Rudolf Steiner’s Guy Fawkes Celebration

from darkness
came a ring of fire
a vast cacophony
for hire
built of wood and branches high
with fingers reaching to the sky
powerfully it stood its ground
until torch bearers came around
igniting kindling with a sweep
and a flourish we all watched
it creep
along the edges
powered by air
the oxygen how it does share
its tumultuous a conflagration
which showed us all its determination
and music of many base bassoon’s
fluttering diadems
moving tunes
filled the air
and helped the fire
to lick and leap
even higher
what energy the wind embraced
great showers of sparks
further chased
some of across into a cloud
enveloped by a smoke filled shroud

then the pyrotechnics started
clearly not for the faint hearted
a kaleidscope of such refrain
eye popping patterns were our gain
flourishes of bronze and blue
colours really of every hue
stars and jewels and angels sighs
explosive bombshells to realise
what we took on board tonight
was nothing less than sheer delight

such quality such thought we saw
the organization clearly a store
of expertise was there on show
which honestly did grow and grow
each flourish took my breath away
the combinations in the display
were wonderful and unprecedented
as I sit here writing I feel contented
recalling fondly the wealth I saw
the wizardry no one could ignore

to the Steiner school I want to say
thankyou for what you did today
brought back such memories
and your display
made me feel happy in every way

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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