The dogs of Korea or the animals here/ you decide

Old battered cages on a rusty old truck
Dogs crammed into cages,clearly ran out of luck
A while ago, now in a prison of sorts
Just one look at them and you know all their thoughts
Koreans eat Dogs, well that’s by the by
But they treat them so badly, and there’s no reason why
Sweet little pedigree pups from a mill
Huddle and shiver sitting so still
Tragically all off to market,to be brutally killed in the street
The handler doing a job I suppose
Not paid a lot and it just kind of shows
Thrown about madly, picked up by the ears
The yelping is heartfelt to hold back the tears
Is nigh on impossible for what you see
Is the treatment they get and its too much for meTossed into the air and kicked where they lay
They sit on the lids on a head in the way
You can hear the dogs howl as the cage hits their back
And their limbs very often you can hear them crack
This is, clearly, Hell for the Dogs of Korea
Lost in the maelstrom of absolute fear.
Doleful eyes stare out, and up into space
Hopeful perhaps for a gentle embrace
But its not going to happen they’ll be prodded about
And killed in a most savage method, no doubt
Each sits and watches as its friend is killed
Hears its dire bleating as its blood is spilled
How, must they feel all witnessing this
Its really behaviour and man’s so remiss
To subject any creature to abominable stress
With its spirit and emotions to obviously mess
In a second South Korea shows you the Hell
Its right in your face, the blood and he smell
and the cries, and the yelps and the curdling sound
That just seems to actually follow you around

Here in the UK, earthlings get a bad time
Behind the locked doors in the blood and the slime
But here in Pusan its out on the street
In the Dog markets and they’re not discreet
They skin them and quarter them and hang them high
or scald them to death, and then in oil fry
Its brutal, its vile, but then its Korea
Its not hidden away like it is over here.
And of course they eat Dogs and obviously cats
Probably snakes and even fruit bats
But they stay in their cages until someone buys
and then only then the animal dies
Here we eat cow, we eat pig, we eat lamb, we eat Rabbits and Duck and chicken and ram
baby calves, suckling pigs even evil foie gras
Pristine trays under lights where deceit is the star
The Death House is really as bad here as there
Canines or ungulates, assorted fayre

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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