Category Archives: chickens.ducks.

TODD MCCLAY Minister if Hunting and Fishing

Imagine the title Hunting and fishing Blood sports On innocent wild Birds Here’s wishing All those old a holes Murdering who Miss lethal shots That’s what they do Loads of dying birds Such agony Their past lives relived In the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Aboriginies, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, chickens.ducks., DUCKS, Gamekeeping, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), New Zealand, shooting | Leave a comment

Dear hen

She knows what it’s like to be hated Treated unwisely she feels Sworn at and kicked Sold down the river The soreness alas she reveals Dirty food thrown at her often She has a heart beating too Kept in a … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world | Leave a comment

Eggs and male chicks

Huge sacks of bodies shells And live birds Really the egg industry And it’s words Not of wisdom Not least But of horror and pain Born to be murdered Time and time again Suffocation and crushed In a vast slurry … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Crush videos, Eggs | Leave a comment

Cruelty on the wider scale

Farmed animals are victims Every single one Living without protection Their rights of life undone By corporate philosophy Profit and loss and more Destruction of their way of life So humans can earn more Changing godly patterns To profit based … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, Dairy farmers criminals, ethical pointers, Experimentation, Lammas Loaf Mass | Leave a comment

Infanticide in the egg industry

Infants never even thought a wrong thought Still they died Chirping on the conveyor So happy inside Egg industry doesn’t care Heartless bunch They be Every tiny heart and soul is crushed apparently If you eat eggs or add eggs … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Eggs | Leave a comment

So called happy chickens

What’s happy about corpses Chickens dead and gone Pecked by hungry friends it seems This farm is a con It’s vicious and it’s ugly Advertising they Talk up actual happiness And sell themselves this way And people then are drawn … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Farming | Leave a comment


Death camps Set up areas To murder living souls To fulfil the dead flesh trade The dead skin trade The spill Of degenerate activity Infanticide it’s there Murdering the females And the veterans Who share The oxygen out in the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Argentina, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Australia and the epic journeys, Bison, Broiler, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Captivity, Chickens, chickens.ducks., children and their plight in a adult world, CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, Crabs, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Death and Dying, Donkeys and working animals, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, EELS OR FINGERLINGS, Elephants, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Farming, Foie gras, Food Processing, geese, Glyphosate, goats, HARES And red grouse, honey, Japanese food obscenity, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, live exports, Macrobiotics, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, OSTRICH and the Western Cape, Pheasant shooting, Piglets suckling, Pigs, Rabbits, Red grouse, Reptiles and Herpetology, SHARKS, Taiji and it’s monsters, The dkin trade, Turkeys, Turkeys and Chickens, turtles, Vegan Lifestyle, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wool, Yang growing forces | Leave a comment

More on broilers

Broiler chicken farmers Are as arrogant as hell They are totally unexceptional As broilers know so well Creative not a tiny bit Despoilers all the day Killers torturers murderers They are in that passage way

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Broiler, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Farming, Feelings | Leave a comment

Broilers v spoilers

These are living beings Created miracles who Have hearts and souls and legs and wings They fly unlike you No butcher and no farmer Can create them, they Are unique beings actually What else can one say

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Broiler, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation | Leave a comment

The egg industry

Whose chicken They are The industry are vile Beyond words Murderers Infanticide the greatest Massacre of birds

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Criminality, Crush videos, Eggs, Extinction, Farming, Humanity is a shithouse, Infanticide | Leave a comment

A chicken for Christmas

Imagine the torture Imagine the pain Imagine the scourge And never again Run of the green grass And, forage free Trapped in a cage In a vile battery Hearing the clatter Hearing the screams Eggs being stolen The end of … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Eggs, Glyphosate | Leave a comment

Chickens at Christmas

Millions &millions of beautiful birds R lost in an instant listen to words Of the feathery fantastic feelings, we speak These beautiful souls will be gone in a week Necks broken,feathers pulled lost to this world Pig fat shoved up … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Christmas Fayre | Leave a comment

A lonely chick about to be slaughtered

Exactly but then The chick wasn’t able To distinguish herself Sitting there on the table A conveyor about to Take her to her death Crushed in some grinder Devoid of breath Egg corporations They do not care It’s money their … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Captivity, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Eggs, Extinction | Leave a comment

A sea of chickens

The stench of ammonia Fills up the air The acidic urine Burns skin the despair Of real overcrowding We stand when we shit And you will be eating is We are not fit To be granted this pleasure Not any … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment

Chicken hearted

Imagine her thoughts She’s a hen which means she Will lay eggs She needs babies They make her happy But humans eat her eggs And thus she may find She dies without having Children Her mind broken and so saddened

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Eggs | Leave a comment

The chicks lament

The few minutes of pleasure Is being bred to lay Eggs each day of our sad lives As males we have to pay Our lives are just worth nothing We are rendered or suffocated Thats the be and end all … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Eggs | Leave a comment

Laying eggs

Laying eggs for you lot My ovi duct is blooming sore Every day I stressed and straining How can I lay more Every day you steal the eggs No babies for me I believe you eat them So they never … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Eggs | Leave a comment

They have no feelings

Consumers of fried chicken Have little feeling for Anything outside their miserable lives They are at war With what is going on inside Their bodies toxic states Heartless just piss takers Their very image grates

Posted in Abandonment, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Child exploitation | Leave a comment

Salmonella and chickens

To all you meat eaters Dead flesh we know You love it good on you But watch how we know Us vegans we see With our eyes Just how blind Consumers are these days It does blow our mind Creation … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Hygiene | Leave a comment


Chickens if you ever keep them Are really special souls They, have a bold hierarchy And family controls They are kindly and inquisitive Intelligent as well We need to respect all animals For the great story they tell 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment

Whose chicken?

Who really was unaware Of the way The chicken whose fear Comes and goes She does pay Heavily honestly from farmers who Cage her, feed her,m frighten her It’s true She suffers a great deal From consumers who Eat up … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment

A chicken glance

Upside down hooked up to time They cut my throat and so this rhyme Exposes evil cruelty Losing my ability To think to care even to see Because they want to indulge me Chop off my head chop off my … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Death and Dying | Leave a comment

Duck Down

I once was warm My feathers were Mine divine my Dears Do you concur Down a substance Ripped and torn I do wish I had not been born It hurt so much Him out of touch I think of him … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Australia and the epic journeys, Baby talk, birds and the environment, Captivity, chickens.ducks., Death and Dying, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Love and respect, Secrets within us, Self mutilation and arrogance, wild birds | Leave a comment

Beautiful Hen

The eye of the beholder Knows the secret A hen is magnificent I ought to know Of course you are beautiful Everyone knows that Clucking your music Would steal every show 🐓🐓

Posted in Activism in art, Chickens, chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment

Goats and eggs and religion

Whatever whoever religious or how Killing young goats all those eggs too Still now imagining somehow no karmic debt I guess is indicative but not well met Tragedies every day quietly it’s true So many animals sacrificed too Gods and … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens, chickens.ducks., goats, India | Leave a comment

It’s mind blowingly obvious

The figures are awful Vast numbers of dead All born of mothers A vast water shed Of expecting the family To conquer the fear Embracing the shock value Year after year Brothers and sisters Mothers as well Fathers all murdered … Continue reading

Posted in Abalone “ba0 yu “, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Badgers, birds and the environment, camela, Chickens, chickens.ducks., CHINA food obscenity, Crabs, Dogs, Donkeys and working animals, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fox Hunting, frogs Legs, furs and the fur industry, goats, HARES And red grouse, Japanese food obscenity, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, live exports, Mice and rodents, Milk and its associated problems, Mining and destruction of habitat, Minks, Monkeys and Primates, Musical Bric-a-Brac, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, Pangolin trade in exotic species, Pigs, Rabbits, Red grouse, Rhino, Seals, Sengi the elephant shrew | Leave a comment

Chicken tears

Her sight has that watery Glimpse into the future A complex regard for the soulful aware Each has a heart A complex muscle Retreating though beating And accepting the air

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Fluoridation of our water supply | Leave a comment

Lost for words

Strung up lost souls waiting for the end Nobody’s your friend Staring at the floor What was it all for The splendour of creation Right across the a nation A bloody dreadful war Man against the birds We are lost … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, chickens.ducks., slaughterhouses and operatives | Leave a comment

Egg prices

Your concerned about prices Well let me tell you We chickens are pissed off Over what you lot do We are confined in a tiny space We sit and we shit, where we sit A disgrace We can’t move our … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, birds and the environment, Chickens, chickens.ducks. | Leave a comment


The human race is made up of a lot of selfish gits Many allowing torture and eating flesh these shits Too many allowing torture on a vast and vile huge plain The MEAT Trade and the Dairy trade Creating so … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Chickens, chickens.ducks., commercial fishing, Lambs and Sheep, Pain, Pigs | Leave a comment