Category Archives: Avebury

Definitely not our KING

For the king to bring his awfulness To the foxes table He Doesn’t like the squirrels either Those souls running free Cruelty to animals, the fox the badgers they Make him a bloody patron Of the RSPCA A sick world … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Ashridge, Avebury, Badgers, Beavers, birds and the environment, Countryside wisdom, Coutryside meanderings, Cub hunting, Disrespect of female animals, Dormouse dreaming, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Fashion and animals, Feelings, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hedgehogs, MOLES, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Racing, Ravens and crows, Red and fallow deers trophies, Red grouse, Red squirrels, rSPCA, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment


Prosecco pink and a chance to think A head buzz in the morning does Run rampage I Just can’t apply Myself to walking the King’s highway, why

Posted in Activism in art, Avebury, Coutryside meanderings, Drowning our sorrows | Leave a comment

A hunter whose after

A hunter whose after A Fox or a Hare Or a Deer With the hounds Introducing Fear In the wildness where creatures Love where they be In an earth on the earth In the forest Freedom to range To drink … Continue reading

Posted in Avebury, birds and the environment, Breathing in colour, Crow boys and girls, Duty of care was always there, Duty of care was never there, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers | Leave a comment


Avebury shines I see the signs The great stones A blue sky Moved by what is grandeur On this fact we rely Lovely to see the both of you Seekers in refrain There’s magic in the offing

Posted in Avebury, Breathing in colour, Clothing in the magical style, Clouds, Simon and Ann | Leave a comment


Wild lying dormant Under the earth Bulbs full of energy A forthcoming birth Despite the winter The frost and the snow Time creates life force It’s there below Christmas has passed Boxing Day too The new year is coming A … Continue reading

Posted in Ashridge, Avebury, Berkhamsted, Flowers, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment


At Avebury We see miracles Centuries of grace And favour there to savour And absorb the truest face Of history and magic Of so much that’s sublime An arch of mist as marvellous As the gentle march of time

Posted in Avebury | Leave a comment