Asda’s really going through the mangle
Their chickens seemingly bunged up with stuff
Campylobacter seems to want to get amongst them
80per cent of them that’s really tough
Cooped up in those massive sheds is something
Living in their own shit day on day
A concentrated animal feeding operation station
Where nothing’s left to chance along the way
It’s all about the filth they have to live with
Crowded into these vile sheds of woe
This is no life for creative beings
To imagine in such shit they have to grow
It’s all about production growing bigger breasts
Bigger thighs and no surprise faster every day
Chipping days off lives to get more margin
Come what may
And bugs like massive immobile armies stuck
In concentration lots
This is why the human scoffers trust this bunch of snots
And buy into this jungle this ugly dirty place
Where every unnatural going on, is going on a pace
The brain child of the corporation the Fat cats at the board
Saving pennies with dirty water and light they can’t afford
Dosing them up with chemicals and antibiotics too
Compromising our immune systems that is what they do
It’s destruction of our digestions our ability to draw
The nutrients from the food we eat it’s a sort of mini war
We are having with our hormonal side and sadly we will lose
Poisoning is a result and feeling the blues
There is a wealth of violence within this sweaty brood
This army of reluctance living in the crude
Strong arm tactics all about from labourers in the field
Who know nothing about loving but everything of yield
It’s turmoil on the chicken floor it’s turbulent all day
They lash out at each other in a maddening chicken way
Cause horrible infected lesions and maggots to come crawl
And this is what you are eating it is a horrid haul
Living on the edge they are going out of their mind
Squabbling and fighting trying to unwind
There is no equilibrium no stability
It’s an ugly man made environment
Of domesticity
Leading to depression and suppression of the raw
With many getting rattled all trying to score
Their universe don’t matter it’s a maelstrom from the bowel
Where the gruesome and the clotted congeal and all
Smell foul
And we go in and buy those birds rotting in the shop
In that lousy packaging nobody will see some bugs on the outside
And now on your clean hands too
Suffering the next steps bouts of bloody diarrhoea
A guts ache you will not forget a sickness that you feel
Possibly you might soon die
That really is how you feel as in your bed you lie
Was it worth the saving going there to buy
Wouldn’t it had been better if you bought it
Fresh and dry
From an independent and caring smaller shop
Who worked with small businesses
Probably the top
Local firms now operating not these massive stores
Who simply don’t have the control and create these mini wars
Who have the weight of all these birds to control
And do it to
Or those customers who take it off
And puke a lot they do
Be vegan it’s much better
These animals get so pained
Shitting through a small eye of a needle
It’s all strained
These poor poor souls so tortured
So broken by it all
This is mercy killing
Off the gantry wall
A massive assassination
A slaughter through and through
And it’s all done in their faces
All within their view
The dear the fright the horror
As blades tear through their throats
And blood spurts every which way
Their life goes off in spurts
Some get through the revolving blades
And get another shock
Torn apart whilst they are alive
Imagine that the flock
Remembering the good old days
When pecking in the field
Snails and slugs and fallen apples
Building up the yield
Now it’s piss and waddle excrement and straw
Now it
Its hell on earth for them
Like it never was before