Where the phosphates reach the sky

Chicken now costs not so much
But in real terms
What we see
Is honest to goodness awfulness
And bloody cruelty
These birds are exceptional
Loving in their way
Being fed on god knows what
And imprisoned night and day

And it’s all done intensively
They can hardly turn around
They cannot work their scabby wings
And out there on the ground
What we know as countryside
And rivers what we see
Dead zones from pollution
Which indescribably

Happens and it’s getting worse
The bigger these farms get
Yes you want cheap chicken cuts
Pushing us all into debt
Buggering up the countryside
Phosphate pollution high
Getting closer to us all
Look at the River WYE

20 million chickens
Shitting everyday
Look and see the algal blooms
Just feel all that dismay
Plants are dying wildlife too
And the blooming stench it’s there
Driving intensification
On and on so be aware

This shit is unsustainable
The farmers must never be
Licensed when they grow and grow
And spill and stink freely
We must all look vegan wise
Or at least stop expecting what
Is happening in their violent sheds
That the chicken slaves have got

To the local councils
Open up your ears
Don’t be swooning at the ballooning
Businesses the tears
Rolling down so many faces
The chickens yes they cry
Shitting into the rivers
Where the phosphates reach the sky

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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