Category Archives: History and Oxfordshire

Sky larks and Swallows

Skylarks are missing Their eyesight fantastic They swoop over grasses through bushes they do The insects are tiny its truthfully so So many are missing In the afternoon glow As I sit sipping herbals And catch the bold flight paths … Continue reading

Posted in activism, birds and the environment, Forests and wild places, History and Oxfordshire, Swamps, wild birds, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment


Looking through the ruin Out into the forest dark The hamlet is said to be haunted It certainly made its mark On us when we sat close by The ambling river too It transports one back through history That certainly … Continue reading

Posted in Forests and wild places, History and Oxfordshire | Leave a comment


On the River Colne A tributary of the Thames, water cold And clear Duck families Swan and Moorhens Rapidly appear Looking down from off the wall In Street the vibrancy Of crystal water and bright green plants It is a … Continue reading

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