The chicken
millions suffering
bred with torture
scoundrel farmers
punks who should no better
who apply
offenders hardened criminals
Brutal everyone
they are shown no mercy
when the day is done
robbing Peter to pay Paul
That is every day
warped judgement
infringing on their rightx
Really It is no way
unjustified assumptions
insulting and scoffing they
get cynical and injurious
really its no way
to treat these beautiful creatures
they deserve respect
to have such a low opinion
these captors should be decked
shot at dawn
if you ask me
its aspersions all the way
Horrid vituperation
where the innocent always pay
karmic debt
frighteningly so
Disparaged and so villified
and hurt in every way
Chickens fed on goodness knows
their bodies cannot stand
everything is speeded up
Creation never fanned
the flames of these enterprises
Devious and vile
every chicken violated
as if they are on trial
Unversed in such evil
their innocence
On show
their callow naive bodies
so rapidly they grow
their legs cannot hold them
their breasts are very weak
they have been tortured
Beaks snipped wings trimmed
The tumult that we wreak
everyone a wicked deed
our misdoing too
really its arrestable
and shamefaced yes its true
we create their torment
And all of this all through
a true lack of contrition
Without remorse we do
offer no apologies
the chickens feel it too
how they suffer cramped up cages
dirty water filthy food
rotten stinking shit filled cages
Undisciplined and extremely crude
in contravention of decency
we commit the felony
we castigate so physically
Cause them stress beyond belief
many die before their time
suffering from all the brimstone
Thrown at them
in such a flood of evil smelling
awful slime