Category Archives: SHARKS

Eating fish the final wish

those of us who create their pain We feel our own pain, they Suffer, and scream in panic mode Every dying day Consuming death we fail to feel Their agony, why should we Who quote the bible And yes seemingly … Continue reading

Posted in A tale of the sea, Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Aquaria or watery zoo, Breathing and pollution, By catch, Death and Dying, Desecration, Drowning, Duty of care was never there, Eating living beings, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Food Processing, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), long line fishing for tuna, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, Rivers, Sharing death, SHARKS, Squid, Swordfish and Tarpon, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, Torture, Wet markets Live markets, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon, Wildness is our friend, womens issues | Leave a comment

Sharks fins belong to sharks abusing us for our fins is criminality

Absolutely nutrition free A thickener in fact Murdering us predators Yes how we react To humans being crazy Yu chi tang should be Made by us exclusively Humane insanity

Posted in A not my king story, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Criminality, Death and Dying, Environmental Poems, Food Processing, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), pointlessness, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Sharks and the by catch brigade

A gleaming eye a long history Of predation their nation it ought to be Protected, not murdered not by catch no way Sharks have a purpose That’s all I will say The bottom Fishing dredging it be Unbelievable and wasteful … Continue reading

Posted in A tale of the sea, Abandonment, By catch, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Ocean creatures

Commercial fishing practices Huge great ships that ply Scooping up with myriad nets Thousands of living fry Fish of every size Torn out of the sea Dragged onto these wooden decks And packed in ice Yes we Condone this violent … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Breathing and pollution, Breathing in colour, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Food Processing, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Iceland, Japanese food obscenity, JELLYFISH, Long line fishing fir tuna, Manta Rays, Narwhals, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Orca's and Dolphins, SHARKS, stellar sea lions, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

The dead flesh eating karma

Killing to eat Eating the young Karma is watching They the unsung They love to live They love to play but we put an end to their lives Anyway And for that will pay Mark my words It’s the way

Posted in Abandonment, animal diseases, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Dairy farmers criminals, DUCKS, Eggs, Foie gras, geese, HARES And red grouse, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Meat trade, Octopus, Piglets suckling, Pigs, Rabbits, Red grouse, SHARKS, Sows and Boars, Turkeys, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild birds, Wild Deers | Leave a comment

Let’s liberate the animals always

Animal liberation The right thing to do Be kind to every living soul That’s the sentiment for you Hearts and souls And loving ways Are what it’s all about Be a better human And avoid the ugly rout Animals feel … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Cheetahs and their subjugation, Chickens, Cock fighting, Coyotes, Crabs, Criminality, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Crow boys and girls, Cub hunting, Death and Dying, Dingoes, Disrespect of female animals, Dogs, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Donkeys and working animals, DUGONGS and Marine Turtles, EAGLES and their world, Elephants, EMU's, Fishing angling course fishing, Foie gras, furs and the fur industry, geese, Giraffes, Goanna, goats, Gorillas in the wild, HARES And red grouse, Hedgehogs, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Hyenas and ither wild mammals, Kangaroos, Koala's, Lambs and Sheep, leopards, Lions, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Meat trade, Milk and its associated problems, Minks, Monkeys and Primates, Narwhals, Ocelots, Orangutan(Person of the forest), OSTRICH and the Western Cape, Otorongo, palm oil, Rabbits, Racoon and racoon dogs, Ravens and crows, Red grouse, Red Kite, Rhino, Sea horses and other little beings, sea lions, Seals, SHARKS, Snails (Escargot), Snakes and reptiles, Sows and Boars, Spiders, Starlings, Storks, Taiji and it’s monsters, Tigers, Toads, TORTOISE, Torture, Turkeys, turtles, WEASELS, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon, wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers, Wolves, Zebra, Zoo's | Leave a comment

Drifts Nets and the rest

Some commercial fishing people are inadequate Drifts net Seine nets crates and god knows what Just lobbed overboard to trap the sea life We all should be more pro active in condemning Causation and away the immeasurable amounts of strife

Posted in Abandonment, SHARKS, traps and snares, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon | Leave a comment

Blood money pays

Ethical alternatives for fur How can that be The skin is the largest organ It protects, literally Miraculous and beautiful In every single way Some humans believe they have the right To wear others And They Murder for the privilege … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Alpaca’s, Animal Rights, Bears, Beavers, cats, Coyotes, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Dingoes, Dogs, Donkeys and working animals, Elephants, Fox Hunting, foxes, furs and the fur industry, goats, HARES And red grouse, Horses, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, Minks, MOLES, Ocelots, Otorongo, Otters, Red and fallow deers trophies, Red squirrels, reindeers, Reptiles and Herpetology, Seals, SHARKS, Snakes and reptiles, Sows and Boars, TCM, The dkin trade, The skin trade, Tigers, traps and snares, Whale processers, Wild Deers, Wool | Leave a comment


