Ban bottom trawling
a wilful and culpable crime
one of total violation
forfeiting the time
irreverent behaviour
and scorn
despicable and paltry
unfaithful to the core
unethical and immoral
its become and all out war
Suspected blamed and censured
sinners those who do
fish without compunction
conscienceless its true
its outlawry
and unwarrantable
its criminal I’d say
Only the wicked would do it
for its vulgar anyway
it challenges all honesty
its offhand and its wrong
its injurious and harmful
and it just does not belong
in our or precious oceans
its ugliness devours
Causing indignation
right across the bows
a virulence and
in poor taste one can say
So frightful and repellent
in its ill proportioned way.
destruction of habitat a waste of species
dullards dragging the sea bed killing everything in sight