The Chinese are ancient race
how is it they are fooled
by the BLack market gangsters
who seemingly have ruled
their roost,
why is it ? they are patsies
swindled in a way
rhino horn is KERATIN
our finger nails today
apparently traditional medicine
Has seemingly got it wrong
and is allowing rotten poachers
to sing their merry song
murdering the Rhinocerus
Africa cries out
more and more are dying
when there isn’t any doubt
the poachers have been duping
the Chinese for some time
they are really the lowest of low
no better than pond slime
i hear the Rhinos screaming
as machetes tear away
often in front of their babies
they bleed and sadly sway
suffering lamentably
for what
there is no cure
For the Chinese to be duped
its all kidology today
sophistry an illusion
the poachers get their way
killing always killing
the buyers mockery
the animals and Africa
ought now to be free