July! (you could have fooled me)

Fleeces, Pram’s that
look like bubble boxes
hats and scarves and
of course it is July
Flooding, it is cold
too cold to go out in
short sleeves
climate change
of course I do
ask why

the few days we
had blue skies
we saw
criss crossing our skies
we knew what they
were dropping oxides
messing with the
weather map
really that is what
they do all day

and down it comes
on we, the unsuspecting
the totally ignorant
and those who don’t care
many women young and old
are realising something’s wrong
as now a lot of them
are losing hair

its in the water
some say
its coming from the sky
thy’re mucking up the atmosphere
they really don’t know why
they’re testing various vaccines
and Bio agents too
its a vey worrying happening
and its falling down on you

its best when it is raining
to stay at home and let
the crap that falls in
raindrops yea its the best bet
it leaves marks on our
cars of course
but otherwise it seems
most don’t realise the implications
though there’s reams
of papers on the internet
again poo poo’d by those
who say its just a theory
which really only shows
its true
chem trails are up there
its all top secret
it doesn’t happen everywhere
but you’d have to be a nut
to imagine its not happening
orchestrated by
someone in authority
but my question is why?

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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