Category Archives: Dreams

Shadow the cat dreaming

To dream perchance wander The heavenly realms Out of the cat flap Into the night Where mice may scurry In concert with others In fields of rape The tiniest mothers Knowing my breath Remembering the sun And each little death … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, cats, Dreams, Drowning our sorrows, Duty of care was always there | Leave a comment


Staring out into night A lassie in haste Preparing her dreams And possibly taste The acidic rain Bitter as hell Feeling a chill In what is a sad spell

Posted in Abandonment, Dreams | Leave a comment

With eyes to see

With eyes to see And a heart to feel And a mind to know That outside it’s real My country states The need to fight To back the rogues And smell the shite I have feelings for This world where … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal Rights, April and it’s gloriousness, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Coutryside meanderings, Dreams, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Ethereal Poems, ethical pointers, Explorers and Visionaries, Feelings, Fluoridation of our water supply, Freedom and what's happening to it, Haarp and weather moidification, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Humanity, Internal Environments, Macrobiotics, mountains, People I have observed, Sleep, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, Tree's that I am close to, Trees, Trees our silent friends, Trust, Unborn yet able to see my dead mother, Unrequited Love, war zones, Warriors from the medic circle, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

George Galloway in Rochdale

Rochdale to the people Under a cold sky George is out there speaking Sincerely does apply His sincerity of purpose He gets to the crowd Suggesting they can lend him Their vote his words are loud The purpose is the … Continue reading

Posted in activism, children and their plight in a adult world, Childrens Poems, Communication and Leadership, Criminality, Death and Dying, Dreams, Duty of care was always there, Environmental Poems, Ev cars, Explorers and Visionaries, Gaza, Genocide, Humanity, Humanity is a shithouse, Infanticide, Israel, Love and respect, Loyalty, Man unkind's graphic torturing of various souls, MLADENOVAK SERBIA RESCUE, Palestine, philospher, Politics, Portals, Rants, relationships and breakdown, Religion, Rochdale, Sleep, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The Middle East, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Topical News Stories II, war zones, Warriors from the medic circle, Wars, Winter, womens issues, Workers rights in way off lands, world domination, zionists | Leave a comment

Good night from Sarah

A black cat on my bosom A magical embrace Spells spring forth extraordinarily If you could see my face Every night a joyous time Poetically divine Adding to each fervent blog Beautifully on line

Posted in Activism in art, Dreams, Duty of care was always there, Feelings, Goddesses, magick, Odes of the moment | Leave a comment

Donkey healers

Nursing donkeys love to be Healing people that they see Clearly sick needing some care That is why the donkeys there Oldens suffer lack of love Hugs and kisses from above They can’t remember last time they Held someone’s hand

Posted in Donkeys and working animals, Dreams, Duty of care was always there, Duty of care was never there | Leave a comment

Wintry thoughts

Alone with profound thoughts Of solace returning With frost in my nostrils The worlds it’s concerning Daylight a dawning Breathing and clear At Folly’s for certain It’s so great to be here

Posted in Donkeys and working animals, Dreams, Unrequited Love | Leave a comment

Behind the mirror Stevie nicks

Behind the mirror No one sees The heart and soul But one agrees To sharing touch And knowing much More about those Who venture near See all there is to see And of course hear

Posted in Activism in art, Dreams, Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

It is love

Jetster a male cat Sufficiently mentioning His needs apparently Life kind of censoring Close to his lady A meeting of minds No truer perspective A glance at the signs His pattern of living Habitually Getting up hunting Sleeping a free … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, Canalside Observations, cats, Comedic, Dacorum borough, depleted uranium, Dreams, Emotional Poems, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Ethereal Poems, Forests and wild places, Gelada baboons, Goddesses, Haiti, Hedgerows, Homelessness and souls of the street, Leaves | Leave a comment

Thoughts of samhain

A confirming ritual In darkness we tread Samhain is raging A feast with the dead A believers baptism An auction of grace Solemnists encounter The whitest of face The rusty lock shudders A solitary Photographer comes forth Out of true … Continue reading

Posted in Dreams, Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence, Obituaries, Secrets within us, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever | Leave a comment


Yes I am a donkey I walk a bit wonky Life’s treated me None to well I have been alone Few seeds I have sown I have worked drawing water And known Anger and utter frustration Now I am old … Continue reading

Posted in Donkeys and working animals, Dreams | Leave a comment

A dormouse ditty

A tiny soul So beautifully formed In chopped up hedgerow She be warmed To sleep six months Sounds a long time Each moment Connected with a rhyme

Posted in Dormouse dreaming, Dreams | Leave a comment

Lamb dreams

As the sun comes up What do I see Eternal fortunes Ahead of me In my mountain pasture I beg that I Grow big and strong So as to touch the sky

Posted in animals used for food, Dreams, Lambs and Sheep | Leave a comment

The embrace of a lifetime

An embrace At the end of a chase The grace of a goddess shows Us all A face of a true giraffe When the world outside Perhaps doth crawl In gloriously For us all to see Africa Whose sunshine smile … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Africa, Dreams, energy(developing new ideas), Explorers and Visionaries, Giraffes, magick | Leave a comment

