The period of torture
lasts 3 weeks
someone’s holiday
but not the duck or goose
its hell for them
as anyone will say
3 weeks standing up in cages
that are far too small
with one man with his metal pipe
stuffing it with all
the fatty corn mix, which is
plunged down every throat
it isn’t very pretty
and it hurts
its tears
I wrote
about it many times its true
but the pain of ulceration
and continually being force fed
through the agony of creation
is tantamount to torture
of the most highest degree
a bad sore throat
all cut about
and repeated thrusts
that be
just more and more uncomfortable
this time you will find
the liver growing bigger
it kind of blows your mind
from 67 grams to some 600 grams or so
the breathing becomes laboured and painful
it does show
everyone that’s watching how painful its become
the liver bunged up with the fat
and feelings they have some
are nauseous with all this going on
you have to feel
for each of them such pity
for the torture its so real
all this awful agony,and its induced by man
to produce this exotic foodstuff
his soul goes down the pan
exquisite some say
I say bloody terrible
its brought about
by someone who is crude
a method that might have
come from ancient Egypt
but if someone made it now
they’d all be sued
but now it is long long passed
its sell by date
its the nastiest crudest food
that was ever made
which only the devil could possibly might re create
the concept
but only if from the deepest darkness strayed
when the liver has swollen to the
huge size
the bird may have by that time already died
the agony the pain the breathing and the strain
torture in a tin is not denied
its banned in the Uk it cannot be made here
imported here and eaten here
of course
but run a farm and create loads of these victims
its against the law
so we must source
it out in France or Hungary
where it is made to sell
both those places
clearly, have their foie gras hell!
then the birds get stabbed into their poor sore throats
thats how
we kill them, many do not die at this stage
and they just cower
all of their vile screeching
would almost wake the dead
it certainly puts the wind up me
as it echoes around the shed
then its preparation time
removing the membrane
pick off all the nerves and veins
this is where you use your brains
add to chopped beef if you will
make a burger that will spill
its awfulness into some bun
that kind of gets you on the run
pan fry slices if you will
bake a terrine for that extra thrill
serve with crusty farmhouse bread
and remember that the goose is dead
to The guormands who frequent
Fortnum and Mason and know they’ve spent
a packet on the rosy hue
DFL yes they did screw
diseased fatty liver its exquisite
to behold
all that pain and suffering and blood loss
I am told
standing in their own shit
most of every day
the connoisseurs might enjoy the taste
when they look the other way
if they visited the farm
where it was created they would see
it smelled more like a sewer
that’s if you ask me