
What’s wrong with Erdogan, I ask my self
would he be
So insensitive
to animals who ply
Street dogs many many
Put out by their owners
Lost souls in a way
This vile man cries murder
More of them each day

Living on the busy streets
So much strife around
Vehicles and massive noise
Sleeping on the ground
Fearful of the unknown
What seemingly must be
Hopelessness and desperation
Fighting to be free

Being so despairing
Inconsolable they
So much intimidation
Up against it everyday
The government
The ministers
Wanting you to die
Seeing you as nothing really
Underneath the sky

Employing men to come for you
Evil nasty acts
Whipping you and wanting you
How can any soul relax
The sight of vans and cages
The stench of human sin
Knowing so many of your friends
Have been killed or got so thin

No food around no water
Hunters after you
You can feel intrepid
But really what to do
With people being brutal
Catching you to try
And take you to the killing pound
And watch you when you die

Turkey, really ask yourselves
These animals have life
Put upon and aggravated
Their days caught up in strife
Government catchers after you
They come for you at night
They strangle you they bludgeon you
You have no chance to bite

These bastards paid by Erdogan
Who seemingly thinks he
Sees packs of dogs around the streets
He views them savagely
Wants to have them rounded up
And slaughtered for he feels
They are surplus to his perfect world
Which his evil just reveals.

Street dogs lonely angels
Lost in human places
Fighting every single hour
Myriad disgraces
ugly men with weaponry
In caged vans full of death
Imprison them and beat them up
And steal their purest breath

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal Rights, Dogs, Topical News Stories II, Turkey. Bookmark the permalink.

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