Little prayer to my Dear Mother

To my Dear Mother Nature Atoning to you For all of your gifts Everything just comes true Beautiful birds And butterflies That excite my heart And kiss my brown eyes

Posted in Dragon and Damsel flies, Dreams, Environmental Poems, Ethereal Poems | 1 Comment

Such sadness became all our sadness

In a state of confusion Of terrible pain Born to be loved Not thrown down a drain Made to be used and abused It appears Wanting to thrive But soaked in just tears Of emotion of sadness A tragedy And … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Canada, Captivity, Dreams | Leave a comment

The way of the dragon

The artful Apple Sweet and crunchy Hangs beside the bijou where Many a spell was cast and floated Where shadows fall a lady fair Healing holding heartfelt wishes Soothed the dragon On his lair

Posted in Dragon and Damsel flies, Dreams, Goddesses, Secrets within us | Leave a comment

A warm a summers night

It’s been a warm day And it’s become still A light dusted sky Doth cunningly spill Over the town Tree branches rocking Sheep all just wandering Little knees knocking

Posted in Activism in art, Dreams | Leave a comment

A donkey thinking aloud

The shade gives us some pleasure Out of the burning sun Foraging and thinking When the day is done The solitude of living. Where rest is everyday Where cuddles comes occasionally On the road to Mandalay

Posted in Donkeys and working animals, Dreams | Leave a comment

A whales eye view

No wonder the great whales feel the greatest Seeing and being as we Witness the iceberg the miracle magic Under the beautiful sea Serenely this massively wonderful soul Takes us and shows us his dream The truly remarkable avid creation … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Dreams, Under the ice, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment

Stevie Nicks

In her cape of blue No one as true Belladonna she Has always been The thoughtful Queen Of the Fleetwood scene She has rocked away She has written scores Beautiful songs Just because Her life, her love Her reality With … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Dreams, Faery, Musical Bric-a-Brac | Leave a comment

Pups loved and mum respected

Fed and watered And cared for Loved and made to feel All the family are welcome This point they can’t conceal All the creature comforts Warm and clean and sure Every aspect glowing And will be for evermore

Posted in Dogs, Dreams, homelessness and its perils | Leave a comment

A child’s imaginary world close your eyes and go with them

Come with me to my fertile place Where inventiveness shines on my face Outside every box we be Inspired with the truest empathy Children enter imagination It forms for them true contemplation Ideality a mental sphere That image that is … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, children and their plight in a adult world, Dreams, womens issues | Leave a comment

Rock Goddess

Quietly contemplative Rock Goddess freedoms Youthful attractions Sanctioning action Seemingly directions Moving delightfully Through so many sections Suggestive desire A huge Beltaine fire

Posted in Dreams, energy(developing new ideas), Ethereal Poems, Explorers and Visionaries | Leave a comment

Polar bear

At the zenith roaring At the midnight sky A bear knows much He knows now why Is he about to die Frozen as the wastes He sees Alone the chill Is at his knees

Posted in activism, Bears, Breathing and pollution, Dreams | Leave a comment

Catherine Garneau and her Deer

emerging from your brilliance comes this elegant sweet Deer Flying from another World and joyful to be hear Catherine your talents shared by all around The gold work the dexterity is beautiful I found A simple soulful message an emoji … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Animal Rights, Dreams, Emotional Poems, Musical Bric-a-Brac, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Blake and his visions

Blake and his visions Lucid his dreams Conversations when sleeping Numinous screams Sighted and physically Bodies would be Waking his nightmares And setting him free From spiritual realms Recognising them he Mingled with spirits Of true reverie

Posted in Activism in art, Breathing in colour, Death and Dying, Dreams, Emotional Poems, Ethereal Poems, People I have observed, Poets I respect | Leave a comment


He was not a campaigner For he took the view Both sides had merit A bit like Lao Tzu He felt he’d transcended Escaping from all Perspective, not singular He got the call To speak to us all Where ever … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, autism, Breathing in colour, Dreams, Man unkind's graphic torturing of various souls, People I have observed, Poets I respect, The Arts and Culture | Leave a comment

Spider edging closer

A vision state A lucid dream Closed eyes a pillow soft A ream Of pages, thoughts the ceiling high The cornice cracked it’s the third eye Perceives a figure 8 legs crawling Hears a baby somewheres bawling Can she see … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dreams, Spiders | Leave a comment

Dream Weaver

Damask delightful Myriad blues Magical memories Wonderful hue’s Soft to emotions Wild and a fire To the soul To resolve Like an impressionable Lyre Bird of the forest It’s feathers in awe Ringing true every glimpse Every sound wanting more … Continue reading

Posted in Channeled Works, Corporate manslaughter, Dreams, Ethereal Poems, Goddesses, India and the visionary, Love poems, magick, Medical, Poems written before the year 2000 | Leave a comment