I am Tomi a bear
An Albanian bear
i lived in the mountains
I was so aware
North of Tirana
Immortal was I
I could sit I could stand
And look up at the sky
Nothing to worry me
The mountains were mine
I loved getting wet
And when the sun did shine
I loved the spring water
The trees and the flowers
Where I used to be
I would lie there for hours
Then one day it happened
I was darted and I
Was taken to a restaurant
And there I did lie
Being watched by the patrons
I, the novelty
In isolation
And so far from free
They fed me on crisps
On ale and on sweets
Sometimes on nothing
So I got no treats
Just an empty stomach
And conflict for me
Thats when I realised
I might never walk free
It was monotonous
Everyday different people
Of course but they say
Almost the same thing
Nothing to do
Terrible food
Sticky with goo
Or salty the crisps
That caught in my throat
Some gave me chewing gum
Nothing of note
It stuck in my fur
It just made me mad
To be a novelty
Its truly sad
With no exercise
And terrible food
I had all sorts of pains
And just to be viewed
Well you just need to hide
You dont want to see
All those sick eyeballs
Staring at thee
And when they are eating
The hunger it grows
The juices start running
We have a good nose
You can so smell the food
But you have nothing to eat
It gnaws at your soul
And you feel incomplete
All that salt makes you dry
But with nothing to drink
No stream to go to
No where to think
Suffering so
Watching humans indulge
Smelling the smells
And watching them bulge
Then one day they came for me
It was four paws
Thanks to the MAil
That started my cause
I was then rescued and taken away
And am now in a sanctuary
Where I can stay
Somewhere in Kosovo
It is sublime
Trees I can rub myself on
To pass time
Out in the open
Its lovely to be
Tasting the air snd the
Flowers that grow free
There are lots of other bears
Chained up somewhere
Like me feeling really so much despair
But I was a lucky bear
Thanks to four paws
And the daily mail
Who talked up the cause