The last throes of existence
Bobbing up and down
Our last look at the bountiful sky
As the cove run red we drown
Before we are pithed and stolen
By their vile disgusting men
The foe the darkest enemy
We know the answer when
The light of course will leave us
Our babes already lost
Thrown back in the ocean like garbage
Really tossed
Without recourse to parents
For we are set to die
The cruelty of the Japanese
Really it is no lie
Our tears fall like the driving rain
Our hearts are broken wide
Soon torn a’sunder by their knives
All lost to wind and tide
TAIJI is a death camp
Where ferocity and rage
Where brutality and devilry
Is of course right off the page
Our deaths will be a loss of course
If we could only be
Able really to get away
And swim back to the sea
The sadness we all feel today
Knowing our babes will die
The curse they place on our babies heads
Brings the question why
A simple pod this morning we were
As happy as could be
Learning teaching mentoring
And all of this is key
And now we all are perishing
Our family tree is lost
And all because the fisherman
Are prepared to pay the cost
All our lives and our babies
So they can raise the heat
Now our flesh is loaded
With mercury our meat
Is sickening inside us
Fukushima too
Spreads its ugly vomit
and it’s all getting on you
Many of us are dying
Many of us we know
The radiation problem
Everyday does grow
The strontium and the cesium
And the plutonium as well
You humans call it plutonium
After the God of your hell
And it will be the death of you
Perhaps your children will
Suffer if we end up on their plates
If they eat us still
This will be your due reward
For the evil you do here
TAIJI is the most evil place
On Earth and that is clear