Death camps Set up areas To murder living souls To fulfil the dead flesh trade The dead skin trade The spill Of degenerate activity Infanticide it’s there Murdering the females And the veterans Who share The oxygen out in the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Argentina, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Australia and the epic journeys, Bison, Broiler, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Captivity, Chickens, chickens.ducks., children and their plight in a adult world, CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, Crabs, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Death and Dying, Donkeys and working animals, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, EELS OR FINGERLINGS, Elephants, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Farming, Foie gras, Food Processing, geese, Glyphosate, goats, HARES And red grouse, honey, Japanese food obscenity, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, live exports, Macrobiotics, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, OSTRICH and the Western Cape, Pheasant shooting, Piglets suckling, Pigs, Rabbits, Red grouse, Reptiles and Herpetology, SHARKS, Taiji and it’s monsters, The dkin trade, Turkeys, Turkeys and Chickens, turtles, Vegan Lifestyle, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wool, Yang growing forces | Leave a comment

Shark nets

The significance of shark nets Of killing without thought Suffocation by desire Humanity has sought A guarantee of safety By killing off those who Live and die in the ocean Just to protect you

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Australia and the epic journeys, Breathing and pollution, Corporate manslaughter, Death and Dying, Drowning, Humanity, Ocean, SHARKS, traps and snares | Leave a comment

By catch

By catch wasting species Held in high regard Netting the undesirables Every soul they discard Murdered in their thousands Relation to a tee Filtering out the special For all eternity

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Aquaria or watery zoo, CHINA food obscenity, Crabs, Drowning, Duty of care was never there, EELS OR FINGERLINGS, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Fishing angling course fishing, Food Processing, Freedom and what's happening to it, Fushing aggregate devices, Hermit crabs, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, JELLYFISH, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, long line fishing for tuna, Manta Rays, Narwhals, OCEANS And water courses, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, Prawn farming, Sea Birds and bird stories, Sea horses and other little beings, sea lions, Seals, SHARKS, SUbterranean, VAQUITA, Wet markets Live markets, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon | Leave a comment

Sharks and our FINS

Our fins are ours They help propel They are cartilage Not from Hell From Neptune We need them to be Happy and healthy under The sea Murdering us removing our fins Honestly folk is one of your sins The agony … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, CHINA food obscenity, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Shark finning

Cruelty beyond contempt A hellish symphony Of truly vile proportions One has to ask why we Could ever stoop this low evil sinners scum sucking louts And for a fin a glutinous spin Which leaves me in no doubts The … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Aquaria or watery zoo, commercial fishing, Death and Dying, Food Processing, Ocean, Pain, SHARKS | Leave a comment

EU Leaders

EULeaders What do they know They butter their toast And enjoy the show Sharks fin soup Why would they care Animal rights They do not share It’s eu leaders rights alas The rest of us are seen as crass

Posted in Abandonment, activism, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Shark attack

The Pacific Ocean swimming a while A great white hones in About to defile Victims for dinner And surely this lass Feels a tug on her leg Lots of blood and a mass Of contusions and agony Luckily she Is … Continue reading

Posted in SHARKS | Leave a comment

Fish are murdered in great shoals every hour

Hooked gaffed netted iced Harpooned all these verbs to kill Drag fish from the icy depths Crush and scatter Cut and scale Murder at a terrific rate Cook alive an awful fate Fish feel pain their agony From river pool … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, ANTS The aliens of our time, commercial fishing, Crabs, Donkeys and working animals, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Food Processing, Fushing aggregate devices, Hermit crabs, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), JELLYFISH, Lampreyso, Manta Rays, Mining and its consequences, OCEANS And water courses, Ocelots, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, Prawn farming, Sea horses and other little beings, SHARKS, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

A plea from me

The torment we are exposed to Your deleterious ways Dumping filthy nets and lines Thinking it’s ok It’s the domain of ocean dwellers The ideology is pristine ness Not a dumping ground Where people don’t care less

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, Dall's Porpoise, Lampreyso, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, sea lions, Seals, SHARKS, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

Wild as the night

Shark’s and Wolves and Bats and Owls Maligned by  fiction they left the rails of fact alas it was horror they Portrayed  in print and were made to pay .j the psyche is a peculiar side many of us have … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Bats, SHARKS, Wildness is our friend, Wolverines a true phantom, Wolves | Leave a comment

Sharks fins abusers should be given five years prison

Sharks fins soup It is revolting Chicken based with MSG The Chinese charge a fortune For it and if you ask me The cruelty worldwide Is shocking Ban it this I say People are cutting fins off live sharks Every … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, CHINA food obscenity, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), SHARKS | Leave a comment

