Slaving in this modern day
Man and donkey
What we see
In PakistanThe chakra wai Mountains
Kahar it’s a place now where
Men and donkeys lack of caution
Audaciously are all aware
10-12 rounds of fetching coal
Descending thousand feet into
these resilient creatures
Break their backs
With injuries anew
Vast amounts of honest courage
Despite the fear and dread and fright
All done with such trepidation
In what is so little light
For 10-11 hours humping coal
Men with shovels
donkeys too
Suffering a hopeless stint and journey
It is what they do
Really it’s the height of nonsense
Just bad taste and vulgarity
All sorts of injuries to take donkeys
Grossness and barbarity
Up to a ton of coal is carried
Heavy chafing bags they use
Wounding donkeys they come up bleeding
Sure enough saw they do abuse
The hideousness and graceless bruising
Disfigurement. Both night and day
Uninteresting and a boring nature
With painfulness along the way
Ulceration comes to most
Bleeding legs and bruised joints too
The suffering is really awful
Carrying the coal that’s due
Nonchalance and lack of care
Scuffs and scrapes the donkeys share
Repressive action hearts of stone
Bruises rampant broken bone
Mentally each hour it’s harder
Donkeys eager to provide
Heaps and heaps of dusty coal
And rotten feelings deep inside
Pakistani men bent double
Muscles aching every hour.
Monotony and callousness
Losing really so much power
Mental cases lots are suffering
Tougher days not one or two
The rocks and earth are steep and heavy
Doing what the miners do.