Monthly Archives: September 2016

The supposed moon landing

The conflict of thought The arrogance sought It’s the failure of soul And the will to control To inflict on us all Really to overhaul Our emotions in thinking Science did call A tune if you like Call us out … Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy Theories | Leave a comment


I worked from the age of ten Paper round milk round bakers round and coalman Then when I was 15 got a job in an office Of a food and wine merchants in Eastcheap. I had wanted to leave school … Continue reading

Posted in activism | 4 Comments

Digital genius you might be

The genius who made computers Digital brains may be Presumptive script It’s bloody well ripped Through the heart of me Is it your intelligence So robotic through and through Or is it you are just the Pratt Who does what … Continue reading

Posted in Business Management | Leave a comment

Help us

Who glitters in the salty spray When the great sun shines Whose elegance and majesty Is open to the signs Who openly absorbs the good And Suffers the inevitable That just no species should Out across the spectrum The diamond … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Research says Japan

JApan has its excuse Of wearing its own noose Minke whales are killed YES their blood is spilled With their numbers declining There is no silver lining The Japanese outpouring Is altogether warring RESEARCH! Tell me another Who believes the … Continue reading

Posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

The war and Germany

I am an old man now And I watched the film HELLSTORM And I felt sickened to my very core Of the horror that was dealt By allied planes across GErmany’s cities And the lies Told by allied governments And … Continue reading

Posted in war zones, Wars | 2 Comments

TAIJI fisherman and trophy hunters via the Japanese perspective

They are all just foreigners What really can they do Shout their silly slogans In real terms just a few WE can go on killing And segregating some Making lots of money The activists are dumb They can’t do a … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

TAIJI Fisherman and trophy hunters

Shove a metal rod into your spine And watch you die Hammer a wooden peg into the wound And if you cry Look away at last The Dolphins blood won’t taint the sea And make it hard with the activists … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Taiji’s fisherman and trophy hunters

There’s a wave of discontent with those Of us who are sick and tired Of being so respectful Of the fisherman I am fired Up with them They listen to nobody at all They are a bunch of violators Who … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Patriarchal killing of a matriarch

This is a cow a female cow A blunt knife and a fool An ugly defacement It’s so easy to call This is known as halal As the cow just ran away In agony,the ultimate, it’s terror it does pay … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Prince William

Prince William tells us Like as if we do not know the score They can talk whilst we walk our walk For them it’s outright war On wild souls in our forests on wild souls on the plain In the … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Elephants, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | 2 Comments

I Am old but I am still in love with LIFE

I loved my life Each breath of air I know I am old BUt still I share The herd respects me In every way And I so love to live each day My teeth are sore my gums are too … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Elephants, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Kill the bull because we love him

We killed him because we loved him It’s the kind of love that I Can never ever understand We watched that Elephant die 4 hours it took of misery Of agony of pain Their psychopathic ugly minds No different than … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Africa, Elephants, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Hyenas and ither wild mammals | Leave a comment

The so called hunter army

The so called hunter army Leather clad they be Out to shock all those care for The animals and who see This group as one of enmity A hideous desire To creation and it’s miracles To set their world on … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Fox Hunting, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | 2 Comments


To be born a white dolphin Pure driven snow An elemental And how that does grow The ultimate spirit So driven in me And my dear mother With me constantly We are bottle nosed Dolphins It’s a Funny old name … Continue reading

Posted in Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Luca / Hot springs to mind and the Elephants fleeing the fir

A spume of spray The wind doth sway And Propels they say a fine array Bursts forth to be The mist we see Floating into eternity The suds of time Such froth and rhyme Mud pushes through and forms Bubbles … Continue reading

Posted in Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment


We cry of course we cry Who wouldn’t cry As feelings flow Emotions reach the ultimate Level when we know The torture that is coming The fight A one sided test Of bullies taking angels out And you can feel … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal rape, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Walter Slippers canned hunting camps

It is frightening and horrific It’s everything that’s wrong The so called Walter Slippers He does not belong Anywhere near animals He tortures them and so He farms them can you believe that And the numbers grow Lions and wild … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Africa, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lions | Leave a comment


The EU and the US tried by stealth To run us down Brought this so called TTIP In red tape we shall drown The crap about a boost to all economies Is all pie in the sky And pigeons coming … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Conspiracy Theories, Corporate Giants, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Environmental Poems, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment


The art work where simplicity And all the magical mystery Just look out at that sunset It’s so peaceful it’s so there The mountains of sweet Amber The lake where sitting was It’s all a real sensation Really just because … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Activism in art, Ethereal Poems | 2 Comments

Weather modification special request to the so called military pilots

Weather modification Let’s celebrate with the gods The ignorant weather wizards Just a bunch of sods Dedicated to earning A salary to break The poverty of all pensioners For everybody’s sake GEO engineering the new kid on the block Children … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Conspiracy Theories, Environmental Poems, Haarp and weather moidification | Leave a comment

Sometimes the sea looks calm but the undercurrent is wild with fury

TAIJI and Japan And their long term plan Of the cetacean killing crews That passion that is really building As cove guardians spread the news MORGAN money lost perhaps In a quagmire of deceit How easy it was to lose … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

The more animals a hunter has slaughtered the less they understand life and all its miracles.

Excuses for abuses The obtuse regrettably Comes to play now in a way The hunter vehemently Defies the natural order And decries its need to be Beyond the light of being To a vile dependency And killing he calls culling … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Petting Cubs

Petting Cubs is one thing Petting full grown souls Drugging them to make money Doesn’t score any goals With me Or to truly compromise The carers of the wild Just to coax some misguided parents With a little child This … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Tigers | Leave a comment

TAIJI tonight

The cris cross of floats And the very last night In the infamous cove of death And The moon light Imagine these wise souls Emotionally Know what tomorrow brings The tragedy Protectors are everywhere They know they are wild A … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

The Navajo

What have they to show the Navajo America that’s America is deranged To think she can just take away Their rivers that have now been changed Cadmium and Arsenic Mercury and lead Swept down from the mountain Tragic was what … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Environmental Poems, Indigenous People | Leave a comment

Eyes of the world

The eyes of the world The hearts and the minds Are destined to suffer As the drive it unwinds The thrashing we see Desperation and pain Denounced by TAIJI’s Malignant refrain Herded like calves to the slaughter Bobbing around in … Continue reading

Posted in activism | Leave a comment


The thunderous drums of NOKOMIS crash down From the sky As her great light comes filtering down We are woken wondering why The new corn moon is radiant Each moment shock waves flow THe romance of the coming Autumn really … Continue reading

Posted in Haarp and weather moidification, magick, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment


Bayer the great German corporate Has swallowed up Monsanto who Has put the fear up the farmers it’s clear And this marriage well what do we do The full moon sees these monsters joining Forces to strengthen their cause The … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems | Leave a comment


Where is the divine justice With Creation as a whole When placement was made in colder climes Fur bearing took a role To safeguard against trauma And an insulation for The recipients true body So as to protect our core … Continue reading

Posted in foxes | Leave a comment