Killing sharks to make the revolting highly priced soup

China must stop killing sharks Their fins nutritionally Are hopeless in the so called Perfect soup They have got to be Shown up as cruel and unforgiving On menu’s everywhere Boycott Chinese restaurants And make them all aware.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, CHINA food obscenity, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Hooked and saved

Again we see truegratitude This from a Lemon Shark A diver was approached Trying 2make its mark A giant hook was sticking out Of its underside &the diver pulled &twisted it Until it/just did slide Out, the shark was so … Continue reading

Posted in activism, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Sharks fins

Sharks fin soup a total waste Of life on earth2day &A fin cut ufrom the live shark Excruciatingly Cut off by a diver a fisherman a creep &sold 2Chinese traders Whilst all around we weep. Made in2a tasteless soup Glutinous … Continue reading

Posted in Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CHINA food obscenity, SHARKS | Leave a comment

Shark tournament sponsors

  what with by-catch and shark fins big game sponsorship tournaments for catching sharks and assorted sins let rip coke and other corporations Dolling out their dosh For prizes  for the  fools who catch the sharks Yes golly gosh   … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, SHARKS | Leave a comment

fishermen discarding ghost nets are criminals without a doubt

the falsehoods and artfulness and the disgrace they cannot be bothered all over the place sensitive habitats its becoming clear ghost nets discarded produce so much fear 49 feet deep 56 miles long just imagine that really how wrong ghost … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Australia and the epic journeys, birds and the environment, CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, DUGONGS and Marine Turtles, EAGLES and their world, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Flame shells scallops mussels, Food, Food Processing, Fushing aggregate devices, Ghost Stories, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Indigenous People, Japanese food obscenity, JELLYFISH, Manta Rays, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Sea Birds and bird stories, SHARKS, traps and snares, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild birds | 2 Comments

To all you rotten sods who wear fur or skins

Wearing the skin Of another being What does that make me Am I all seeing Am I a monster Seemingly so Why do you do this When clearly you know A rabbit or a bunny A fox and or a … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Badgers, Bears, Beavers, Bison, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Coyotes, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Dogs, Donkeys and working animals, Elephants, foxes, furs and the fur industry, geese, Giraffes, Goanna, goats, HARES And red grouse, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, leopards, Lions, Minks, MOLES, Ocelots, OSTRICH and the Western Cape, Otorongo, Pangolin trade in exotic species, Rabbits, Raccoons, Red squirrels, reindeers, Seals, SHARKS, Snakes and reptiles, Sows and Boars, The dkin trade, The skin trade, Tigers, Water buffalo farmed for milk flesh hides and horn, WEASELS, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild Deers, Wolves, Wool, Zebra | Leave a comment

Sharks we must stop killing them

Logicality and relevance And superiority In many aspects matchless And unrivalled in the sea The shark an Apex Predator A fearsome looking soul With a cartilaginous skeleton And gill slits on the whole No swim bladder a reason Therefore why … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, CHINA food obscenity, Food Processing, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Oil, SHARKS, The dkin trade | Leave a comment

Sea Spiracy believe every word it portrays

Sea Spiracy a film That takes us to another realm Transports us through reality And, does overwhelm The liars and the criminals That undoubtedly abound Long lines, trawlers, dredgers Who tragically are found Working under night skies Thieving as they … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, commercial fishing, Corporate Giants, Crabs, DEnmark, Dolphin drive W banging boats, DUGONGS and Marine Turtles, Environmental Poems, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Flame shells scallops mussels, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Narwhals, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, SHARKS, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon | Leave a comment

Sea Spiracy

We open the great doors And let some truths out Concerning the oceans And what they are about How 80 per cent of all life Still be In the confines Of the great panoply An array of such wonder Where … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Aquaria or watery zoo, Captivity, commercial fishing, Environmental Poems, Explorers and Visionaries, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Food Processing, Fushing aggregate devices, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Orca's and Dolphins, Plastics, Prawn farming, Sea Birds and bird stories, Seals, SHARKS, Topical News Stories II, turtles, Water and chemicalisation of it, Whales and Sea Shepherd, wild and farmed salmon, wild birds, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

How were we raised And what difference it makes

Cristina Zenato As women go she does Portray the angel logic The caring sharing buzz anyone can see it Can feel it In how she Can give her love and Honour to the sharks All wild and free How the … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), SHARKS, womens issues | Leave a comment

Sharks fins

It might go all the way back To the Song Dynasty At a time when the ocean Was filled with shark But now 70 to 100 million sharks Are killed now every year To slice off their fins For the … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, CHINA food obscenity, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), SHARKS, The Caribbean and its wonderful people | Leave a comment