
Last year 30,000 Elephants
were killed
that’s an enormous debt they paid
and in fact that their blood was spilled
because creation gave them
tusks and man unkind
believed them to be valuable
and with his sadistic mind
he tortured and he slaughtered
the largest soul on land
the Chinese are the culprits
which most do understand

the vile demand is serving
criminals as well
as terrorists and other groups
all marching into Hell
many think there’s worse to come
as the markets realise
the product is becoming rarer
as the market itself dies

more and more are waking up
to the Elephants surprise
and realizing soon at this rate
we are witnessing their demise
the biggest living land animals
that walk on Planet earth
apparently its inevitable
because of ivory’s worth

that Elephants cannot exist
and so we need to be
aware that there are groups out there
who enjoy the killing spree
America on the 14th Of November
crushed 6 tonnes of the ivory
and they
sent a message out across the
illegal world that if
they were caught then that would be
a day

that they would find their freedom
lost forever
life imprisonment could be
their future, and
that could be the deterrent
that we’re after
that spells out something and a guarantee
that they will walk the land
whilst criminality
will be holed up in side
for evermore
that’s enough to put the wind up
any you would think
its worth the gamble
of that I am pretty sure

The elephants have got to somehow get through
The market for new Ivory must be
shot away and ended and defended
this could be the end for history
they are a valuable resource
and need protecting
endangered species anybody found
killing them might also
be killed that’s a another reason
why less of them are likely to be around

Its a shame we come to this
within our lifetimes
with endangered species but we have to see
people who have no qualms about killing
anything that walks it seems to me
these trolls do lack compassion
they are psychopaths
paid assassins whose minds
are shot away
when a few get sentenced
and they realise
they are going to be now locked away

I think that may just
tell them we mean business
and poachers too who enter the affray
and that includes the hunters and the trophy hunters too
they will never ever see the light
of day

threats of this kind work and if it happens
then the message comes through loud and clear
possibly the elephants might get a new lease of life
and hopefully will then always be here

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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