin trade in exotic species, War crimes, war zones, Warriors from the medic circle, zionists | Leave a comment


Meet Najwa A Hardworking Girl Who Is Selling Juice And Cake For A Living.… via @YouTube A child whose face has felt the wrath Of centuries that stoney path She rests upon a granite rock Magical tales she doth … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Carers, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Childrens Poems, Freedom and what's happening to it, Israel, Palestine, Refugees, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment


Wherever a good heart beats Animals hear it And run to his side in an effort to be Able to eat and believe there is kindness Even when war torn man angelically Survives it

Posted in A not my king story, activism, Animal Rights, cats, Corporate manslaughter, Criminality, Death and Dying, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Freedom and what's happening to it, Gaza, Genocide, Indigenous People, Infanticide, Israel, Palestine, Politics, Rafah, Rape, Sadism, War crimes, Wars | Leave a comment


We gaze at the victims Now laid in the rubble That Grows ever higher Their precious blood leaks The IDF fire grows ever hotter A stench of regret as innocence peaks

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Channeled Works, Criminality, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Experimentation, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Israel, Palestine, Politics, Rafah, Saving the earth together Karen lee, Self mutilation and arrogance, Turkey, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Rafah. Once was home once was peaceful

Everyday I see the bodies Palestine is sad The children all are crying out Where is mom and dad Bullets shells and fire storms Israel’s stench it’s here We are in a safe zone Compounded by their fear

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Childrens Poems, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Feelings, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

A little girl has lost her leg

Palestinian girl cries after losing her leg to Israeli attack on Rafah, …… via @YouTube A terrible sadness A heart stopping cry Violence from Israel Her leg lost and y What had she done wrong Rafah was where She … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, children and their plight in a adult world, Feelings, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, Tent cities, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Turkeys farewell

Turkeys farewell From NATO is seen As a shot in their arm For where they have been Siding with Israel’s ravaging ways In Rafah’s tented cities The coming malaise Ukraine’s war created An infamous plight It’s armies decimated And a … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Death and Dying, Indigenous People, NATO, Nuclear / Depleted Uranium, Politics, Portals, Rafah, relationships and breakdown, Topical News Stories II, Turkey, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


The Workers Party feels to me The only place my vote can be The governing tribe and the Labour mob Their ugly words have made me sob My heart out people all they say These friends of Israel pale and … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Emotional Poems, Indigenous People, Israel, Settlers and colonisation, The Middle East, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment


Mothers will be Beside themselves, key to An awful campaign Children out in the rain Learning to fight In an army of might Some sadly will Pick up the bill Lost in a maelstrom Of uncanny light.

Posted in Abandonment, Age, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Communication and Leadership, Conscrption, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Feelings, Freedom and what's happening to it, Humanity, Politics, Refugees, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

Denying food in Gaza

How sick one has to be To stop aid, and stop food for those Aching soulful humans Whose hunger truly knows No bounds their guts in acid Sunken eyes and sweat Destruction of the given food Humanities vile debt

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Humanity, Israel, Palestine, War crimes, war zones | Leave a comment

Victims ( No thanks to Israel)

In the desert prison A dungeon in fact Chained to a bed Blindfolded React To this punitive treatment In diapers they It’s not medical treatment It’s hell all the way The scum of the earth You have become A Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Captivity, Criminality, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Egypt, Emotional Poems, Famine, Genocide, Humanity, Humanity is a shithouse, Israel, Medical, Nut jobs, Palestine, Red and fallow deers trophies, relationships and breakdown, Sadism, Settlers and colonisation, SLAVERY, Starvation and the Poor, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, The Middle East, Topical News Stories II, Torture, War crimes, war zones, Wars, zionists | Leave a comment

War in Gaza

Stuff is going on out there And lits we do not know The Hammas are in their tunnels Like jack rats as we know Ordinanace a plenty Firing it at will Taking out the enemy So much blood they spill … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Israel, Palestine, Politics, Tent cities, Topical News Stories II, War crimes, war zones, Wars, zionists | Leave a comment

Malaysia tells Israel

Shredding the UN charter Malaysia made it clear Genocide being denied But there is so much fear Rafah getting hammered Children sadly they Eating pet foods if they are lucky Whilst Israel gets away With all these rotten bombings. upset … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Genocide, Humanity is a shithouse, Indigenous People, Malaysia and its People, Malaysia more especially Melaka, Palestine, Starvation and the Poor, War crimes, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment