These great big over the top concerns
Chicken sheds appear
When externally the temperature is raised
So is the fear
Chickens are real sensitive
An indication be
When chickens pant
There reaching heat levels dangerously
Too many in one area
Caused them to pant
Internally they suffer
And then of course they can’t
Manage as heat rises
Their need to cool is there
And with muscular activity
Clearly being aware
Can weaken groups of chickens
And kill them from the stress
Vast numbers raise the temperature
Which is hard to address
Thousands of feathered bodies
Too much water can be
As bad as having no water
It’s critical you see
Man is far from thoughtful
When profit is his thing
Increasing numbers in summer months
Actually can bring
This majorly occurrence
As temperatures then rise
Vast numbers panting tragically
Can orchestrate their demise
A lack of understanding
An insensitive degree
Can cause heat stress and death alas
Big sheds suffer, we
Have to be more thoughtful
All this mechanisation
Appears good for profit
But it’s nobody’s salvation
As external temperatures rise
What then we see
Is massive stress to the sensitives
Who die agonisingly