How she may have groaned
At the thought of her monster
actually cloned
Clearly she sowed her seeds
into the soul
Of the great men of Science
Who lacked her controlCopying DNA fragments to me
Is God like creation
that never should be
Attempted, pure arrogance
too far ahead
For what is still, a basic
sad human head
In America cloning
Has reached markets there
Since 2006 this brand of despair
Was rolled out and they now eat
Tonnes of the stuff
And, its unlabelled
Which I think is rough
On Consumers, but this
is the American way
That favours the Corporate
Giants today.
There’s no means of knowing
How all this will end
I think with a whole lots of tears
Which might send
The alarm bells a’ ringing
But by then its too late
For the public consuming this shit
at a rate
Organism Cloning that’s what they do
Its pretty advanced, but they
took the view
There was money to be made
and that was the hope
Ethical scrutiny, and maybe the rope
Will tighten around their necks
hopefully so
When the shit hits the fan
as it will, that I know
And the cloning of endangered
species to me
May have negative effects
on Conservation for we,
Must look after the earthlings
Not finish them now
and sit in laboratories
cloning each cow
each tiger each elephant
That’s not the way
Save the created
or with our lives pay