From the neolithic period
Hunter gathers realised
There was no milage in the
Hunting scheme of things
Surprise surprise!
They Decided though it was thought to be
Much harder to grow food
That became the order of their day
However crude
Rednecks throwbacks lesser men
Are the hunter tribe today
Clearly they were not man enough
they lost it so to say
They had agrigculture
And supermarkets too
And Despite the rarity of animals
Killed them YES Its true
They were bored with gardening
And office work so they
Decided to go pre neolithic
And kill again and play
Get a 4x 4 and all the hunting gear
And go back out and kill
Just for their own sake
Of watching a sweet animal grazing peacefully
And blow the soul Way
A piece of cake!
It was considered a very selfish pastime
Though in the past it was just so they
Could eat
Not call it sport or trophy hunting
Or worse still now canned hunting
But go out killing animals for meat
This ended at about 5000 years
So in a nutshell hunting people they
Are far behind the times and lack the foresight
They are really laggards in a way
And of course the parasites are all over them
Gun makers and bow makers and more
Apparel boots and god knows what
Are after them safari clubs the men
Of war and gore
Clearly men of many years before them
Before the warring types got wind and came
They understood the future was agricultural
Not murdering animals and then calling them game
There is no game no sport no bloody pastime
In shooting fishing murdering wild life
These animals are wild and belong to everyone
Nobody has any right to cause them strife
No authority nor corporate can license folk to kill
All these bloody james bond wallers think its right
To spill
The blood of prey and predator just because they are there
They are there to create a balance for all of us to share
To watch, to photograph,to draw, to paint,and just to see
Each creates the environment where all of us can be
Hunters trappers exterminators are unwanted fools
And should go and hunt each other or drown themselves in pools
Neolithic men the kind who killed dinosaurs with an axe
Had plenty of grey matter todays hunters can’t relax
Working in their offices and hunting at weekends
They should be helping around the house not killing all our friends
And upsetting the apple cart destroying habitats
Murdering the wild folk of the field, wearing the hats
Of canned hunting and trophy hunting of endanged species who
Are fighting hard to manage without maniacs like you
The miserable murdering maniacs
Ideas got from the history of 5000 years ago
And we imagine we have advanced since then