It happened in Pembrokeshire
Attested and rotten beyond
Any imaginary circumstance
It was good someone did respond
To the unbelievable cruelty
Going on all around this place
Unlicensed breeding of dogs
Up for Sale
Welfare and keeping alas
unsanitary conditions
Just everywhere
And animals starving on masse
53 pigs80sheep58 dogs
20 horses and one donkey were found
Living in squalor all, over the ground
Was faeces and urine filth everywhere
No bedding provided
Massive despair
A horse with a pipe stuck in its hoof
Limping and shelling
Really aloof with the pain and the suffering
2 puppies dead and 8 other in a bowl
And none of them fed
Is filthy condition emaciated and wet
Inadequate spaces
All this was said with grief and such sadness
The animals they
Were in a terrible condition
And more so each day
An unlicensed slaughterhouse
Meagre and sparse
The floor soaked with water and blood
There was no class
It was terrible
A herd of pigs in there
Eating away
At remnants of killed souls
So much dismay
Good hygiene dreadful
Sheep some alive some dying some dead
Wanting to survive
In what was a hell hole
Of blood ,lust and pain
They were smoking the sheep
To a ghastly refrain
Smokies were making
West African food
Out of the carcasses
Ill did exude
they had been convicted before
So we hear
So learned nothing from that case
So it would appear
Mortality must have been high
You could see
Necrosis and decay
It was hell actually
Blood letting butchering
So much bloodshed
Animals sickly and watching the dead
inadequate inspections
How long had this been
Really so awful
Obnoxious obscene
Deterioration flies everywhere
Cross contamination
And no one aware