Mother Nature is fighting back and trying to hurt the slaughterhouse corporations

There’s bodies fucking everywhere

and porcine diarrhea

more than 100,000 a week

and all dead  shed a tear


the pork

Industry shudders

as virus plagues the states

you have to ask why

all these bloody farrowing

tiny ugly torture in those crates


sows remember dwelling in those forests

stuck in some crate and not allowed to turn

and you wonder why they are having all this virus

do you wonder its the slaughterhouse that should burn

devastatingly vile its Mother Nature

giving a bit back to those

who take her precious charges

and give then awful grievance

so she ensures the bloody problem grows


and then they bury them in the ground

often not dug deep

and all these sickly animals

show and we all reap

the sickness sadness suffering

that they all went through

Do you

fancy dying of the shits

what away to pay


the maker for life given

and tortured every day

fed on shit and sugar

and crated up away

these poor souls should be out there

in the forest thats their home

some where where vast trees spread roots

its there they like to roam


but man the bloody ignorant

money grabbing sods

lock them up in filthy sheds

and then pray to their gods

walking around with crosses on

and caring not for those

who give them the money to buy their lives

and now of course it shows


the shit is bloody everywhere

the virus follows suit

the pigs are treated as if its hell

no where  can they root

they cannot even turn a round

they are kicked and slapped about

stressed out shitting everywhere

and even if they try to sit they get a fucking clout


no wonder mother nature

steps in and says  NO

you human beings  are a bunch of crap

and the universe does know

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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